A second chance at a shopping spree

By Mir
August 9, 2010
Category Contests

Remember when you had the chance to win a $50 certificate to a certain gift-y store last month? It was a shame we only had one winner. So let’s do it again!

This week is your encore opportunity win a $50 certificate to GiftsForYouNow.com, just because you’re pretty. And because they’re generous. Hooray!

Want to win it? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, August 13th for an entry. Winner to be determined by random number generation and swoopiness of your monogram. Well, the random number thing, anyway.

Ready? Go!


  1. You don’t get swoopier than a big initial S.

  2. I’ve got dreadfully boring letters for a monogram (BAR), but I love what it spells 🙂

  3. TDC FTW!

  4. Mine is MFO – and even better my maiden monogram is MFR. AND, I even go by my initials much of the time: MF. HOWEVER, I went to Catholic grade and high school and it wasn’t until I got to college that someone asked why people were calling me “Mother F***er”! Seriously – no idea that was going on.

  5. hmm…. “L” can be pretty swoopy…. loopy, if nothing else.

  6. Mine are swoopy, because I have FOUR letters — two last names (no hyphen, though): JDGR. Imagine how swoopy all those letters are (even my Js, because they are not remotely like they are supposed to be, because I have — ummmm — unique handwriting! Yeah, unique! ;~) )

  7. Yes, please! 🙂

  8. RMA =)

  9. Gotta love encores : )

  10. I would love to be the other winner! My monogram is kind of boring KMB however when I was little I used to pretend KB Toys was really my toy store!

  11. THW ?

  12. Mine can be swoopy…. LWP… make a big W!

  13. enter me please!

  14. Me please!

  15. When I was single I used to write my initials hooked together so that they looked like a little butterfly. (EJB) Unfortunately I got all traditional and took my husband’s last name…no more cutesy monogram. 🙂

  16. LIke these second chances!

  17. LJA. 🙂

  18. I always thought swoopiness was a word. Thank you!

  19. very cool!

  20. Pick me, pick me!

  21. HEQ Quite swoopy. 🙂

  22. me, me, me, me, me. I mean, please!

  23. Pick me!!! jMe

  24. Ooh, this sounds cool. Is there an extra nerd entry for pointing out that there’s no Thursday, August 13 this year?

  25. Me! 🙂

  26. KGB nope, not kidding. 🙂

  27. I may not be high class enough for swoopy initials but I can try to pretend!

  28. My birthday is Saturday. This would be great!

  29. How Fun!

  30. Thank you!

  31. CMH, all letters that can be swoopy! And my daughter turns 6 this Friday the 13th (she was also born on a Friday the 13th)! Her initialy are ILH, very swoopy indeed!

  32. ooh lala! Would love this!

  33. Hooray for second chances!

  34. ~LMC~

  35. clap clap clap. Bravo bravo

  36. PSK

  37. Mine can be pretty swoop-y.

  38. WooHoo!

  39. I think I’ll just have the word “swoopiness” embroidered on something because it’s so fun to say. swoopiness. swoopiness. swoopiness.

  40. SPS love to win ! Thanks —-{–@ a rose for u

  41. So fun!

  42. So fun! Thanks!!

  43. yes!

  44. TMB may not be exciting, but I’d still love to win!

  45. Hurray for second chances!

  46. dlm in cursive! but my name is swoopier than just the initials. i used to make my name (dani) into the shape of a whale, and the dot on the eye would be water coming out of the spout. i have no idea why i did that though.

  47. yes please count me in!! not to swoopy, but hope random number thingymabob will still let me play. 🙂

  48. What are the chances random number generation will pick me…

  49. It would cheer me up if I won something!

  50. YAY!

  51. SJE! Pretty swoopy, huh?

  52. I have CBL lots of loops and swoops. Thanks God it doesn’t spell anything bad…yet.

  53. I heart RNG (but Mir more).

  54. Thanks, Mir!

  55. My sons name is Gideon Peter Selnes…come on, GPS..pretty great on a personalized gift.

  56. ANother great giveaway, thanks.

  57. I’d love to win and get something unique for my dd as she begins her first year of high school.

  58. Mine is ALJ…not sure of the swoopiness factor!

  59. Hmmm…SLG isn’t very swoopy. More along the lines of a garden pest that people try to drown in beer. But all of the pain and suffering I have because of such a monogram would be alleviated if the random number generator randomly generated my number.

