No little gray mousies here

By Mir
June 28, 2010
Category Contests

My computer is a laptop, but as often as possible I work at my desktop setup where I have a separate monitor, keyboard, and mouse. This is because I’m old and prone to carpal tunnel, and I’m very sensitive about my mice. Like, I will try mouse after mouse at the store, and reject the ones that don’t feel right because my wrists (if not the rest of me) are lovely and delicate. Ahem.

That said, until recently my mouse was a boring gray thing that felt great, but looked incredibly boring.

Now, however, I have a mouse that not only works great and keeps my wrist happy, it’s pretty, too! The nice folks at Logitech sent me a Logitech M310 wireless mouse in “red tendrils,” and now my desktop looks a lot fancier. This is one of the offerings in their new Logitech Fantasy Collection, which is a more dignified way of say “Oooooh, pretty!” It’s the Logitech dependability you love, with pretty new exteriors to boost your computer’s self esteem. (I may be reaching just a little, but only a little.)

Lucky for you, it turns out that Logitech sent one mouse for me, and one mouse for you! Want to win it? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, July 1st, 2010 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number generation and fanciness. (Oh, you’re fancy. I can tell.)

Ready? Go!


  1. Oooh…very pretty!

  2. Is it just me or does “tendrills” look at a side glance like “entrails”? Yeah I thought so… Still though even with the easily messed up name it is a sweet looking mouse!

  3. Ohh, I want a fancy mouse!

  4. Would love one!!!!

  5. Oooh – I want a fancy mouse to go with my laptop that is seriously lacking in even a gray boring one

  6. I want a new mouse. I don’t have a wireless one and I think it would be great!

  7. Sounds neat!

  8. Yes, very pretty. I would love to win one!

  9. Oh, I have a wireless set, but my mom would love this!

  10. Oooh… pretty mice! And Logitech makes some of the best ones out there!

  11. Pretty! I hate my mouse now, so a “feel good” one would be great!

  12. I need a new laptop mouse.

  13. well, isn’t that snazzy??

  14. I go through mice like nobody’s business.

  15. so very p r r r e t t y!! would love one please!

  16. Ooh, it’s so pretty! And yup, I’m fancy. Fer sure.

  17. Oooh, v. nice!!!

  18. Nice!

  19. Very nice! I need a new mouse for my computer!

  20. I am very fancy! Okay, I’m not fancy, but I would like to be.

  21. That is pretty! And why not?

  22. Pretty. Sign me up!

  23. ooohhh pretty mousie

  24. Pretty! 🙂

  25. Very cool! Would love to try one.

  26. Pretty pretty!

  27. Just as pretty as YOU!

  28. I desperately need a new mouse here at work and they won’t buy one for me! Please pick me! LOL

  29. I don’t know if our computer is worthy, but it would jazz things up!

  30. OMG…so pretty!!

  31. What fun!

  32. Oh please pick me! I’m currently using a wired mouse with my laptop. I suck!

  33. Neat-o! That would be cool for school.

  34. Sadly, I did actually look at the mice (mouses?) and say, “Ooh, pretty!”

  35. oooh, new mouse! love it!

  36. would love a new mouse!!

  37. Count me in! Thanks Mir

  38. Thanks!

  39. um…yes, please!!

  40. Oh FUN! I need one of those!

    Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

  41. Thank you!

  42. It’s the only mouse I’d want in my house

  43. Oh, me! me! pick me! 🙂

  44. Oh my gosh. I can’t stand the mouse “pad” on our laptop. This would be lovely!!

  45. Pretty!

  46. Ooo, that IS pretty and I aspire to be fancy.

  47. My mouse died. I would love a nifty new one!

  48. Oooh. I love these.

  49. Me likey!

  50. I would love one!

  51. It’s time for me to get with the times. Wireless mouse? Yes, please!

  52. My wrists are delicate things too. I would love a mouse like that.

  53. My sad little mouse is black. I really could use some fancy! thanks for the chance!

  54. Cool mouse. I wanna win!!!

  55. My cats asked me to win a mouse for them.

  56. Pick me!!

  57. My 7 yr old would be so jealous if my mouse was fancier than hers! (I would probably trade with her if she didn’t whine!) 🙂

  58. Ooooh, fancy! Way better looking than the mouse I found in my oven….bleh!

  59. Red is my favorite color!

  60. OK, I’ll go and work at the old Mac upstairs if I can have a pretty new mouse for it. It will make my husband very happy to not have to share the current workspace anymore. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. New mice are nice. My old mouse double clicks everything which is not a nice mouse.

