Way more sophisticated than I remember

By Mir
August 23, 2010
Category Contests

About a zillion years ago—when dinosaurs still roamed the earth—I began my college career in Massachusetts’ Berkshire Mountains. It’s a breathtaking, scenic area, and mostly inhabited by hippies, if memory serves. My idea of dressing up when I lived there was to put on shoes.

So you can imagine my surprise when I was invited to take a look at Shabby Apple’s new Berkshires collection and found an assortment of retro ooh-la-la dresses ready to take on the office or a night out. It’s certainly not the Berkshires I remember, but I’m not going to argue. These classy new styles appeal to my grown-up taste a lot more than my crinkly skirts of yesteryear, anyway.

Go, take a look. Drool-worthy, yes? I hope you agree, because one lucky Want Not reader is going to win the Berkshires dress of her choice this week from Shabby Apple. Is that awesome or what?

Want to play? First, go review the contest rules and regulations (including the one about not playing if you’ve won something in the last month… sorry, this morning’s yogurt winners!), then come on back here and leave a comment telling me which Berkshires dress you’d like to receive on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, August 26th, 2010 to be entered. Please review the general rules! Please follow the specific rules! (Hint: If you don’t name a dress, your entry is disqualified.) Me, I had a terrible time deciding, but if I was eligible for this contest, I’d definitely go with the Scarlett Raven. Or the Jacob’s Pillow. Maybe. Ack! Thank goodness I don’t have to decide, I guess.

Winner, as always, to be determined with the help of my old pal the random number generator. And possibly whether or not you know how to make victory rolls (for you young whippersnappers, this is not bread).

Ready? Go!


  1. Ooh ooh pick me! I really want the Cider dress. I want to wear it and see how many people give me grief for wearing orange in this red and black town.

  2. I love the Tanglewood dress. So pretty.

  3. Sigh – hard choice, but Cider wins out. Thanks, Mir!!

  4. Oooooooh that Jacob’s Pillow dress is to DIE for! 🙂

  5. OOOOoohhh-la-la!!! I’ll take the cider, please?

  6. I think I’d have to go with Glacier.

  7. I love the Cider!

  8. OMG…Cider please…love that color!

  9. I like the Cider dress the best.

  10. Scarlett Raven

  11. It has to be Cider, it is FABULOUS!!!

  12. I have been eying the Cider dress for weeks. I really hope I win!

  13. Appalacia. I could rock me some green and grey.

  14. I like the Cider dress the best!

  15. I absolutely love the Cider dress……but since none of the Berkshire dresses come in plus sizes, and I think with these cute cuts, I would need that Women’s Small through the chest, I really like the Liz and Darcy dress.

  16. All of them are gorgeous, but I would pick Cider.

  17. Maple please and thank you!

  18. Appalachia! That green is perfect for my green-loving daughter.

  19. I’m thinking Cider.

  20. love the maple!

  21. My heart belongs to the Berkshires: My folks used to teach at Berkshire School and currently reside in Sheffield! I love the Jacob’s Pillow dress and will wear it when I go home for Christmas. 😉

  22. The Appalachia dress is amazing!

  23. The Cider – what an awesome color!

  24. all are amazing. I would love the Scarlet Raven if I must pick only one. 🙂

  25. Oooh – the Cider is lovely! Although the Maple is pretty fantastic too.

  26. Oh, I’m going to have to say the Cider. Specifically since it will be perfect for Auburn football games!! Also, pick me!!

  27. Cider, please! I love the color!!

  28. Cider. Mmmmmm

  29. I have been wanting one of their dresses for ages. I love the Cider but might not be super with my hair, so I’m going with Appalachia.

  30. I have to go with the Tanglewood! This is a great contest!

  31. Mt Greylock…lovely!

  32. I was just in the Berkshires last weekend, and had a lovely time. The Cider dress is my favorite! (Clearly I am not an original person.)

  33. Love the Mt. Greylock…perfect year round with a pretty cardigan or bright scarf!

  34. I’m a sucker for that bright orange… make mine a Cider!

  35. Well, I’m not sure any of them would hide my soft middle, but I like the Appalachia!

  36. Oh, please, Random Number Generator, choose me!

  37. Ohhh!!! It’s a really hard choice between the cider and the maple. Can I say maple cider? 🙂

  38. Oooh! please disqualify my # 36 because I failed to follow the specific rules! I am all about Orange – I love the Cider!

