Creamy, fruity, crunchy: yummy!

By Mir
August 20, 2010
Category Contests

Sometimes people send me things, and then I turn around and give them to you. And sometimes they say, “We’d like you to try this product to see if you’d like to share it with your readers,” and then I generously take that bullet on your behalf. Because I care.

This week, some folks contacted me on behalf of Breyers new YoCrunch Parfaits, adorable 4-packs of cups meant to mimic the more expensive yogurt parfaits you can buy at your favorite coffee place. You get the fruit, the low-fat vanilla yogurt, and then some granola to sprinkle on top. They sent me a 4-pack to try and my children descended upon it like locusts. The verdict? “When are you going to buy some more of these, Mom? I want one in my lunch every day!”

And the truth is, you know how I am about convenience packs. Generally speaking, I’d rather buy my own fruit, yogurt, and granola separately (heck, most of the time I make my own granola, and sometimes I make my own yogurt, too!) to save money and reduce waste. But the other truth is that at 6:00 in the morning when I’m packing lunches, it’s awfully nice to have these perfectly-sized single-servings ready to go. And—unlike so many of the alternatives—the YoCrunch parfaits don’t contain any HFCS or artificial sweeteners. Awesome.

Guess what I have! 10 coupons, each valid for a free 4-pack of Breyers YoCrunch Parfaits. And they’re all for you, my pretties! For this contest, we’ll have four winners: One of you will get one coupon, one will get two, one will get three, and the big winner will get four.

Want to play? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Sunday, August 22nd, 2010 for a chance to win. Winners to be determined by random number generation and fruitiliciousness. Whatever that means.

Ready? Go!


  1. Being the first to enter must be lucky!!

  2. I can only eat yogurt if I have something crunchy in it. Yay!

  3. I feel like being in the first four to comment totally negates any chance I might have of winning, but I also know that if I wait until later I will forget to come back here. So. To conclude, I would like some yogurts, please. Okthnx.

  4. That’s my breakfast combo every morning, it would be great to have it all put together for me πŸ™‚ Thanks!

  5. I do so appreciate all you and your family must endure to make sure you are finding only the best for your readers. You are very pretty.

  6. I’m not very fruitilicious, but my children are. And it’s all about the children, right? Right?

  7. yum, yum, yum. My daughter would faint with joy, I think.

  8. I suspect that my son will have the same reaction as your kids. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Golly you’re sure looking pretty today!

  10. Sounds delish. Please!

  11. Ohhh, this is a giveaway I could really sink my teeth into – pun intended! πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks!

  13. YUMMY!

  14. Mmmm, we love yogurt!

  15. I’d love to win this one! My kids love all things yogurt, and I love that it doesn’t have any funk junk.

  16. Count me in! Thanks.

  17. Yummy! I bribe my seven year old with McD’s yogurt parfaits. These would be awesome!

  18. Sounds wonderful!

  19. Love these!

  20. Since I’m desperately trying to come up with new ideas of what to pack in my daughter’s lunch box every day, sign me up, please!

  21. I would love these for school lunches!

  22. My twins would love these!

  23. Me please!

  24. I totally love the cheesecake yocrunch – I’d dying to try the parfaits!!

  25. They sound yummy!

  26. yum! thanks for the opportunity.

    (also, i feel certain that i am fruitalicious.)

  27. We totally love yogurt. Please pick me.

  28. I am all for the free–thanks Mir!

  29. Would love to try them. =)

  30. Thanks for the chance!

  31. I’d love to try them!

  32. Love how you mixed it up – hope I’m the big winner, but even if I’m the little winner I won’t complain

  33. sounds yummy!! i’d love to give it a (free) try!!

  34. sounds great!

  35. count me in please

  36. These would be great for packing lunches for me too!

  37. So glad your children are willing to sacrifice for the greater good!

  38. these would be wonderful!!!!

  39. Woohoo! My kids LOVE these (and I love free stuff!)

  40. We love yogurt!!!

  41. Yummy in the tummy.

  42. I’m in. Any help filling the hollow legged children around here is much appreciated.


    Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

  43. This would be so amazing, especially since my youngest eats a yogurt parfait every morning!

  44. These would be perfect for my son’s lunches, especially since I confirmed today that the Peanut Butter Ban is still in effect!

  45. I’m very fruitilicious!

  46. This would be great – thanks, Mir!!

  47. Yum!

  48. …sounds yummy…

  49. me! me! pick me!

  50. We love these!

  51. Yum!

  52. LOVE IT ! Count me in!!

  53. Whoo hoo!

  54. Would love to try!

  55. YUM!

  56. Great back to school snack idea! One we haven’t thoroughly beaten like a dead horse. Thanks!

  57. OOOOOOh, I’d love to try these!

  58. That would be fabulous! Thank you!

  59. I have 3 lunchboxes to fill- send ’em my way, please!

  60. things I like: granola, fruit and yougut. Things I have: 1 child and one 300lb 6ft 4 husband. we need free food!!

  61. Thanks, Mir!

  62. school starts here on the 30th…. I’m sooo with you on the convenience at 6 am aspect. *crossing my fingers* in hopes of winning!

  63. Pick the mah-baybee is now in kindergarten mom who never has any idea what to actually PUT in a lunchbox!

    And an aside…how do you maintain optimal coldness of said yogurt? Freezer packs seem insufficient to me.

