What are you waiting for? Maybe this

By Mir
June 28, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

You’ve thought about getting a GPS unit. You’ve talked about getting one. But you’ve yet to actually, you know, do it. Why? I don’t know. Maybe the right deal hasn’t spoken to you yet. Maybe you had to shampoo your cat. It’s none of my business, frankly, but I’m concerned that you’re still printing out Mapquest directions every time you have to go somewhere new, is all.

Maybe today’s Amazon Gold Box is the answer to your particular situation—it’s got a Magellan Roadmate 1420 for just $80 shipped, complete with text-to-speech and other fancy features that you’re not going to get from printed directions.

But if you’re not ready yet, I understand. Please just don’t take it personally when I see you fumbling with your papers on the highway and I stay far, far away.


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