Saturday deals

By Mir
May 29, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Goooood morning! Here’s hoping your weekend has started off on a good note. Know what is not a great note? When you go camping and there’s a big storm and it turns out that your dog is afraid of storms. Haha! Joke’s on us. Ahem. Please pass the coffee. Then you go shopping while I catch a nap, mmkay?

Maybe it’s because I’m sleepy, but I can’t stop laughing at today’s Target Daily Deals. They have a tiki tissue box cover that makes it look like the tissues are coming out the face’s nose. Yes, I’m a 10-year-old boy in real life. I’m sorry.

Get deals at today on everything from Skechers to Betseyville.

The Memorial Day Sale is on at Macy’s, with specials for the weekend and free shipping on $99+.

The Amazon Gold Box appears to be audio-themed today, which means they have speakers and stuff that confuse me, but make my husband go “Ooooh.” So, um, maybe that’s good?

Clearly I need more coffee. Much, much more coffee….


  1. I thought that tissue box was hysterical so I showed it to my actual 10 year old boy. He was not impressed.

  2. Can’t breathe. Tears. That tissue box is so funny! We’ve bought two. We’re shipping one to a friend who will hopefully still speak to us afterwards.

  3. O Wantnot, I cannot thank you enough for turning me on to the wonder of, from whence some shoes are currently en route to us that my son canNOT stop talking about with excited anticipation. And they were less than $30. Alleluia!

    Now I have to check out this tiki tissue thing. Maybe it will make said son want to use a tissue to blow his nose.

  4. I’ve owned that tissue box for a number of years now. My husband and I think it is hysterical. Tip — if the tissue box has plastic that the tissues slide up from, remove it before inserting the box into the Tiki holder.

  5. My doctor’s office has these tissue holders in each of the exam rooms. Love them!

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