  39. The popular cider please!!!

  40. Cider. SO pretty.

  41. Oops, but now I see I have to say which dress I would like. Let’s go with Cider. Thanks and sorry about my error

  42. I’m thinking Cider…. there’s a crisp inthe air that I hadn’t noticed earlier. This dress is PERFECTfor the fall!

  43. Had a hard time deciding! Scarlett Raven I think wins out!

  44. Cider too please!

  45. Ooh! Definitely Cider. Perfect fall shape and color!

  46. Appalachia…very pretty!

  47. I like the Tanglewood one!

  48. I love the tanglewood but like another commenter, none of this particular collection comes in my size. 🙁

  49. Love the Tanglewood!!

  50. Cider really is stunning!

  51. Cider. I love it.

  52. Sandstone, all the way, but I sure to wish it came in the same color as Cider!

  53. They are all beautiful! I like the Scarlett Raven the best!

  54. I would definitely pick the Cider. If I don’t win this contest, I may have to buy it anyway! Love these dresses!

  55. The Maple would be more useful for work. But, the Cider is the perfect shade of orange. So, Cider.Definitely the Cider. Great contest, Oh pretty one!

  56. I adore Cider! Doesn’t just looking at it make it feel like fall? Now, if only the temperature didn’t read 100 degrees outside. 🙁

  57. I’d pick Maple. But they’re all really pretty!

  58. Love polka dots – give me Jacob’s Pillow, please!

  59. The Appalachia is pretty!

  60. Glacier is to die for – enough said!

  61. Liz and Darcy, please and thank you!

  62. Appalachia, please. Thank you!

  63. Tanglewood! They are all so beautiful!

  64. Appalachia for me!

  65. SCARLETT RAVEN! i could be a sexy beast in that dress, i swear i could.

  66. Ooo-tough choice. I like Cider with Jacob’s Pillow a very close second.

  67. Beautiful! How about Tanglewood?

  68. Tanglewood, please! I love the cider dress, but not the color.

  69. The Cider is a fabulous color!

  70. I’d love the cider dress…so pretty!

  71. I love Mt. Greylock… and a bunch of others!

  72. Not an easy decision because they’re all so pretty but I think I’ll go with cider. Love Shabby Apple.

  73. Great dresses, but I want the Glacier…

  74. I <3 the Cider dress. Beautiful!

  75. Ohhhh….pretty!! Scarlett Raven would be my pick.

  76. I too am for the Scarlett Raven dress! It’s absolutely gorgeous; I did have a hard time choosing between this and the Appalachia dress but I think the colors on Scarlett Raven are better for me. Now, all I have to do is win and find somewhere nice to wear it.

  77. It took me way too long to decide which dress. I like all of them! I think Mt. Greylock would be the best addition to my current wardrobe, so I’ll just go with that. Even though I also like Cider. And Tanglewood. And Jacob’s Pillow. And…

  78. Mt. Greylock please 🙂

  79. super adorable. I like the Cider one.

  80. Cider! Thanks for the opportunity!

  81. So many beautiful dresses– but the Tanglewood is my favorite.

    (Also, I visit the Berkshires on a regular basis, and very rarely do I pull out the formalwear for these trips). 🙂

  82. I would love the Azure Coast!!! 🙂

  83. OH WAIT I MESSED UP!!! I didn’t choose one from the Berkshires collection by accident. I love Cider, but fewer colors look more nauseating on me than orange. My Berkshires favorite is the lovely Maple.

  84. Tanglewood please please please!

  85. Scarlett Raven would be my pick! Thanks

  86. I let my daughter pick. She says, “The Orange!” aka Cider.

  87. OOOOH, Jacob’s Pillow…. PLEASE! Oh, I am in LOOOOVE!!

  88. i love jacob’s pillow– these dresses are gorgeous!!!

