Don’t be shop-phobic about your jeans

By Mir
October 11, 2010
Category Contests

I get a lot of product pitches, and most of them go directly into the trash. But when I heard that Mike Rowe was the new International Shop Phobic Recovery Ambassador for Lee Jeans, I was laughing too hard to hit delete. Because how perfect is that? Mike Rowe—the quintessential man’s man—just putting it all out there about hating shopping but still, you know, wanting a decent pair of jeans.

Well. I happen to be married to a real man’s man, myself. I won’t get into his idea of jeans vs. my idea of jeans (hint: if there’s room enough for me to join you in those pants, they’re too big, honey). But when we were offered a pair of Premium Select Men’s jeans for him to try, I jumped at it. Guess what—we both really like ’em. He says they’re comfortable, and I say they actually fit, for a change. I daresay Mike Rowe would approve, too.

Know what else Mike Rowe would approve? Five lucky Want Not readers each winning a pair of Lee jeans! Choose a pair of the men’s Premium Select, or—if you’d rather—a ladies’ pair of Slender Secret jeans, instead. If you win, it’s totally up to you.

To play, first go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post telling me which style jeans you’d like to receive by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, October 14th, 2010 to be entered. Five winners will be selected via random number generation, and then Mike Rowe will bring some new jeans to your house.

Um, I totally made up the part about Mike Rowe delivering your new jeans. But it’s true that five of you will get free jeans. I promise. Go!


  1. My husband could definitely use some new jeans (and Premium select sounds extra fancy) πŸ™‚ Thanks, Mir!

  2. Premium Select Regular Straight Leg Jean please! My husband can never find jeans that fit well!

  3. I could use some new jeans!!

  4. My hubs always needs clothes!

  5. Slender Secret for ME!! πŸ™‚

  6. ladiesÒ€ℒ pair of Slender Secret jeans, please. ^_^

    Although it would be a while before I can wear them… baby boy is due in Feb.

  7. Slender Secret Joplin

  8. Ladies slender secret Joplin jeans please!

  9. I just got my husband some new jeans 2 weeks ago so I deserve some new jeans as well. I would love to have a pair of the Slender Secret Joplin Jeans. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Hmmm…..I’ll go with jeans for my hubby….(cuz I’ll actually buy myself jeans that fit!!!)

  11. Slender Secret Joplin jeans would be great!

  12. Slender Secret for me! YAY!

  13. Do they have super high-compression Slender Secret? I may need Slender Top Secret.

  14. We need help in that area too! Thanks!

  15. I’d go for the Premium Select jeans for my husband. They sure sound extra special!

  16. My husband can never find jeans that fit- he should give these a try.
    The Premium Select Regular Straight Leg Jean please!

  17. Premium select for hubby πŸ™‚

  18. The men’s Premium Select Straight legs for my shop-phobic hubby would be awesome.

  19. There’s no h in this household, but since I lost a size, I’d love a new pair of jeans πŸ™‚

  20. I want the jeans that have Mike Rowe in them, but that’s not part of the contest is it? Harumph. In that case I would like the men’s premium select jeans, please.

  21. Slender secret Emily straightleg for moi!

  22. The men’s for the boyfriend!

  23. Please enter me!

  24. Men’s premium select please! Baggy is bad!

  25. My husband was JUST complaining about how none of his jeans fit correctly. This contest is perfectly timed.

  26. Slender Secret Joplin jeans–exciting!

  27. My hubby completely needs these. No, it’s not cool that his jeans can fall down by themselves at any time.

  28. would love a pair of the slender secret joplin please

  29. Jeans for my man!

  30. I don’t know who Mike Rowe is but free jeans are free jeans.

  31. I would love the Slender Secret Emily Jeans!

  32. mem’s premium regular straight leg jeans. maybe my wife will quit complaining. thanks

  33. I would like to try the Slender Secret Joplin jean because they look really nice and I like the name!

  34. Ladies jeans please, I seem to wear out a pair every few months.

  35. Slender secret joplin please!

  36. Jeans for mememeeee! (womens, that is) Thanks!

  37. slender secret for me!!!!!!! i hate jean shopping!!! HATE HATE HATE!!

