A beautiful day to get your kicks

By Mir
August 9, 2010

Do you hear that sound? Do you? It’s the sound… of silence. Yes, my children have headed back to school. Amen and hallelujah, and now it’s time to shop for shoes.

Well, not necessarily, of course, but how can I resist when today’s deals at 6pm.com include Etnies, Ugg, Nike and more? Plus there’s cheap Polliwalks and Stride Rites for the kids, so really, maybe you just pick up a pair for them and a cute pair of sandals for you just happens to fall into your cart. It could happen, and I certainly won’t judge you.

If you’ve had your eye on a cute Skull Candy case for your favorite little electronic device, they’ve got some deals on those, too. You know, while you’re there.


  1. Being a kid these days is tough. Our school didn’t start until the day after labor day.

  2. Oops, maybe should have mentioned that was back in the 60’s.

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