  89. Oh I like the Sandstone dress. Thanks

  90. I love the Cider dress!

  91. I love the cider dress! And I live within driving distance of the Berkshires and have never seen anyone dressed like this. Not so many hippies anymore, but a whole lot of black-clad college students wandering around 🙂

  92. I love shabby apple! My choice would be Glacier. love, love, love

  93. Ooooooooohhh. Pretty, pretty dresses.

  94. Mt. Greylock for me!!!!

  95. I love Jacob’s Pillow.

  96. Scarlett Raven for me, too.

  97. I’m with you on Scarlet Raven.

  98. Oh so hard to choose! Cider? or Jacob’s Pillow? or Scarlett Raven? How to pick just one?!

  99. My favorite is the Appalachia dress. It is so striking. Thanks for the giveaway.

  100. LOVE jacob’s pillow!

  101. Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a Raven!!

  102. Now I’m homesick! I LOVE the Cider dress.

  103. I love the maple dress.

  104. ohhhhhh pick me- I have the perfect party coming up to wear the cider dress to!

  105. Cider wins for me!

  106. The cider dress, it’s so pretty!

  107. Cider, by far. Beautiful.

  108. Maple please! I would love it! thank you!

  109. Definitely the Tanglewood!

  110. I love the Cider dress…perfect for fall!

  111. Tough choice, but the Maple wins! (and hopefully me too!)

  112. So hard to decide, but Scarlett Raven would be my choice.

  113. Argh, decisions! Since I can’t say one of each I’m going to pick….Appalachia!

  114. Maple for me.

  115. Ooooh, I could rock me some interviews in the CIDER, seeing as I have that lovely cinnamon coloring that looks great with autumn colors! I’d be soooo pretty!

  116. Love them all, but definitely love Scarlett Raven just a little bit more!!!

  117. Definitely Jacob’s pillow. Secretly I want one of each!!!

  118. Maple please! (I nearly bowed to peer pressure and chose Cider…it IS beautiful…but I need more coverage on my upper arms.) GREAT contest!! thanks!

  119. Definitely Tanglewood. It would be so fun to add accessories and have fun with that dress!

  120. Cider! Woo! I may have to spend a few extra days in the gym to get into it though!

  121. Oh, I love the Scarlet Raven. It’s GORGEOUS!

  122. Cider! I immediately fell in love with the collar.

  123. sandstone

  124. Cider – SOOO cute!

  125. West Coast Swing! Lovely, pretty… Just like you! Thanks!

  126. It’s a hard decision but Jacob’s pillow please!

  127. I love the cider dress! That is what I pick.

  128. LOVE the Cider!!!

  129. I think I like the Cider, but the Mt Greylock would probably look better on my body type. Thanks for the chance!

  130. The Scarlett Raven is absolutely gorgeous! I would so love to win this contest!!!

  131. LOVE the Cider dress…just what I need for fall.

  132. Oh! Did you realize you had a typo in this post? You meant to say the winner gets FIVE dresses not just one. That is okay, even if you got it wrong I still like you. Now … back to me. This is unfair by a gazzillion degrees. First because I saw these dresses on a different blog earlier this summer & wanted them all. Next because I can’t chose just ONE. And C because the chances of me winning are currently 1 out 121 & getting worse by the second. So I say … drumroll … Jacob’s Pillow so I can wear it to UGA games. PLEASE PLEASE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATE ME!!!!! (In case you wonder, my 2nd choices — outside of this collection — were Cleo and Antony, L’Opera, then Rendezvous, Oh La La and then finally CEO!). I will walk your dog EVERY DAY for a WEEK if I can just win! Wait. I should have private messaged you that bribe. Crap. How can I delete that part? By the way, you are soooooooo pretty. Prettiest pretty blogger. And smart. Bet you went to Stanford. Total Ivy Leaguer, even though Stanford isn’t a part of the Ivy League! But with a good personality. xoxo

  133. Love the Cider dress! 🙂

  134. Scarlett Raven — I think transitioning from a T-shirt and shorts into anything else would make me feel silly for pretending to be a grownup. 😉

  135. Cider for me, please!

  136. Love the Scarlett Raven~

  137. I would love the maple dress.

  138. Appalachia, definitely. SO hot! So Mad Men!

  139. gotta have Broadway

  140. some great choices, but i’d have to go with cider! LOVE it! thanks!

  141. I love Maple and since my inlaws live in the Berkshires, surely you’ll pick me! I got married there after all – Sheffield, Our Lady of the Valley…

  142. Probably the Tanglewood – but it’s hard to tell because the model is so skinny, and I am so not. 🙁 The dresses are all really pretty though.