  38. The Slender Secret Emily jeans for me please/

  39. Slender select joplin please!

  40. I’d probably be selfish and want my own jeans – I really like the Slender Secret Keller Bootcut Jeans. Let the boy get his own jeans!

  41. My husband needs some more jeans!

  42. I would love some Slender Secret jeans. πŸ™‚ Thanks, Mir!

  43. I’d love the Slender Secret Emily Straight Leg Jean. They look great!

  44. Sounds like it’s worth a try… Premium Select straight leg

  45. My poor husband has been wanting (and needing) new jeans for way too long. Would love to win him a pair of the premium select!

  46. Premium Select Jeans please

  47. Oh my husband needs new jeans so badly!! He’s totally a Men’s Premium Select Relaxed Fit kind of guy!

  48. Fortunately, I just bought jeans for my husband, so this is for me =).
    Slender Secret 5 Pocket Jean – Plus

  49. Hubby needs new jeans – Premium Select Men’s Jeans, please.
    Thanks for the chance at new jeans, even if Mike won’t be delivering them. But wouldn’t that have been wonderful? swoon.

  50. Too funny! I’m in! Thanks for the chance!

  51. Jeans for him, please!

  52. I want slender secret jeans!

  53. Love the slender secrets!

  54. Slender Secret in Joplin for me.
    And can we talk about how FABULOUS Lee jeans are for petites who have big hips and bottoms in proportion to their waists? (OR, as I prefer to think of it, TINY waists in proportion to their hips? :)). LOVE them. LOVE LOVE them.

  55. men’s premium select, if I am the lucky winner. That would make my husband the lucky guy – or may my 18 year old. It will depend on who is nicest to me that day.

  56. Those Slender Secret boot cuts look quite lovely, I think!

  57. Men’s premium select jeans please – my husband definitely needs a new pair. Thank you!

  58. Oh Mir – Thank you for this offer (Thanks to Lee as well) !! The thought of jeans that would actually fit my hubby is well . . . EXCITING!!! The fact that I wouldn’t have to drag him to the store is . . . FABULOUS! Not having to listen to him complain about the cost. . . PRICELESS!!!! I hope I win!

  59. Slender Secret!

  60. Slender Select – I’m the one who has lost 7 pounds, not him. πŸ™‚

  61. slender secret joplin, although it’ll be 3 months until I can wear them (baby due in 2!)

  62. I love the slender secret jeans!

  63. men’s premium select please!

  64. Ooh, I’d get a pair or the men’s premium select relaxed jeans for my husband, those look nice.

  65. hey ! I can use a slender secret

  66. I love my husband, but I want the slender select for ME! (plus, he benefits, right?)

  67. Men’s Premium Select for the hubs, please. The jeans he currently wears are baggy enough in the tush area that I could probably get in there with him.

  68. The Men’s Premium Select Jeans for my husband.

  69. Would love, love, love some Slender Secret Jeans!

  70. I’d love a pair of ladies jeans — and Mike Rowe to bring them to my house — preferably when my husband is NOT home. Thanks, k?

  71. Slender Secret Joplin for me!

  72. Oops, should have been more specific in my comment (#57) – men’s premium select relaxed fit jeans. Sorry about that! πŸ™‚

  73. I could totally use a new pair of jeans. I’m too big for my skinny jeans, but not big enough for my fat jeans.

  74. Slender Secret Joplin jeans please!! Just had a baby, if they can slenderize this then they are amazing!

  75. I’d love some new jeans! The ladies kind, if you please.

  76. I just bought a pair of the Slender Secret and love them…so I guess hubby can use a new pair too!

  77. Yes please. Mr. Flat Butt really needs some jeans that fit.

  78. The men’s premium select please πŸ™‚

  79. The slender secret bootcut Joplin would be so cute!

  80. I’m willing to give the Joplin jeans a go! I need new pants more than the man does. πŸ™‚

  81. Me! Me! Me! ALL FOR ME!!!

  82. Slender Secret Joplin for me!!

  83. My husband wears jeans until they are thread bare. I’d love to win a pair of the Premium Select Relaxed Straight Leg Jeans for him! Thanks pretty Mir!
    P.S. Is it wrong that I can’t help but giggle at those who always fail to fully follow the instructions for the contest?

