Ignore the terrible commercials

By Mir
June 21, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Okay, I am going to reserve comment on the terrible commercials that Charmin seems to always be running on TV, except to say this: I do not want to think about cartoon bears with TP stuck on their rear ends, Charmin. Seriously.

Their weirdo marketing aside, I can appreciate that they make a decent product. Ahem. Anyway, right now Amazon has a 4-pack of nine ultra-soft rolls available for just $16.99 shipped when you buy via Subscribe & Save. That’s well under $.50/roll, which is cheaper than the stuff that will make you wish you’d spent a little more (if you know what I mean, and I think you do).

Even better, don’t forget to check your grocery coupons—I had one in there for another quarter off a Charmin product, and every little bit helps, right? (Refresh the page if you don’t see the coupon you want; they change, sometimes.)

Now, quit your giggling. We can be mature adults about this toilet paper thing. Maybe.


  1. Wow, I’m glad that this has the frustration free packaging. Lol.

  2. If you ever find a deal for any of the recycled paper toilet papers, I’m in. It’s all we use.

  3. I just had a conversation with my husband last night about Charmin and their ad campaign with the bears. These have always squicked me out. But this latest one with the tp stuck to the bear’s bare butt? Um…no. Just no.

  4. Every time I see it I wonder who came up with the genius marketing campaign – NOT!

  5. I personally LOVE Charmin – I am recently divorced – and although this had NOTHING to do with our divorce – my husband was an Angel Soft man all the way. I bought Angel Soft for 4 years for my home and bought Charmin for work so I could still have my fave! 🙂

    A week after he moved out – I donated what was left of the gigantoid box of Angel Soft we had to a local charity – and went out and bought myself some Charmin!!

    Great deal – and I will be needing some in next few weeks. Definitely looking into it!

    Thanks for the tip!

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