Back-to-school cuteness

By Mir
July 6, 2010

I know that for most of you, back-to-school time still seems impossibly far away, but my kids are back to the grind in about a month, so it’s on my mind.

Which is why I walked right into their little trap, the one that Hanna Andersson sets for me when they have their limited-time Pre-Season School Deals Sale. Oh, the cuteness! My eyes! Must… not… buy… everything….

I love me some Hanna, it’s true. And yes, even their sale prices are well above what you’ll spend at Children’s Place or Old Navy, but this stuff will hold up to anything your kids can dish out, and then you can pass it down to the next kid (and the next kid and the next kid) and then recoup most of your money on eBay.

I strongly suspect that Hannas are made of Swedish titanium.


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