  84. I’d love to win some relaxed straight leg jeans for my hubby!

  85. Pick me for slender secret joplin jeans! Crossing fingers now…

  86. I love me some Lee jeans!! They’re awesome! I would love a pair of Slender Secret jeans. Thanks!

  87. I would love the Slender Secret Keller jeans

  88. Premium select men’s regular straight leg jeans for my hubby please!

  89. I need new jeans please to fit my slimming body. Thank you!

  90. Premium Relaxed Men’s. My DH wears jeans to work basically every day. We go thru alot of jeans. And this past year he has lost weight and gone down 3 sizes. That was painful when I had to buy all new jeans for his new size. I am so proud of him tho!

  91. Need post baby jeans…

  92. Very very cool… Slender Secret please!

  93. Men’s Premium Select, please!

  94. My husband needs new jeans.

  95. Jeans that fit???? WOO HOO!
    I’ll take a pair of the ladies jeans please!

  96. Ooo! Jeans! I love them! So does my husband (he is a minister that has to wear khakis & suits a lot so he LOVES it when he gets to wear his jeans!).

  97. Premium Select Relaxed Straight Leg for the husband. He was just whining earlier that he needs some new jeans! πŸ™‚

  98. Slender Secret Keller Bootcut Jean….this “slender secret” is intriguing!

  99. Slender Secret Joplins for ME!

  100. Jeans for my boyfriend. He really needs some, his current ones are just….no. He needs new jeans.

  101. I haven’t worn jeans since I got pregnant with my daughter, she’s 3.5. Sigh. Thanks for the chance!

  102. My hubby could really use a nice new pair of jeans! The men’s premium select, please!!

  103. Would love the Keller boot cut jeans!

  104. Slender Secret Keller jeans. (I have a pair of these in a different style, and they are the most comfortable jeans in the entire world!)

  105. Joplin jean…puhlease….!

  106. Marmont Bootcut!

  107. menÒ€ℒs Premium Select Straight legs

  108. Slender Secret Joplin Jeans for me, please!

  109. Love the slender secret Keller jeans!

  110. I would love to try the Slender Secret Emily jeans. My hubby is a Levi’s man and will never wander.

  111. Slender secret for me! Dh can find his own jeans πŸ™‚

  112. Slender Secret for me!!!

  113. I think I’d let the Hubs take these. Thanks!

  114. As much as my spouse always needs new jeans, he’s not a fan of the pre-worn look. So I’d be very, very happy to win a new pair of Joplin jeans for me! Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!

  115. Premium select.

  116. Oh, my hubby TOTALLY needs a new pair of jeans! Men’s premium select relaxed striaght-leg, please!!

  117. I like the Slender secret Joplin jean. Looks cute!

  118. Contour Fit Amelia Slim Straight Leg Jeans might pull me away from Gap jeans. πŸ™‚

  119. My hubby would love a new pair of premium select jeans

  120. Winning new britches would be so cool!

  121. Slender Secret Joplin Jean would be great for me.

  122. Nothing is fitting since Baby #2 – Mommy needs a new pair of jeans!

  123. My not so little guy could use some (premium select)jeans that fit!

  124. I’d be happy with either- but since my hubby is super-pickey about his jeans, I’ll just ask for the Slender Secret for myself!

  125. Forget the jeans, just give me Mike Rowe!

  126. I’d love to try these, and hadn’theard about them yet…. Slender Secret Amalfi look the closest to what I’m usually comfortable with….

  127. not sure who would get the jeans we’d have to thumb wrestle or something! thanks Mir!

  128. Mens Premuim Jeans! My hubby has killer buns and I would love to see them in a new pair of jeans! πŸ™‚

  129. Either style of the Premium Select MenÒ€ℒs jeans, please! Thanks!

  130. Mir-I grew up and went to college with Mike Rowe in Baltimore. I have also been skinny-dipping with Mr. Rowe. Really. You can ask him.

  131. Forget about my husband — I need new jeans! He says he doesn’t have any, but I do the laundry around here and he has about 6 pairs.

  132. Slender Secret please

  133. Slender Secret Keller Bootcut please. Thank you!

  134. Slender Bootcut!

  135. The Chica jeans please. There is only me at the moment

  136. YUM, Mike. I would like the chance at the Slender Secret. Shhh…..

  137. slender secret emily for me!

