Reading is still fundamental

By Mir
September 27, 2010
Category Contests

Sometimes I feel like a cranky old lady, trying to extol the virtues of a good old-fashioned book in this technological age. Thankfully, my kids are dedicated readers, but that’s probably because I read to them so much when they were little. Start young and they’ll develop a love of books that will last a lifetime! I’m sure I heard that in an after-school special sometime!

Anyway. Lately Simon and Schuster has sent me quite a few beautiful books for little kids. And now I’m going to pass them along to you, so that you can share them with some kids in your life. The winner of today’s contest will receive: Gifts from the Heart by Victoria Osteen, Presenting… Tallulah by Tori Spelling (yes… that Tori Spelling. I’m… sorry), and—my personal favorite of this trio—The Boss Baby by Marla Frazee. All three books are gorgeous and filled with beautiful illustrations, and are sure to delight a young reader you love.

Want to win ’em? Of course you do! First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, September 30th, 2010 for a chance to win. Winner to be determined via random number generation and phonics.

Ready? Go!


  1. Yay books!

  2. We definitely need some books.

  3. Ooh! Pick me, please.

  4. You don’t have to apologize about Tori Spelling. Tori & Dean is a modern classic!

  5. Sounds great!

  6. Pick me. Would love some new books to add to our nightly routine

  7. We always need new books!

  8. I’m always glad to add to the little ones’ library.

  9. We love books!

  10. Books are the best gifts ever!

  11. I LOVE Marla Frazee!

  12. love books, and teaching little dude the same! 🙂

  13. Terrific! We never say no to new books!

  14. I’ll foist ’em on my kid whether she wants them or not, MWAHAHaHahaaaa!

  15. Homeschooing here, and this could be a gift, and curriculum!

  16. We’d love them!

  17. I’ve got two to indoctrinate…

  18. My 6 year old son has just learned to read, and my heart turns to melted butter when I hear him reading to his little sister!!!! She sits still and listens to him for a long time (for a 1-year-old).

  19. YAY books!!

  20. Yay books!

  21. fun!

  22. Books – yes please!
    We are always looking for new reading material at our house.

  23. We LOVE books!

  24. please – can i have them

  25. We love books!

  26. We love new books!!!

  27. Books! WAHOO! Books! Got a couple of grands who LOVE books! The teacher in me is all about books.

  28. I hold onto hope that even if the Kindle edges out real books, there will always be kids books!

  29. Phonics, uhoh….I am horrible at phonics!!!

  30. Books are wonderful!

  31. I like to eat, I like to eat, I like to eat-eat apples and bananas…
    Ah lahke tah aht, Ah lahke tah aht,Ah lahke tah aht-aht ahpplahs ahnd bahnahnahs…

    Thanks for the chance. :>)

  32. Can’t go wrong with books! 🙂

  33. This would be great!

  34. Wanna win them? Of course I do.

    (Although I’m disturbed by reading a book to my daughter authored by the star of “Mother May I Sleep With Danger”)

  35. From looking at the pictures on the page I would guess that The Boss Baby would be our favorite as well. Thanks for the giveaway.

  36. My kids need more books!

  37. These look like good books, Thanks!

  38. can never have too many books!! thanks, mir!

  39. A bookshelf was a must have for our nursery! I am having so much fun filling it with stories that will fill my LO’s imagination for years to come!

  40. Would love this:)

  41. My grandson LOVES books–these would be a great gift from grandma!!

  42. Yea for books!

  43. Woo-Hoo books!!

  44. My 2 year old loves to read! She would love these.

  45. Reading to the girls every night is my favorite part of the day. 🙂 Thanks!

  46. Books Rule!!

  47. Perfect to read to my baby girl!

  48. My kids LOVE books.

  49. One can *never* have too many books. I’m in.

  50. Maybe I’d get a break from Franklin with more books!

  51. books, books, books!!!! We LOVE books in our house!

  52. I heart books!

  53. We *love* books! Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!

  54. hope I win!

  55. Books are my crack. But they aren’t illegal. I do find myself antsy if I don’t have a new one around every so often though. I have passed on my addiction to my children and our home library is feeling a little stale, so a new book (or three) would go a long way in easing the jonesing around here. Thanks for the chance!

  56. The Boss Baby looks great – I am so addicted – sure hope it rubs off on my LO!

  57. I’m hoping my girls will love books as much as I do!

  58. I could probably open a children’s library at this point… but I say you can never own too many books!!!

  59. love books!!!

  60. Too late for mine. But I have great nieces and nephews to spoil!

  61. Ahy wuhd lahyk suhm books, pleez. (Those are actual phonetical spellings, according to Wow, I’m a nerd!)

  62. Some of these celebrity kids’ books turn out surprisingly good. and then some . . . . not so much. My daughter would love to get these books!

  63. books are cool…

  64. Yes, please!!

  65. Reading to and with kids is the best!

  66. We love books!

  67. Oh what fun! I don’t need books, but they’d make great Christmas gifts for nieces and nephews.

  68. Perfect towards my future baby’s library!

  69. Books are the best!

  70. We love books and if I win them I don’t have to hear the speech from my hubby about having too many books blah blah blah 🙂

  71. Thank you!

  72. We love books!!

  73. I’d love to win

  74. There is nothing we love better than books!!!

  75. We love reading books here! Thanks.

  76. Love books.

  77. me!

  78. My 4 year-old’s brand new bookcase would LOVE brand new books! Thanks.

  79. We would love some new books in our house!

  80. Love books!!

  81. mmm, books!

  82. Love books of all kinds…

  83. books are good.

