Another shot at penguins

By Mir
June 22, 2010

I know I’ve posted this one a couple of times before, but if you missed it, or only just now decided that yes, you need an elite penguin force in the palm of your hands, here you go: Amazon currently has Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force Collector’s Edition for the Nintendo DS available for just $10!

Get it for a rainy day this summer. Get it for the gift closet. Get it because a whole bunch of suckers paid $35 for it last year, and revenge is sweet. I don’t care why you get it, only that you get the great deal you deserve.


  1. Two things… first, if you have multiple kids, you need multiple games. Apparently they earn things etc, and another kid will mess up the game. Ask me how I know. Second, I ordered two for my remaining DS playing kids and I apparently had a promotional credit and got them for FREE!!! Woo Hoo!

  2. Is this fun even if you don’t have an account with the online game? Can’t tell from the reviews.

  3. Got it for my two boys last time you posted. Gave it to them at the beginning of a 6 hour road trip, never heard from them until we pulled into my grandparent’s driveway… ok, slight exaggeration but not by much! Totally worth the $22 I paid! Oh and the looks on their faces when we got home and uploaded all the coins they earned to their online account, priceless! 🙂 Thanks Mir!

  4. Glad to hear that, Sagey. I ordered this last time it was cheap, and I’m saving it for thursday’s 6 hour road trip!

  5. I had the credit too so I got it free too! Sweet 🙂

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