  138. Slender Secret bootcut for me, please!

  139. Ooh…. Slender Secrets…..

  140. Mike Rowe pleea…I mean, slender secret straight leg emily please!

  141. Premium Select Relaxed Straight Leg, my husband is so picky but I think he would LOVE these!

  142. My husband needs some of the Premium Select mens jeans, he has ripped all of his. Thanks

  143. I like the marmont slender secrets jeans.

  144. I would love the ladies variety, please!

  145. Slender Secret Joplin would be so great!

  146. My husband has gotten 3 new pairs of jeans in the last few months. I haven’t purchased a new pair in well over a year. So I’d say I want the slender secrets Keller jeans.

  147. My husband actually just lost over 100lbs (why is it so easy for men?), so he REALLY needs new jeans. That belt just can’t take in so much fabric…

  148. I’d LOVE to get some for me, but since I’m pregnant and not looking to wear normal jeans for awhile, I’d love to win my husband the regular straight leg pair.

  149. Slender secret for me! Thank you!

  150. It’s my husband’s birthday TODAY! (Really.) Definitely a pair of jeans for him: Premium Select Relaxed Fit Men’s Jeans to be exact.

  151. Not since the 80’s have I found myself agonizing over choosing a pair of Lee Jeans. They’ve really amped up their styles over the past couple decades. I found myself torn between the Slender Secret styles, but really love the Keller boot cut in Spy! Big plus; I totally love Mike Rowe!

  152. It’s my sweet husband’s birthday tomorrow…so I would choose some men’s Lee jeans!

  153. Men’s jeans please πŸ™‚

  154. I have NO jeans that I like. I’d choose the Slender Secret Joplin Jeans.

  155. Slender Secret please! That sounds like exactly what I need.

  156. I would love the Slender Ladies jeans.

  157. Slender secret joplin for Mama please!

  158. Either one of us could use the jeans, but I’m going to go with the ladies style because he doesn’t know about this.

  159. I would looooove the slender secret keller bootcut…. sassy!

  160. Ladies jeans please! I could use a pick me up after this birthing this baby!

  161. slender secret kellers, puh-lease!

  162. Slender Secret, please (Keller).

    Thanks, Mir!

  163. Slender Secret Keller Bootcut for me please! I happen to be rather shop-phobic myself! Hubby has no problem finding jeans that fit as long as he can find short ones (29!).

  164. Thank you Mir (and Lee!) for offering this contest! The Premium Select Relaxed Straight Leg Jeans would be fantastic for my husband, especially as he tends to avoid purchasing new pants until he has literally worn through his current ones. Sigh. But these look wonderful!

  165. I’ll go with the Men’s pair, I guess. My husband could use a new pair of jeans more than I could. The relaxed fit, please and thank you!

  166. I selfishly would like the Slender Secrets for myself. We’ll see if they’ve finally invented a “tummy control” area that DOESN’T just roll down under my tummy.

  167. Slender secret please.

  168. Slender Secret jeans sound good to me.

  169. How about the Ladies’ Emily Jean? Very nice! And I’m swooning! Mike Rowe! Mmmmmmm….:-)

  170. Wow, I don’t know which to pick – the Slender Secret Bootcut or the Emily Straight Leg. They both are so cute! And I would get a secret giggle wearing the Emily jeans while hanging out with my Emily daughter. πŸ™‚

  171. Relaxed fit for the hubby would be great, I wonder what he looks like in jeans that fit? hmmm

  172. My husband desperately needs a new pair of jeans. The Relaxed Fit would look nice on him. Thank you!

  173. Definitely jeans for my man…a refreshing change from his infinite supply of cargo khakis!

  174. Jeans for the husband please! He just realized he has ONE pair. And I know you can guess if they fit properly. Also, they were purchased about 13 years ago. My husband actually said to me the other day, jeans don’t go out of style. Ah, but the styles do change!