  84. You can never have too many books!

  85. my little readers would love them!

  86. Wonderful Christmas present! Thanks for the great contests.

  87. Love new books!

  88. these would make a great gift!

  89. There is no such thing as too many books. Always interested in new ones to explore. Thanks!

  90. Love these!

  91. Books are good!

  92. My 5 y/o nephew would love these!!

  93. Yes please!

  94. We love reading!!!

  95. Yes, please! And I love Tori! 🙂

  96. Celebrity authors, ftw! 🙂

  97. love books!!

  98. I couldn’t agree more! I think if you love reading, you probably are going to love to learn because you are exposed to all sorts of great things and ideas. I love to read to the kids! And I love to read for my own pleasure!

  99. yay books! thanks mir!!!

  100. Would love these for my little girl and her Headstart class.

  101. From the momma of two budding readers… me please!!

  102. That Tori? Interesting. I’d love to win just to check that one out. 🙂

  103. We never have enough books!

  104. I would love these books.

  105. We would love some new books! Thanks!

  106. Fingers crossed!

  107. love it

  108. This would be great!

  109. What is better than books for kids?

  110. You know I can never resist a contest when there are books involved!

  111. books!

  112. Yay for kids books!

  113. OH MY GOODNESS!! I really, really, really want this so that I can have “Boss Baby”. It looks so FUNNY! (And reminds me of your post about Kira’s baby COMMANDING WITH THE POWER OF THE PINCHY HAND!!)

  114. me me! pick me!

  115. Yes! Reading IS still fundamental!

  116. I ove to read with my kids!!

  117. We love books round here, but with the economy in the tank they have been relegated to the library. We’d love a new one to add to the library.

  118. mmm, more books <3

  119. Will this be the day?!?!

  120. Our first grader has his phonics down!

  121. My little one is the first in her class to read and pass 15 Advanced Reader tests. She is getting her first “puzzle piece” tomorrow. She is reading everything in sight. We would love something new.

  122. Reading here!

  123. Our little library is looking SAAAD

  124. Always up for some books!

  125. so Tori! Thanks, sounds neat.

  126. Hooked on Phonics worked for me!

  127. My almost four year old opened an old (1960’s – is that really old?) book and smelled The Smell. Followed by a long AHHHHHH. I know I have a reader on my hands!

  128. We love books. Have to admit I’m not too sure about these authors, but we love books…
    And Jeanette (comment 127) I love the smell too. My boys are avid readers but I’m not sure they’ve picked up on the smell yet…

  129. 4 kids at our house…

  130. that boss baby looks awesome!

  131. Love books

  132. In my world, there is no such thing as too many books. 🙂

  133. Everyone should love reading.

  134. Hey, I like Tori! And I love books!! 🙂

  135. Love the kids books…

  136. We’d love some new books! Thankfuly, I’ve got readers too!

  137. I’m totally in!

  138. Books make great Christmas presents . . . less than 3 months away!

  139. I heard Boss Baby is really cite, I would love to win them

  140. I would love new books!

  141. We love books!

  142. My little one is just starting to sound stuff out (she’s in K) and she LOVES books! We’d love to win this one. Thanks!

  143. I would love to win this! Thanks so much for offering such cool prizes.

  144. Reading is my second language!

  145. Sounds wonderful!

  146. We need more books…=)

  147. Can’t have too many books!

  148. No way would I buy a Tori Spelling book, but win, OK!

  149. I love children’s books!

  150. books are always welcome in our house!

  151. Oh, me please! 🙂

  152. Books are the best!

  153. My kids love books!

  154. My first grader is really getting into reading. It is so much fun to listen to her read every night! Yay books!

  155. Tori Spelling, eh…interesting.

  156. Ohh, books! We’d like some please!

  157. Books rule!

  158. My kids would love these!

  159. I could use some new ones. I’m getting tired of reading the same books over and over and over and….

  160. These look great, either for my kids or for the box of potential birthday gifts for their friends.

  161. My girls love books! We need some new ones!

  162. Perfect item to donate to my daughter’s classroom. (She’s the teacher.)

  163. We’re a family of avid readers, and are always on the lookout for new stuff!

  164. Book starts with b… That means I win, right? : )

  165. My daughter loves books!!

  166. “Book me”.

  167. We love books! Hmm, in phonics: Books are fun. Fun, books, fun!

  168. My kiddo would love this.

  169. Ooh, kids books I haven’t already memorized!

  170. OOOOh new books!!! Please pick me 🙂

  171. Good books=good kids.

  172. So…. me me me! I need to inflict the madness that is Tori Spelling on the next generation (since my daughter can’t see Tori’s 90’s fashion sense first hand)

  173. Pick meeeeeee!!!!!! Please?

  174. I love a good book!

  175. My girls love books!

  176. Book Lover! ! !

  177. My three-year-old is a voracious reader–she’d LOOOOVE these!

  178. Great contest! Fingers crossed!

  179. love to win these books …..

  180. My pretty family loves books! 🙂

  181. As a reading teacher I can never have too many books.

  182. My kiddos could use some new books- they only have 3 rooms full- I promise to share!!

  183. I’m in! You know me; if they don’t fit the family, they’ll fit the school.

  184. i have a couple of open spots in my bookcase just waiting

  185. BOOKS!

  186. I actually really want to see that tori spelling book…

  187. Ditto Jess #186…I really want to see the Tori Spelling book! I’m a sucker for pseudo celebrities with cute husbands and even cuter kids.

  188. We love books!

  189. Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

  190. I heart books.

  191. love books, thanks for the opportunity!

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