Moms like to do Mom things

By Mir
April 29, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I love how there are “standard” Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts, even in our so-called modern age. Like, every dad must want a tie (even though the number of men who still have to wear a tie to work every day is ever-dwindling)! And every mom must like to drink tea and garden!

It’s ridiculous, but on the other hand, it’s kind of amusing. Especially if you’re the kind of mom who likes to drink tea and garden. (So sue me.)

I think today’s assortment of Target Daily Deals are meant to get you thinking about Mother’s Day, and despite the tired stereotype, yes, that tea set is pretty cool, and I have one of those indoor gardening totes (though mine is not shocking pink like that one) and it’s pretty handy. They’re surely not right for every mom, but the prices are hard to beat.

I’m also considering that duvet cover, though I’m not sure what sort of mom that makes me. One who likes to sleep…?

(Don’t forget to use this link to activate your extra $5 off $50+ coupon if you need it!)


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