  64. Oh yum! My kids would love it (And so would I. I don’t HAVE to share, right?)

  65. Been trying to figure out what I can pack in my son’s lunch this year….would love to try these out!

  66. Sounds yummy. I’ll try it!

  67. Maybe my daughter would actually eat these! And if she doesn’t and they’re really tasty, I don’t have to share with my hubby because he thinks yogurt is evil!

  68. I wanta me some yogurt!!

  69. I’m betting my daughter and husband would love these!

  70. My boys love yogurt & I’m always up for something healthy to throw in their lunches, this would be great! Thanks for the contest, Mir πŸ™‚

  71. Would love to try them, it is hard to find yogurt without artificial sweeteners.

  72. I would love to try these.

  73. Oink, y’all! Pick me.

  74. I eat granola and yogurt every day for lunch (different types of granola), and I am having a hard time finding yogurt that doesn’t have HFCS or artificial sweeteners in it. I’ve been using some with the sweeteners (because, for a variety of reasons for me, it’s the best alternative to the HFCS), but finding some without would be awesome.

  75. I’d love this

  76. Count me in! My beginning kindergartner would love these for lunch.

  77. Sounds good!

  78. Yes please!

  79. yummy!

  80. Thanks!

  81. I’d love to win some coupons for this!

  82. Mmm, sounds good!

  83. Yogurt and granola is my go-to ‘I have to eat something but have no time’ meal- I’d love to try it with fruit included!

  84. Thanks for the great contest! These look yummy!

  85. I am very into lunch box convenience!

  86. I’m dreading the return of packing lunches every day. One more week of bliss left. These might help make the transition easier……

  87. I would LOVE to win these. Is it okay if I plan to put them in my own lunches? Because my eldest just graduated from college and my younger one from high school….

  88. My kids would LOVE these!!!

  89. We all love yogurt around here so they probably won’t last long but we would love to win!

  90. would love some for the kiddos’ lunchboxes.

  91. No HFCS….ooh, please pick ME!!!

  92. Yea!

  93. Three cheers for free yogurt!

  94. I’m very fruitilicious! πŸ™‚ At least I’d love to try it and yeah for no HFCS!

  95. This would be nice, no doubt!

  96. Sounds really yummy!

  97. Yogurt yumness!

  98. yummy…pick me

  99. sounds delicous!

  100. Ooh, these sound promising! Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. I love that stuff!!!

  102. I’d love to try.

  103. Oh, pretty, pretty Mir, my kids NEED these coupons!!!

  104. Yogurt! My kids’ favorite food group.

  105. I love yogurt! But yogurt that is FREE is even tastier! Thanks for the chance Mir!

  106. yummy!!

  107. maybe i will get lucky & win.

  108. Sounds heavenly!

  109. I love those things!

  110. 4 coupons, please!?

  111. those look like some serious yumminess. and with granola I can eat! (I am allergic to almonds and many granola contain almonds/almond flour/almond butter). I am dying to try them!

  112. Free is my favorite price!

  113. I really do love these…but I’m too cheap to buy them all the time

  114. My daughter, a recent convert to the vegetarian diet, loves stuff like this (though she seems to hate vegetables!) You can help me keep her fed!

  115. Sounds delicious. I’ll play. Thanks. F.

  116. Would love these, even if were to say ummm, put them in my lunch instead of my daughter’s!! πŸ™‚

  117. You mean I might get to try something healthy (for free) that my child might actually eat? Count me in!

  118. Yum! (Brevity being the soul of wit, doncha know.)

  119. Sounds super yummy!

  120. Sounds yummy and convenient – the perfect food!

  121. Pick me! This would be a nice treat for my little one who starts kindergarten next week. Yikes!!!

  122. Sounds like something my kids might eat, I’m in!

  123. thanks, we would love it!

  124. Mmmm, sounds good! And creamy! And fruity! And crunchy! And totally like something we would love to try!

  125. I’d love to try these!

  126. YuM!

  127. Mmm, this sounds good!

  128. Yummy!

  129. Yay! Love yogurt!

  130. Yogurt, yum.

  131. mmmm….yogurt!

  132. I’d love to win!

  133. Yummy!

  134. Those sound pretty good- I love yogurt!

  135. We love yogurt and granola in our family!

  136. Here’s hoping!!!

  137. Sounds yummy.

  138. I plan to sneak some yogurt into my college-bound son’s fridge when he’s not looking. I can dream!!

  139. Y-U-M!

  140. Sounds perfect for school lunches!

  141. mmmmm yumy!!!

  142. Sounds parfait!

  143. Big yogurt fan!

  144. i feel 143 is lucky….

  145. I love granola in my yogurt. This would be great!

  146. free food!

  147. oh these are fabulous!

  148. Yogurt is the most healthy food my picky 10 year old will eat. We can NEVER have too much yogurt in our house! Here’s hoping to be the BIG winner! (but, even one coupon would be most definitely appreciated) πŸ™‚

  149. You had me at “donÒ€ℒt contain any HFCS or artificial sweeteners.” These would be a huge hit at my house!

  150. We love yogurt!

  151. You are so very pretty – and hopefully staying dry! πŸ˜‰ We have just come through our monsoon season – wow! Anyway – I am definitely a bit fruity – and I crave all things non-hfcs for my kidlets. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  152. Yummy!! πŸ™‚

  153. Yummy!

  154. Yum! Thanks for the chance.


  156. I’ve got a little guy starting kindergarten this year who’d love to share these with his little brother…or,maybe not. Either way, I’d like to win them, please. Pretty please?

  157. I am completely fruitilicious!

  158. I’m in!

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