  62. Me, me, me! I need something cool to motivate me to work.

  63. Pretty! I like!

  64. I could use a fancy mouse.

  65. Cool. I want one.

  66. My son has a netbook and a similar set-up. His favorite color just happens to be red and he’d like the ‘entrails’ look 😉

  67. I could use a cool, fancy, dependable mouse (as opposed to the other kind …… that are in my garage) ;o

  68. I was just rubbing my achy wrist – too much mouse-ing today! I’d love to give this one a try!

  69. woo-hoo mouse!

  70. That is a cute mouse. Count me in please.

  71. That’s one snazzy mouse! Please pick me, oh random number generator!

  72. Very nice! Pick me please!

  73. I KNOW I LOVE fancy mice. Wowser. Pick me.

  74. I would LOVE this!!

  75. That’s the kinda mice I like to see! Pick me please.

  76. one minute ago, i didn’t know such a thing existed. now, i HAVE to have one!

  77. I like pretty. Count me in!

  78. I’d love one! Thanks Mir!

  79. That’s pretty, and it would match my red laptop! (as would that awesome stripey one…)

  80. I was JUST looking at that very same mouse on Amazon! I’m desperate for a wireless mouse that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. And that one is very, very pretty.

  81. Ooh, pretty!

  82. Would LOVE to win this!!

  83. Ooohh fancy! I like to pretend to be fancy! AND I need a new mouse! Sounds like a win-win to me 😀

  84. Please enter me!

  85. not fancy but love mice!

  86. I always see these great items as contest prizes and always think of the perfect person that would love it. I like the cheapo mouse all day long. The wireless seemed unreliable to me, but my brother-in-law would think it is groovy.

  87. EEEKKKK! I love it.

  88. I think it should be called tail-less. And is it really almost July!! Where did June go?

  89. Oh, I need a new mouse and would love to win this! Thanks.

  90. me please please

  91. yes, please!! looks great.

  92. Oooh, shiny! I accidentally broke my last mouse and have been living by touchpad (ew) ever since.

  93. It would be a tremendous improvement over the laptop’s touchpad! And pretty too!

  94. love it! Need a new one pretty please.

  95. ooooh…. i such a gadget girly. love pretty gadgets!

  96. My poor mouse is so… tired. Yes please!

  97. Red is my favorite color! Looks awesome. 🙂

  98. I would love to win!

  99. I would much rather have this mouse than the one that has been nibbling in my bread drawer this week – ew!

  100. I love fancy mice 🙂

  101. I need a cute mouse!

  102. My current mouse got laughed at awhile back because the guy “hadn’t seen one of those in ages”.

  103. Let me win, please let me win!

  104. Would love to win one of these.

  105. I need a new mouse and love Logitech mice.

  106. Here pretty pretty mousie…

  107. I’d love a new mouse!

  108. My PS/2 mouse is on its last legs. It would be wonderful to join the 21st century *and* have a replacement ready when it dies. Thanks!

  109. That’s an awfully pretty mouse!

  110. Very cute!

  111. Can’t go wrong with a Logitech mouse! Or keyboard either, for that matter.

  112. EXTREME cuteness! Just like you, Mir! 😉

  113. uber cool

  114. This would be great!

  115. Love Logitech!! Love the wireless! Love the red!! Come on, fancy number generator, I’m on a roll so make me a winner here…hehe

  116. This is the only kind of mouse I will let in my house…a computer mouse, that is! This one would be more than welcome to come!

  117. Oh, so pretty, and my favorite color too!

  118. a pretty red mouse to go w/my black laptop…how cool

  119. yeah these are the only ‘mouses’ I like

  120. Shiny!

  121. Whoa, I hope the one you’re giving away is the red one and that I get it, because that would match my office! (So would the peacock one, so don’t think I’m too picky. 😉 )

    jessica (formerly jess of takeflightwithinconsideratewings)

  122. Oooohhh. I love it!

  123. This mouse would look a lot prettier than the small furry one that keeps trying to sneak into my kitchen.

  124. Oh oh oh!! I wanna red mouse!!!!

  125. Cool, thanks Mir!

  126. I may not be fancy yet, but this mouse would help get me there.

  127. I get so tired of the same old mouse! Thanks for this opportunity.

  128. As my daughter would say, those are really spiffy! AKA pretty, shiny, really gorgeous!

  129. I would love a fancy new mouse!

  130. Cool mousie! WANT.

  131. The only mouse I want in my house. I hope I win!

  132. My desktop is a sad, old thing now that I’ve got my shiny new laptop. This mouse would be just the thing to spruce it up!

  133. Wow, it just so happens I need a new mouse. This would be wonderful.

  134. A new mousie!!!

  135. Oh what a cute mousie you are.

  136. That’s a pretty mouse!

  137. I need a new mouse and I love Logitech!

  138. nice!

