A cheaper way to flip

By Mir
July 6, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

You’ve heard me sing the praises of the Flip camcorder before, so I’m not going to bore you again. It’s small! It’s simple to use! It’s relatively inexpensive! You know the drill.

But what if you have a kid who wants their own camera? I don’t know about you, but I am not handing the same creature who sometimes forgets to put on pants my beloved camcorder, nor am I spending another $100+ to get him his own when I may well find it in the pool one day.

Right now Buy.com has a refurbished 120-minute Flip Ultra available for just $60 shipped. No, it’s not the HD kind, but if money is tight (and/or the recipient is a minor), I daresay that for $60 it’ll do the job. You get a genuine Flip without the fancy price tag, and your kid gets to feel a little more grown-up.

Good luck with the pants thing, though. I can’t help you there.


  1. My 9 year old daughter is obsessed with my flip. Hmmm, wonder if I should get this for her Christmas this year. Decisions decisions.

  2. i ordered one. it may not make it til christmas. the kids are always bugging me to use my pretty yellow one and i won’t let them.

  3. wow!! It’s already here!!

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