  143. Maple please!!

  144. Tanglewood!

  145. Glacier!

  146. It is Cider all the way. Here’s to hoping!

  147. I love herringbone patterns, so Mt. Greylock is definitely the one I’d choose!

  148. Cider for Fall!

  149. LOVE Sandstone!!!

  150. I’d be sipping cider!

  151. Jacob’s Pillow is soo cute! Thanks!

  152. Scarlett Raven is my choice

  153. Oh… Im going to have to go with Glacier on this one! Oooh pick me!!!!

  154. tanglewood please thank you

  155. That Appalachia dress is to die for! I might have to buy it if I don’t win it!

  156. Appalachia for me please. Thanks

  157. Love Jacob’s Pillow! I’ve been drooling over the gorgeous dresses at Shabby Apple, thanks for such a great contest, Mir!

  158. I love the Maple. All of the dresses are gorgeous!

  159. I’d love to try on the Mt. Greylock look. I love the retro look like this, but always wonder how it would look on me. I’ll have to try the victory rolls sometime, because I love those older hairstyles, too.

  160. Oh, i love the “Glacier” dress!!

  161. I went back and forth between….like, all of them, but I think I settled on the Cider

  162. I would go with “Emily’s Pick” the Appalachia. Having nothing to do with the awesomely named person that picked it.

  163. Glacier! I need new dresses…I hope I get picked 🙂

  164. I’ll take the Cleo & Antony. I really need a new nice dress.

  165. I love hte cut of the dress called Cider, it looks dressy plus comfortable.

  166. I’ve got to choose the Tanglewood dress. Love the Shabby Apple website! Fingers crossed.

  167. I like the Tanglewood

  168. I would like the Penelope and Odysseus – so gorgeous!!! Thank you for the contest and for pointing us to a great company!

  169. I’ve never owned an orange dress before, but I love the look of the Cider. Lovely.

  170. Cider here too. Going to a fall wedding – and rehearsal dinner, and brunch. Many opportunities for fall dresses…
    Thanks, Mir. You are looking awfully pretty.

  171. I love the Ferris Wheel. It looks cool.

  172. I love Penelope and Odysseus! Thanks, Mir!

  173. I’d love the cider dress, please!

  174. In all honesty…I probably would not wear any of them, just not my style but my MOM would DIE for these dresses and since her Birthday is coming up please pick me. Cider!

  175. love love love the Appalachia dress!!

  176. I like Cider!

  177. Glacier please. It’s such a beautiful color.

  178. oooh….i’m thinking me and my future you know what’s would look totally fab in that jacob’s pillow dress. did i mention i love polka dots? xo.

  179. Love the Appalachia dress, both the style and the colors. Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. Jacob’s Pillow… without a doubt.

  181. Jacob’s Pillow – so saucy!

  182. Liz and Darcy in Grey…

  183. I LOVE the cider!!!

  184. Glacier. Isn’t it lovely? I like the little pleated skirt.

  185. I love the Cider dress! Perfect for fall with chocolate brown boots.

  186. I really like the Scarlett Raven

  187. Maple is so pretty!

  188. Oooh, they’re all so pretty. I think I like Appalachia the best. I wore a Shabby Apple dress to a swing dance on Saturday and everyone kept saying how pretty it was! 🙂

  189. i have been coveting these dresses for a week trying to decide what to wear for an oct. wedding!
    CIDER would be perfect!
    (and then i’ll buy something from the “carnival” line later)

  190. Appalachia, please. I love the contrast of the green and gray!

  191. I like the Tokyo Tea dress

  192. Tanglewood.

  193. Cider is beautiful but so is Maple, it would be a very hard decision but I think Maple would win.

  194. Scarlet Raven. Absolutely. And it comes in XL! I just hope my tummy won’t protrude too terribly. I tell myself that my Normus Rack balances it out….

  195. Definitely the cider. What a beautiful dress!

  196. I vote for Cider, CUTE!

  197. Tanglewood. Thanks for the chance!

  198. I like the Orange Ruffle, but orange doesn’t look very good on me, so I would have to go with the Maple.

  199. Jacob’s Pillow!

  200. I’m really liking Cider. They are all cute, though!

  201. Jacob’s Pillow for me!

  202. The Cider is gorgeous.

  203. Cider, for sure! That color is beautiful and the style is good for my body-type (or will be when I am no longer pg)! 🙂

    Thanks for the chance!!!