  60. Woohoo! Early Holiday shopping!

  61. Can an L be swoopy? Sure it can, look at the L that Laverne DeFazio put on all her shirts!!! Swoop me right into that gift!!!

  62. Hooray for second chances, maybe this will be my lucky day!

  63. I’ll swwop and woop if I win! 🙂

  64. KMH 😉

  65. I’d love this!

  66. puh-lease!

  67. Ooh ooh me meee!!

  68. “Grooooovy”, says LEAP

  69. I am always up for a shopping spree! RP

  70. Love it!

  71. Thanks Mir!

  72. A very swoopy BJF!!!

  73. KCE – look at all the curly cues you could do with that!!

  74. My monogram is boring klh – very non-swoopy!!!!

  75. PSS now that’s some swoopiness don’t cha know?

  76. monogram, oh no, never. don’t get me wrong I’d love some monogrammed things.
    But… dAd …. feel sorry for me.

  77. I’d love this!

  78. TLB – yes, the sandwich backward – too bad I’m a vegetarian.

  79. I am SO needing this right now! :o)

  80. 2nd time’s the charm?

  81. Alas, no swoopiness here.

  82. Pretty pretty please!

  83. Pick me!

  84. Oh, please pick me! Thank you!

  85. This would be great!

  86. KMR
    I would love to win this drawing.

  87. maybe I will win the 2nd time around…?

  88. I feel like I’m throwing dice every time I enter a contest on your site.

  89. ABP is loopy, if not swoopy.

  90. Yay for second chances!

  91. TMO. Hope I win!


  93. I could be swoopy! SRU

  94. CAF

  95. Can you make ACM swoopy? Maybe a bit?

  96. Oh I hope it’s me!! 🙂

  97. Ooh, ooh! Me please!

  98. Dunno if my monogram is swoopy, but pick me anyway!!!

  99. My initials are JAE but when I was married (forever ago!) they were JAW…nice, huh?

  100. I’ll have to keep my fingers crossed….!

  101. I’m in! Thanks!

  102. lucky 101!

  103. Ooh, pretty! Thanks for the chance!

  104. Swooping in for a chance to win!

  105. *raising my hand*

  106. pick MMEE!!

  107. I love second chances. Maybe I’ll get lucky. Thanks!

  108. cool, thanks!!!

  109. yay!

  110. Please and thank you? I would love this!

  111. I <3 monogrammed crap!!!

  112. Oh, yeah! Bring it on, baby!! 🙂

  113. Count me in !!!!

  114. Wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. Nice. Second chances are great!!!!

  116. CMH

  117. You are the swoopy contest goddess, Mir! 🙂

  118. count me in please. -Thanks!

  119. My signature is a tad swoopy and unreadable. Monogram, not so much so.

  120. Count me in too, please.

  121. JJC…not a lot of room for swoops, but we could give it a try!

  122. Super-d-duper!

  123. Pick me, Pick me!! August 13 is my birthday!!

  124. Yay! They have tons of stuff to choose from 🙂

  125. BLS – You’d be surprised how swoopy I can make that! 🙂

  126. LRP–very swoopy!

  127. LLC and not a limited liability corporation!

  128. woo, maybe i’ll have better luck this time

  129. Thanks!

  130. I can be swoopy!

  131. This would be awesome! Thanks!

  132. Here we go again, trying for a prize I will not win.
    However, I have fun doing it, it;s like playing the slot machine without spending money.

