Shuffle off to Buffalo

By Mir
September 21, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I grew up in upstate NY, so I know whereof I speak when I tell you that I would need a really good reason to head to Buffalo short of wings. But today it’s okay, because I don’t actually have to go there.

See, remember how I told you that sometimes Groupon does online deals instead of local ones? Check out Buffalo’s deal for today—spend $35, get $115 worth of photobooks from Photobook America. You don’t have to shovel any snow or anything!

The holidays are coming, people. Cheap photobooks? I’m sure you can find a grandparent or two who would love to have ’em. Spend a little now, save a lot later.

Pssst! Have you read about Save Up ’10 and voted for Want Not so that I can learn even more ways to save you money? Every click helps!


  1. Mmm, and the Providence one has $40 of brownies for $20, shipped right to your (or some other lucky person’s) door.

  2. Ugh, photobook, brownies, photobook, brownies…guess which of those won? 🙂

  3. Doing a happy dance! I missed it when it was offered in Cleveland and this time I had $30 in Groupon Bucks from referrals so it was $5!! Hello Christmas gift for the grandparents!!! Love Groupon (and all the other social deal sites).

Bargain Hunt





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