  204. I really like the glacier dress… I don’t own anything like it!

  205. Cider for me! Thanks!

  206. “Cider” is the one for me.

  207. Ahhh, Shabby Apple, quit making me spend money on pretty dresses! I do not have enough events! You are requiring me to be SOCIAL.

    Jacob’s Pillow is stunning.

  208. scarlett raven is absolutely beautiful!
    love it!
    thanks, mir!

  209. I almost picked Tanglewood, but that Cider dress keeps calling to me. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  210. Appalachia all the way!

  211. I heart Shabby Apple and really need that Cider dress!

  212. Oh, the Jacob’s Pillow! So classic, and could be dressed up or down – love it!

  213. I am in love with the Tanglewood dress!

  214. Jacob’s Pillow is the best one!

  215. I vote tanglewood!

  216. Tanglewood for me, please.

  217. Cider for me!

  218. I like Appalacia and Scarlet Raven!
    sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

  219. Pick me, pick me!

  220. Ok, this time I will follow the rules. West Coast Swing, baby.

  221. The Cider dress makes me happy. It would be a perfect football season dress. Texas fight!

  222. ooo! So cool!

  223. Ooh, how to choose? I love the Appalachia dress, the cider dress, and more. If I were to win it would take me 3 days to finalize my decision. Does this disqualify me?! Oh dear. Such pretty dresses.

  224. Love, love, love the cider dress!

  225. Cider!

  226. Cider, without a doubt.

  227. I love Tanglewood but I think Maple is more “me” so I would go with that one!

  228. I’d love to have the Cider dress!

  229. Ohh, I’m all about the scarlet raven too. Very pretty. Thanks!

  230. The Ingrid….definitely the Ingrid.

  231. cider!

  232. Glacier please! Even though I am a stay-at-home mom, and never wear dresses, I may find a reason to go out if I had one of these dresses!

  233. Maple is great for me!

  234. the scarlett raven dress!!! it doesnt get sexier then that!!!

  235. I love the Scarlet Raven. Thanks!

  236. how divine, pick me!!!! Julie and Romeo

  237. Appalachia – and not just because I live here. Also agree from my time spent in the Berkshires that this is not quite what I saw – even at Tanglewood concerts! Nevermind though, cute is important.

  238. Maple please

  239. Ohhhh, I love the style of the cider dress!

  240. Mt. Greylock for sure-very Mad Men!

  241. Tanglewood is beautiful. Pick me random number generator—you so pretty!

  242. Cider Cider.. pretty please with sugar on top!

  243. Cider!

  244. Oh, Cider for sure. Those dresses are beautiful!

  245. Jacob’s Pillow! Oh so pretty and the detail at the waistline is just darling.

  246. I’d love to wear that Cider dress on a fancy date with hubby!

  247. Oooooooooh! Cider, please!

  248. Jacob’s Pillow! Love it!

  249. Scarlett for me… I think… They’re all so pretty!

  250. Glacier for me, although they are all lovely.

  251. I love them all, but I think it’s the tanglewood for me

  252. It’s kind of hilarious how much time I spent deciding which one I’d want. It’s the Glacier I’ve decided. Now please pick me RNG so my time was well spent. 😉

  253. Ohhh, so pretty! I would love the Glacier one. Thanks, Mir!! ( please, pick me RNG!)

  254. Gorgeous dresses! But I think Jacob’s Pillow would look best on me!

  255. I like the Tanglewood best, I think. Thanks

  256. Scarlet Raven, please!

  257. oooo la la!
    Cider please…..
    o SO pretty!

  258. The Scarlett Raven dress is so pretty.

  259. Scarlett Raven. 🙂

  260. Cider! And I’m curious how victory rolls are done. Not that my hair is long enough to try.

  261. Love the Tanglewood dress! Lovely!

  262. Maple…I love the collar.

  263. I love the cider. I may buy it, even though I can’t really afford it, because I love it that much.

  264. I’d love the Cider please

  265. I already have the shoes to go with the Appalachia!

  266. An Azure Coast would be perfect for my just-going-back-to-work-after-taking-4-years-off-to-spend-with-and-raise-my-2-wonderful-children!!