  175. I need those slimming jeans more than I need this danish I’m eating, but hey, you get what you get… πŸ™‚

  176. The slender secret jeans! I’ll need them post-baby.

  177. You had me at Mike Rowe! I’d love some new jeans – would love him to deliver them even more!

  178. I don’t have a man to buy jeans for, but Mom here could use some new ones!

  179. I would love to get the men’s premium select for my 17 yo son. Thanks!

  180. Slender Secret – I need jeans soooo bad right now

  181. Oh man! I have to choose first? Me or him, me or him…. I guess the man jeans because my husband seems to think the gaping hole in the crotch is ok as long as he is only mowing the lawn. Out in front of our house. In broad daylight (try as I might, he won’t mow in the dark). Maybe new jeans will force him to move his old but not yet gaping jeans down the line to lawn mowing jeans and the ones that could get him arrested on public decency charges into the trash once and for all.

  182. The Slender Secret Joplin Jean…he can buy his own jeans! πŸ™‚

  183. Please enter my name in the contest for a new pair of Premium Select for my hubby, who always does without in the new clothing dept. Thank you!

  184. Slender Secret Keller Bootcut Jean!!!

  185. If everyone knows, is it still a secret? Anywho – ladies Slender Secret please!

  186. I could really, really use a new pair of jeans. I almost bought the slender secret jeans when they had that one day sale but I forgot before the sale was over. I would love to try the Slender Secret Scott Straight Leg jeans.

  187. Hmm. Jeans for hubby or jeans for me??? I’ll go with Premium Select Mens Jeans. Thanks so much!

  188. I would love the Slender Secret, although it is not a secret that I am not slender.

  189. My man needs some premium select jeans, please.

  190. Slender secret jeans please!

  191. Slender secret! My husband has too many clothes already!

  192. Slender Secret sounds good.

  193. Premium Select Relaxed, please & thank you.

  194. I think that I need Slender Secrets, please!

  195. Great contest!! Slender Secret please!!

  196. I was just telling my wife that I need some new jeans! The only pair I have left is threadbare with some holes in the knees. Now I know, people pay extra for that look, but I am 40 years old and there are times that wearing holes in my jeans is fine and other times when it is just not OK.

    Pick me for the new men’s jeans, please! πŸ™‚

  197. Though we could both use new jeans, it’s much too hard to buy jeans for me without trying them on in person, so I’ll go with the Premium Select for my hubby! Thanks!

  198. hubs has lost so much weight and is between sizes, he could really use some new jeans!

  199. I would love a new pair of Slender Select straight leg jeans for me! I’m wearing a pair right now!

  200. Slender Secret Emily straight-leg please! Also, I don’t know who Mike Rowe is.

  201. Oooh, Slender Secret Emily, please!

  202. we could both use a new pair of jeans! so either one will work here!

  203. Husband for sure… if Mike Rowe delivered them, I’d need a divorce though…

  204. Although I really want some for myself – I’m going to say the guy’s jeans – the Premium Select Regular Straight Leg Jean – because he really needs them more than me.

  205. My man’s man could not be more shop-phobic! Please send the Premium Select Men’s Jeans for him to try – all his jeans are fraying and worn (besides not fitting him at all well).

  206. slender secret joplin pretty please!!

  207. I’d love the Emilys! Especially if they can make my butt look as cute as the model’s.

  208. Jeans for the skinny husband with no butt. Maybe these will do the job!

  209. Slender Secret, please! Thanks, Mir!

  210. Hubby is very picky about his jeans. Would love to to give these a try.

  211. I would love new jeans for my husband. I’m tired of seeing his knees.

  212. Slender secret bootcut….yum. Thanks, Mir!

  213. The ladies’ Slender Secret Emily Straight would be nice to win.

  214. I should totally get jeans for my husband, but I wear them more than he does, so Slender Select it is!

  215. Slender Secret jeans for ME!

  216. I would love the Emily Slender Secret Straight Leg Jeans. Awesome prize to try to win. Thanks Mir!!

  217. I would love a pair of slender select jeans!

  218. Joplin Slender Secret Jeans would be a great addition to my very limited wardrobe. Thanks!

  219. need slender secret!!!!

  220. While I’d be the most happy if I won Mike Rowe, I’ll take a pair of the ladies’ jeans as a nice consolation πŸ™‚

  221. Slender Secret Keller Bootcut Jean

  222. Lee’s are the ONLY brand of jeans that ever fits me properly. Slender Secret Keller Bootcut for me please. Thank you

  223. I want the slender secret Keller jeans for me! Hubby’s gonna have to find his own

  224. I’m about to wear a hole in the only pair I like – it would be awesome to win new ones! Thanks!

  225. Hmm, I can’t really tell the difference between the Joplins and the Kellers. I guess the Kellers. (And there was never a chance my husband was getting the free jeans! Ha!)

