Last day to save and ship for free

By Mir
June 30, 2010

Just a reminder—today is the last day to shop the twice-yearly Disney Sale and get free shipping on your order if you buy any Toy Story item.

As an aside, as much as it pains me to drop $40 to see a movie in the theater, I must reluctantly admit that Toy Story 3 was totally worth it. And I wasn’t crying, there was something in my eye. Ahem.


  1. Loved Toy Story 3. Hubby and I went, sans kids, for our 21st wedding anniversary. We’re the partying type as you can tell. And cry? Yup, both of us, I admit it.

  2. We were able to attend the sensory screening of Toy Story 3. DD usually won’t go to movies because they are too loud, but this one was low enough that she was fine with her protective headphones. We all loved the movie.

  3. I stayed home with the baby and Hubby and Little Man had a man date. I do need to see it, though. Probably once it gets on On Demand. Hubs reported that it was very good.

  4. I’m sorry, but “ is temporarily closed”?! During the last day of the sale?!

  5. Now it’s working. Sorry, I’m a spazzy commenter. But you knew that.

  6. Loved Toy Story husband and I took the kids to see it on Father’s Day weekend. Talk about crying, my son is named Andy!!!! I bawled like a baby at the end 🙂

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