  267. Oops! I can’t read- sigh. I would LOVE a Cider dress, please!!!

  268. I choose…Maple.

  269. After much thought, I’mgoing with Appalachia! Gorgeous!

  270. I had a tough time deciding too, but I think I would go with the tanglewood. It was quite a difficult decision 😀

  271. I love the Cider dress!

  272. Mt. Graylock for me!

  273. I like the Tanglewood!

  274. Cider, definitely – love the orange!!

  275. I swear to you that if I win that Appalachia dress, I will figure out some kind of way to do victory rolls rather than my default of pulling my hair into a sloppy big bun (regarding which my tomboy of a 7-year-old tells me, “That is NOT a hairstyle, Mom.”). Sigh.

  276. Cider….it is GORGEOUS!

  277. I have to go with cider. So beautiful!

  278. Oh my goodness… how to pick!?!?! Ok… I’ll have to go with Jacob’s Pillow!! Now, to keep doing those lunges so that my rear looks as good as the models….

  279. Cider style, glacier color. Glacier sleeves. Okay, glacier! Not sure if I can pull it off though, since I usually need a more open neckline!

  280. Love, love, love the Cider.

  281. they are all so lovely! but I am going to have to go with the cider

  282. if I have to only pick one… Tanglewood!

  283. The cider is gorgeous.

  284. Tanglewood, please

  285. This is a seriously tough call. But I would choose Maple. They’re so pretty!

  286. Love that Jacob’s Pillow.

  287. I love the Cider dress, especially the color!

  288. Cider is beautiful! Man, they all are — what a great site! Thanks – Jessica

  289. Oh man! So many great options! But I’d have to pick the Cider dress. It speaks to my soul. Yes, that’s cheesy, and I don’t care!

  290. Atlantic Fog looks both adorable and comfortable! 😉

  291. Cider! I just adore Cider!

  292. Oh. My. Word. I am in love with all of these. But, having to choose just one…Scarlett Raven for me.

  293. Oh, Cider, Cider, Cider!

  294. I’m not usually one to step out in orange, but I would happily step out wearing Cider! Gorgeous dress.

  295. I’d pick Cider, for sure! Although I love Mt. Greylock the mountain, and love that they’ve named a dress after it.

  296. So hard to choose, but my favorite is Cider.

  297. I like the Scarlett Raven dress!

  298. I pink puffy heart the “Cider” dress 🙂

  299. I think the Cider dress is my soul mate!

  300. Jacob’s pillow for me, please!

  301. Jacob’s pillow for sure!

  302. I like the Glacier one for sure!

  303. The glacier! sooo pretty!

  304. Oh, the Cider for sure. I love a good embellishment!

  305. Easy pick fo rme – cider.

  306. I really really love the Cider Dress. It’s so FALL!

  307. oh how i love green! appalachia!

  308. Tanglewood…Love it! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks!!!!

  309. Cider! Very pretty.

  310. I didn’t look at all of them, but I think the V.P. would be my choice.

  311. I adore the Cider…my favorite color – and so feminine!

  312. Appalachia. Definitely Appalachia’

  313. Mt. Greylock is beautiful- a fabulous work dress!

  314. I adore that Cider dress!

  315. This is hard!!! If I have to choose just one, I choose Tanglewood. Thanks, Mir!

  316. I love this site! Definitely Cider!!

  317. Ooh – I love the Cider! So glad we don’t have to post our sizes! 🙂

  318. The Cider…love their stuff!

  319. Why not?

  320. That tanglewood one is beautiful. I have my share of dinosaurs in the closet.

  321. Count me in!

  322. Oh, love the Cider dress. Pick me!!

  323. Cider.

  324. Scarlett raven

  325. Cider is gorgeous!

  326. I love the Jacob’s pillow or the G. Cooper!

  327. love, love, love cider.

  328. Ooh, I love Cider — what an awesome color!

  329. must. have. cider. 🙂

  330. I’d get the Cider, for sure!
    cheatingpiggies at hotmail dot com

  331. Girls ‘Canary’ dress. Adorable

  332. Ugh, I’m terrible at making decisions. Cider or Glacier??? I think Cider. Ahhh!

  333. OMG the Cider dress is fantastic, and I totally have a pair of cobalt blue shoes to go with it.

  334. Cider please!

  335. Tanglewood!

  336. Love the Tanglewood!

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