One for you, one for them

By Mir
September 2, 2010

I (as I’ve discussed here before) am not much for new games on the Wii, because I firmly believe that God invented the Wii so that I could drive off the edge of the world in Mario Kart. But sure, okay, occasionally I’ll branch out, and my kids, of course, enjoy playing a variety of games.

Lately my son is obsessed with one called A Boy and His Blob, which I gather is a remake of an original Nintendo game. Whatever it is, it’s hilarious. Said blob can transform into just about anything his boy might need, and what is more entertaining to a kid than that? (Answer: Possibly flatulence, but not much else.) Anyway, Amazon is currently offering it through Hubbagames for just over $13 (even though it’s still $30 via Amazon itself), and it’s a really fun one, so I thought I’d mention it.

Meanwhile, if buying something for the kids makes you want a little something for your gaming fun, too, today’s Video Game Deal of the Day at Amazon is any version of Guitar Hero 5 for just $10. $10 for 85 new songs to rock? That’s a no-brainer.

Rock on, my friends.

1 Comment

  1. Flatulence trumps *everything* in the world of young boys. And older boys. And men who happen to be with young boys at the time of said flatulence. And sometimes moms of young boys who are ALSO present. Giggling is contagious, you know….

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