  133. DMA can be done fancy cursive and looks swooped. Great contest.

  134. MY monogram is CMC- I’ve always liked it, thought never had anything monogrammed…

  135. SLS can be swoopy, or I could share the gift with my niece CSB for her upcoming birthday.

  136. VMS would be very nice

  137. Great giveaway! Thanks.

  138. CMM can be fairly swoopy, but not terribly aesthetically pleasing.

  139. Cool! PAM, sadly, as it makes people think my name is Pam. No offenses to the Pam’s out there, but not my favorite name.

  140. BHR – thank you!

  141. HRH can be swoopy.

  142. Oooh. Free monies!! Yay. And my monogram? CLS (OK so just the C and S are swoopy. The L kinda ruins it. Can I win anyway, please?)

  143. Pick me please!!!

  144. Random number pick me!

  145. sounds great! Thanks!

  146. JAS–Gotta be a winner!

  147. Yeah! Love it!

  148. M’s are swoopy. 🙂

  149. I’m feeling pretty swoopy today, does that count?

  150. Love your contests!!!

  151. I would love a shopping spree! Thanks!

  152. Count me in!

  153. How neat! JAP

  154. Count me in! Even though my initials aren’t particularly swoopy

  155. Oooh! Yes, please.
    My monogram is not particularly swoopy – KLO. My maiden name monogram was better – KLM.
    And that wasn’t funny at all. Damn.

  156. yes, please!

  157. Please count me in! Thanks!!

  158. Hope we win – thanks!

  159. ooooo this would be lovely!

  160. I’m very much not a swoopy person, but I’d be willing to fake it!

  161. Would love to have something monogrammed!

  162. Would LOVE this!!

  163. I wanna win!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  164. pick me!

  165. Oh! Oh! Pick me please!!

  166. Great giveaway!


  167. Thanks–I’ll gladly take it off your hands.

  168. GMR is pretty durn swoopy, plus I could use a retail pick-me-up.

  169. Not alot of swoop, KHM!

  170. Swoopy? ATS, that can be mighty swoopy…I think. I need to be thinking christmas, will take my mind off how HOT it is.

  171. Thanks for the chance 🙂

  172. Love it

  173. Mine is most swoopy and accurate since I NEVER stop talking JAW….what fun my friends have with it soooooo PLS random generator make all the jokes worth it PICK ME!!!

  174. Ooh, I’d love to win this! I’m feeling selfish; I need something for me, me, me for a change.

  175. DRS, not too swoopy…

  176. My monogram keeps falling out of my eye. Or was that monacle?…

  177. Pick me please!


  179. with back to school I could use a pick-me-up

  180. pick me!!

  181. DMB… not DUMB, tho! 🙂

  182. ARH…..isn’t that like a pirate word 🙂

  183. I’m constantly tempted by those big swoopy L’s ala Laverne.

  184. Can be relatively swoopy when so desired – RMP. However, I did get teased as a youngster by the meanies calling me “RUMP”, so there’s that… and, notably, my monogram didn’t change when I got married. 🙂

  185. 2nd chances are awesome!

  186. Pick me!

  187. Mine’s KRM – not so swoppy, but oh well. 🙂

  188. Lucky me?

  189. Well, MMcB isn’t swoopy at all but I bet they can make it swoop!

  190. A “J” is definitely swoopy. 🙂

  191. I’m swoopy! Count me in!

  192. hi!!

  193. Thanks for the chance, Mir!

  194. Thanks DSP

  195. Yay!

  196. WMF

  197. Second chances, hooray!

  198. gifts for me now! 🙂

  199. Woohoo!

  200. TSL

  201. SEM is a bit more “pointy” than swoopy… My maiden name monogram was quite swoopy though: SES. No that’s pretty swoopy, especially in big, loopy handwriting!

  202. love your blog!

  203. Doesn’t get swoopier than my monogram ( in cursive anyway) – LCS. Pick me, pick me!

  204. DBT is a delightfully swoopy monogram, if I do say so myself.

  205. In my house I am the LAW!

  206. I’m in

  207. Im totally in

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