More Wii contest wonderfulness

By Mir
June 1, 2010
Category Contests

That darn holiday weekend—getting in the way of dealing with the Riiflex contest from last week! Hmph.

I did not forget you, my pretties. I’ve got your winner right here. The random number generator took a look at all 250+ entries and scoffed, and then promptly spit out number 9 as our lucky winner. That’s Alexa—congratulations, Alexa! Please check your email!

Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks to the awesome folks at Riiflex for the product donation. They wanted me to let you know that they’ve just dropped the price of these amazing little babies at Amazon (go to “available from these sellers” and you’ll see the option to buy from “riidistribution”).

Alright; onward! This week I have more Wii fun for you, and this time it’s of the batter up variety. Atari recently released Backyard Sports: Sandlot Sluggers, bringing an awesome baseball experience right into your living room. I’ve got three copies of the Wii game to give away, so that’s what I’m going to do.

Want to win one? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, June 3rd, 2010 to be entered. Winners to be determined by random number generator and batting average. Many will enter, three will win. And I will still pitch like a girl.

Ready? Go!


  1. Woo-hoo! I’m #1

  2. I need this!

  3. I’m number 2! Feeling lucky, I tell you.

  4. I need this for a rainy afternoon (like yesterday)

  5. This would be so cool! And silly as it sounds, I still feel the need to go review your contest rules every time I enter. Something on my shoulder always whispers, “She will know!”

  6. My boy would love this!

  7. My kids would consider me “Super Mom” :p

  8. yes, please!

  9. That sounds like fun!! 🙂

  10. It would be so cool to win this

  11. We love to Wii!

  12. Ooooh, pretty, pretty MIr! Pick me! Pick me!!

  13. This would rock! I don’t have a current average, but in high school, I played a tournament softball game with a broken foot. I had six hits but couldn’t hop to first base quickly enough… Thanks for the chance!

  14. Home run! Thanks, Pretty Pretty Mir.

  15. this would be great!

  16. I would have fun with this!

  17. My kids would enjoy this, count me in!

  18. Thank you!

  19. Good one

  20. My little sluggers would love this!

  21. I would love this! thanks Mir!

  22. My younger daughter would just love this!

  23. Ummm…batting average? Did you mean baseball :)? Can that be a negative number??

  24. We are always up for Wii baseball games!

  25. Cool… we don’t have a baseball game yet!

  26. Put me in coach!

  27. And I THROW like a girl…funny, ‘cuz I am a girl. Go figure???

  28. My girls would love this!

  29. My husband and son would LOVE this. And if it keeps those two goons out of my hair, all the better.

  30. The grandboys are in baseball right now. This would be great.

  31. This sounds like a fun game! Count me in!

  32. would love to win

  33. Would love this… In softball I’m about .500. 🙂

  34. This would be so cool to have.

  35. Fun! Thank you.

  36. My 9 year old son was just talking about this game!

  37. Accepting the pitch is another girl that would like to win a home run!

  38. Me, please!

  39. My gift closet would LOVE that!

  40. Pffft. What batting average? I would really like this so I can get a batting average.

  41. This would be great for us and our 3 boys! 🙂

  42. I would love it!

  43. yes yes and yes!

  44. My boy has baseball fever which makes this perfect for us!!!

  45. I’m going to say my kids would love this…if I give them a turn!

  46. Wheeee! Wii!

  47. Ooohh – my hubs just discovered that you could play other games and this would be an awesome add (don’t judge – I was glad he didn’t realize you could play other games – totally cheaper that way)

  48. With 3 boys and a long hot summer break ahead of me? I need lots of activities to keep them occupied! Thanks for another great contest Mir! 🙂

  49. And it’s one, two, three strikes your out…..If I win I would be the favorite Aunt!!

  50. I hope I win!

  51. I’d love one!

  52. Sounds like a great prize.

    Thanks, Mir!

  53. My son (only 3) already loves the wii baseball options we have so this would be great!

  54. sweet

  55. Take me out to the ballgame…please! 😉 Thank you!

  56. Oh my! Yes, please!

  57. This would be perfect fun for the kids!

  58. Me. Pick Me!!!

  59. My turn yet?

  60. sounds great, thanks!

  61. lucky #61

  62. Ditto on the not having a batting average…My six year old will be better than me by next summer! The boys would love this for the rainy days this summer when they can’t be out doing the real thing!

  63. Love Wii and must stop playing Mariocart….

  64. Sounds fun!

  65. If the random number generator is choosing by who most *needs* to improve their batting average, then I will certainly win!

