I kind of want to borrow your cat

By Mir
September 9, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot! | Pets

Did you know that Amazon has a whole FURminator Store? It’s true! I’m mesmerized. Those videos of animals being brushed out and producing entire clouds of hair are endlessly fascinating to me.

My dog has hair, so she doesn’t shed. I’m suddenly feeling a little deprived. And like maybe I should get a cat. (Sure, I’m allergic, but the cat FURminator is currently under $9!)

It’s possible that I need professional help. I’m aware.


  1. Oh, you BET I bought it. It was those photos of cats lying/standing next to cat-sized piles of fur that did it.

  2. If you like, I can just bag up the fur and send it your way, Mir. You could probably have it spun into yarn and knit a sweater. That’s very green!

  3. This is an amazing price! I can highly, highly recommend the FURminator. If you have a cat, run, don’t walk, to the FURminator site and place an order. (Announcer voice: Not a paid endorsement.)

  4. We love our furminator. We have a 75 lb part Great Pyrenees and when we brush him with the furminator, we get a Bichon Friese on the side… :-0

  5. omg we have 2 cats and i’ve been drooling over the furminator ever since dooce blogged about it years ago. i ran to the pet store to buy and stopped cold in my tracks when i saw that it was $35. hooray for getting one for $9! you are looking especially pretty today, mir! 🙂

  6. I love the Furminator I bought awhile back (for full price, eek!) but I don’t use it very often for two reasons- reason one being that I don’t have an outdoor space to do it in and it raises A LOT of fur, like a mini dust storm tornado of fur, which then settles over everything in the room, and reason two being that I have no idea when to stop. It’s totally addicting and my cats love it, and there is always hair coming up, but there is also the potential for baldness. It needs to come with a little alarm that goes Ding! NO MORE FURMINATING!

  7. Love my furminator. My cat only tolerates it for so long in a sitting but it seems to have but down on the shedding.

  8. You would not believe the amount of fur that comes off of my dog when I Furminate her. It is beyond astounding.

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