  226. I would choose the Men’s Premium Select Regular Straight Leg Jean in Vintage Stone Denim…phew, that was a mouthful! Preferably delivered by a shirtless Mike Rowe πŸ˜‰

  227. I would love to win the jeans. Love your blog. You are so funny. Every once in a while I will add something funny such as in my holiday gift guide and giveaway at
    but you are consistently hilarious. I am actually a newbie blogger and would love to have posts like yours instead of just regular ones.

  228. I’d love the slender select jeans please! but I have no idea, really. I’m in the midst of a successful diet, and have no idea what size I am.

  229. I’d love the slender select jeans.

  230. Slender secret, thanks!

  231. Oh boy does my husband need new jeans, the Premium Select sound great! Are you sure Mike Rowe won’t deliver them πŸ˜‰

  232. Oh how I need new jeans…my husband has many pairs. I have 1 that fits post baby (baby is 2 – hush up about that). Slender Fit would be fabulous!

  233. I got so excited about this contest when I read that Mike Rowe would deliver the jeans. What a cruel tease! We love us some Dirty Jobs around our house. Appeals to mom, dad and the kids…

    Hubby would love the pants and I’ll just sulk over here that Mike isn’t coming to visit.

  234. Slender Secret Joplin Jean— these look great!

  235. Someone I know would love Premium Select MenÒ€ℒs jeans!

  236. Slender Secret Emily Straight Leg Jean please!

  237. Slender Secret……in a size larger than I’m now sorry to say

  238. Me me me! I want to win a pair of Lee Jeans. And if Mike Rowe comes inside of them, even better!

  239. Slender Secret, please!

  240. I love LEE jeans! Slender secret, please!

  241. I’d love a pair of either one! The hubs really needs new pants though so I’ll take a pair for him.

  242. I’d love to get my man the Premium Select MenÒ€ℒs jeans because who doesn’t want to look at a man’s nice behind in jeans? πŸ™‚

  243. Woot! Jeans.

  244. Count me in. I wear jeans every day, and let’s just say that I don’t have any jeans that fit me right now. Ahem.

  245. Slender jeans for me, please. Unless I can request Mike Rowe? He’s pretty.

  246. Premium select for my hubby. His jeans are from before we got married, 7 years ago. Time to retire them!

  247. Lee are my family’s favorite jeans – would like to try out their new jeans!

  248. I’d love the slender secret Keller boot cut jeans.

  249. No man in my life, so I’d like the Slender Secret jeans for myself.

  250. I could definitely use jeans that fit. I have an awful time finding jeans that fit. Sigh. Pleeeeeeeeease? πŸ™‚

  251. I would love a pair of Slender Secret Joplin jeans! Thanks Mir!!!

  252. Slender Secret Joplins for me please πŸ™‚

  253. Would love a new pair of jeans! I’d choose Slender Secret jeans! Thanks.

  254. Men’s relaxed straight leg jeans. Hubby has lost some weight and could use a smaller size. Yay!

  255. I’d be interested in the Comfort Fit Marian Bootcut Jean, but if the Slender Secret jeans are the only ones on offer, I would take those too!

  256. Since my husband doesn’t wear jeans, these would be all for me. And I actually really like Lee jeans. I went to Kohls and tried on every pair of jeans they had and Lee came out the winner. I like anything Comfort Fit. Maybe I need to try on some Slender Secret too.
    Thanks for the chance!

  257. I would love a pair of these! The slender style Keller jeans look nice.

  258. Slender secret would be the jeans of my choice. All the men at my house have moved on to homes of their own.

  259. I’d love the Slender Secret Emily jeans!

  260. I would like to win the ladies’ Slender Secret Keller Bootcut ones. Thanks.

  261. My husband is crazy picky about jeans, but if the plus size is included in this giveway, I’m so there!

  262. I would love new jearns!!!!

  263. I would love to try the secret slender jeans!

  264. I need some new jeans =)

  265. Since my hubby lost soooo much weight, I would love to present him with
    a new pair of men’s Premium Select jeans!!!

  266. Slender Secret, please!

  267. I would love to try the Slender Secret!

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