  66. Woo hoo! I’m number 66!

  67. I have a batting average of zero since IRL the ball is most likely to knock me in the skull. Wii games are much safer!

  68. Super!

  69. My kids would love this!

  70. Pitching like a girl isn’t a bad thing!

  71. With a cherry on top!

  72. Awesome! Games like this are how my husband and son play “catch” together. They would love this.

  73. Sounds cool!

  74. I guess this would be one way to get my kids to play baseball!

  75. This sounds like a good prize!

  76. Fabulous contest!!

  77. New game, just in time for summer? Count me in!

  78. Its storming here and we are stuck inside, pick us!

  79. would love this!!

  80. Thanks pretty Mir!

  81. my aspiring softball star sister would love this!

  82. Perfect to keep my kids entertained when I am losing my mind this summer.

  83. A great gift for my husband’s family!

  84. My baseball fanatic would love this!

  85. This would be a great birthday gift for my daughter! And I’m sure my husband will love it too. 😉

  86. I have secretly wanted one of these for a long time!

  87. That would be a great gift!

  88. Totally entering this one. *ENTER*

  89. Let’s play!

  90. Awesome!

  91. We’d love this! DS is just getting into baseball!

  92. love to win this ~

  93. My son would love this!!! Plus, he has a birthday coming up at the end of the month… please be kind, O Great Generator of Numbers!

  94. Please! Number generator please pick me!

  95. You are so pretty!!

  96. We would love this! Thank you

  97. Wow! Batter Up!

  98. Take me out to the ball game….PLEASE!

  99. Batter, batter, batter . . . . SWING!!! My boys would LOVE this!!

  100. Sounds fun!

  101. I’ve got 3 boys – I think we’d get plenty of use out of this game! 🙂

  102. better then letting the 2 and 4 year old have a “real” bat. good times!

  103. I am not that into baseball but all the kiddies would love it!

  104. me, please?

  105. Is it my lucky day???

  106. ooo sounds like fun!!

  107. sounds like a winner.

  108. we’re big fans – pick me!

  109. My husband says I usually bat 1000. I’m not sure if that’s good or not 🙂

  110. Maybe I’ll suck less at this than regular baseball!

  111. i once struck out twice. . . in the same inning.

  112. Pick me, please!

  113. This would be awesome! Thanks!

  114. We are having a garage sale in July and are hoping to use the money we make to buy a Wii. This would be a great addition and surprise for my son!

  115. would love to win it

  116. This would be GREAT!!

  117. My 6yo will love this game! I’m adding it to my list if we don’t win it.
    Thanks, Mir.

  118. I could still be a hero at our house bringing this game home!

  119. Wiiiii!

  120. Pick meeeee!!!

  121. Thank you!

  122. Baseball season is ending here the week, and my kids are going to go through withdrawal–they’d LOVE it if you’d pick us!

  123. This would be a great game for rainy summer days! Thanks!

  124. Count me in! (And go Sox!)

    Thanks, Mir!

  125. Wii would like to play

  126. sounds like fun, count me in, thanks!

  127. This would be a great Father’s Day gift!!

  128. Great prize!

  129. Yep, this sounds really cool!

  130. I’ll probably strike out but please put me in for this one.

  131. Oh, this would be an awesome summer gift! My oldest has been looking for this as it is! How great if I could have this for them when they get home from their dad’s house!

  132. My kids would love this! In fact, they both start t-ball and softball next week!

  133. Baseball indoors where it’s cool – my kind of baseball!

  134. Cool! My son would love this–thanks!

  135. sounds fun!

  136. I’ve always wanted a Wii! Thanks!

  137. A new Wii game to whip out this summer when they are whining “I’m booored!” would be awesome!!!

  138. My family would love this!!

  139. My baseball coach husband would LOVE this for Father’s Day!

  140. Ohhhhhh… now that I’ve almost got the Wii hooked up (yes, technically challenged is putting it mildly!), I would love to add to my frustration by adding more games! Me please!

  141. Yes, please! My hubbie’s birthday is coming up and he would enjoy a new game!

  142. Sounds like great fun! Would love to win.

  143. Come on random number generator – pick me!

  144. My boys are addicted to the Wii, I hope we win!!!

  145. We would love to win this. Thanks:)

  146. We would love this!

  147. this would be a perfect gift for my nephew!

  148. My kids would love this game!

  149. Sounds like so much fun!

  150. Oh I hope this is my lucky number

  151. I pitch like a girl too!

  152. I love the theme music of Backyard Baseball – I can hear it in my sleep sometimes!

  153. I pitch like a girl and I’m proud of it!

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