Still in the magical (ha!) bottom-wiping phase of parenting? I had one kid I could clean off with industrial paper towels, no problem (um, not that I would’ve actually done that), and one kid who had to have Pampers wipes or would break out in a rash. Ah, memories!
Anyway, if you like Pampers wipes, here’s a deal for you: Amazon has 720 baby wipes marked down to $21. Use coupon code PMPLUVJN for 15% off, then order via Subscribe and Save for another 15% off and free shipping. The end result? 720 wipes to your door for $14.69, or about 2 cents per wipe. Crazy.
And may all your bottoms be… ummm… clean and happy. Heh.
GOT ‘EM! Thanks so much – I am always on the lookout for deals on these wipes!
Thanks–just ordered them.
Fantastic Mir! Thanks a bunch 🙂
Love you! Two in diapers – one of whom is always three. If the three year old isn’t off diapers by the end of the summer I’ve decided to resort to M&M bribes (which I always swore I’d never do). The “adult sized poops” are starting to chip away at my sanity.