Pretty clearance

By Mir
April 25, 2010

Amazon is having a big clearance on pretty shoes, right now, and really, you’ve been so good lately….

(Enabler? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Here, the first hit’s free. Everybody’s doing it.)


  1. Are you drunk? Sadly, my husband is the shoe freak. That man can smell out a Rockport bargain. He got about 7 pair for $13.00 one time. My closet is alas full of his shoes. I just wear Fitflops with everything and feel so ungirly when other women gush over shoes.

  2. Don’t feel bad, Juli. I live in sneakers. I didn’t realize this wasn’t normal until I was at the playground with a friend. She pointed out to me that I was the only woman in footwear appropriate for racing around the merry-go-round, which I was gleefully doing at the time…

  3. Mmmm shoes.

Bargain Hunt





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