  139. Oh, I definitely need a fancy new rodent for my office.

  140. That might be the coolest mouse I’ve ever seen!

  141. Fancy!

  142. Very nice! I’d like one!

  143. My mouse is at the end of its rope. I’d love a new one!

  144. Oh I would love something fancy!

  145. Fancy!!

  146. I am currently trying to up my fanciness quotient, so I definitely need one of these.

  147. I just bought a cool little pink one and then believe or not…My dog ate it!!

  148. I like pretty things!

  149. Oh, please! I need a new mouse.

  150. I could use a new mouse!

  151. I think my computer could use a shot of fanciness for its general feeling of self worth too.

  152. This would be great since my mouse died yesterday !

  153. A pretty mouse from an even prettier blogger….. just awesome! (How’s that Mir?)

  154. so cool!

  155. So fancy! I want!

  156. Nice!

  157. For about the same price, you can go pretty – what a deal. And an even better deal is to win one.

  158. mine broke and I’m using the touchpad…I could really use this. thanks!

  159. Red – my favorite color.

  160. Pretty. Love one.

  161. Me, me, me! One of these YEARS I’ll win something from pretty Mir.

  162. Fancy! Thanks.

  163. I need a fancy mouse!!

  164. lovely!

  165. Sexy! Count me in, please.

  166. /cheese!!!!!!!

  167. Love it!

  168. meow! I want a mousie!

  169. I would love to use this for school!!

  170. I would love a fancy mouse.

  171. Pick me!

  172. Here mousie, mousie, mousie.

  173. a pretty mouse would make paying bills online much less painfull….Thanks!

  174. Mouse mouse baby

  175. A new mouse sounds great!

  176. I certainly need a little bit of “fancy” in my life. Thanks!

  177. My wrists really do need a new mouse!

  178. Oooohhh ahhhh, that would look good with my red laptop.


  179. My husband just bought this last night. No kidding! Anyway, I’d still love to win it!

  180. Me and my CT would love to try one!

  181. Squeek!

  182. Much prettier than a boring gray mouse!

  183. omg! I have a laptop (at work) and use the touch pad – because I hate having to switch between keyboard and mouse. Plus – it’s always cramping my writing space. But my delicate wrists are indicating maybe I need a mouse.

    I was searching for one today – and decided anything beyond $20 – was past my price point.

    However FREE is EXACTLY right! Dear RNG – choose ME!

  184. Here mousie, mousie, mousie! 🙂

  185. What a pretty little mouse! Thanks!

  186. Pretty please? Thanks!

  187. Me me me! 🙂

  188. Adorable. And would allow me to leave my work mouse and my desk and keep one in the laptop bag.

  189. MIR! My wireless mouse just DIED and I really need a new one! And that one is bee-you-tea-full!! I’d love to win it, pretty please? Oh, and you’re pretty too ;).

  190. I’ve had my current Logitech mouse for something like 10 years now and I still love it. However, it may be time for an upgrade…and if it was a free upgrade so much the better.

  191. Well, uh, yes! please!

  192. I use a mouse with my laptop for the same reason. It’s just better.

  193. I am on my second mouse THIS MONTH. I would love one that worked!

  194. Love it! A pretty mouse to use when I buy pretty things!

  195. Very pretty! Just like Mir!

  196. How neat!!

  197. My lovely and delicate (read: tired and numb) wrists would LOVE a decent mouse!

  198. Forget the mouse; I’m in love with the receiver

  199. My mouse is 7 years old…time for a new one, I’d say!

  200. I don’t know how I could have been reading your other blog for so long and not known about this one! Anyhow, looks like a good day to add it to my blog list, since you’re having a contest! 🙂

  201. I love Logitech mice! I totally need a new one, too. RNG, do your thing…

  202. Boy, I would love this mouse. Can I have it….can I?

  203. RNG, have I told you how gorgeous you look today?

  204. Fancy, fancy!!!

  205. Pretty!!

  206. i would love a pretty mouse so i can checkout your site even faster for great deals…

  207. I could definitely use a wireless mouse. I’m tired of tripping over cords.

  208. Love the idea of treating myself to a new mouse (or to having Logitech treat me to a new mouse), so I’m keeping all fingers crossed. Thanks!

  209. I love me some Logitech!

  210. Would love a wireless mouse. The fancier the better!

  211. wireless mouse would be a blessing from God to win this!!

  212. Ooooh a new mouse as pretty as my husbands would be great!

  213. Oooh, fancy shmancy!

  214. wireless mouses are awesomeness!

  215. Pick someone else, unless I am the right random choice.

  216. Oh, I’d totally love a fancy new mouse!

  217. a fancy new mouse sounds great!

  218. Fancy is good!

  219. Almost as pretty as you, Mir. 😉 Thanks for all the fun contests!

  220. Yes, please!! 🙂

  221. I like the one with the stripes . . .might be my lucky day . . . .

  222. These look awesome!

  223. never really thought about a mouse being anything but grey and black, so hey I could use some color in my work life! 🙂

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