Like a credit card with training wheels

By Mir
October 25, 2010
Category Contests

So you’ve gone and had a teenager. Congratulations! The once-cheerful child you’ve come to know and adore has disappeared, leaving a not-quite-adult in its place who is hungry, demanding, and wants to go to the mall or shop online without you, but with your money, thanks.

Uh oh.

Don’t panic! BillMyParents is here to help! Think of it as a credit card with training wheels, to ease your teen into the wonderful world of credit card usage. Choose from either the supervised shopping feature on partner sites—online purchases are emailed to you for approval before processing—or a prepaid debit MasterCard with a set spending limit; either way your teen gets a bit of spending autonomy within a safe, controlled framework. There’s never any surprise expenditures, your kid’s tender credit score is unaffected, and it’s a great way to start those hard conversations about how one uses a credit card responsibly. (Also? Because I manage my kids’ allowance online, what a fabulous way for me to load their own money onto a card for them, worry-free.)

Anyway. The fine folks at BillMyParents are so sure you’re going to love ’em, they’re offering up a $50 prepaid debit MasterCard to one parent/teen duo for this contest! Please note: The winner of this contest will need to provide the names and email addresses of both the controlling adult and the teen (aged 13-18) in order to receive the prize.

Want to win it? Of course you do! First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, October 28th, 2010 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number generation and strength of eye roll, which is how I knew I had a teen of my very own, thankyouverymuch.

Ready? Go!


  1. I would love to give this my cousin if I win! They’ll be thrilled 🙂

  2. I would totally give this to my best friend for her and her 16-year-old to use!

  3. I think this would be a great training tool for my 15 year old daughter!

  4. This would be awesome!! Hope I win:)

  5. This would be awesome to use for my son. Thanks Mir!

  6. What a fantastic idea!

  7. Uuuuh … no. Evil. Seriously – credit cards for teenagers? Bad idea. I was dumbfounded when my 16 year old got his first job at Sonic recently and they sent him home with a debit card with his name on it. Evidently that’s their preferred form of payment. That way the money goes directly to the teen’s card, the teen then turns around and spends it on Sonic food while at work. Gah! My boy said no and it all goes direct deposit to his savings account.

    Teenagers and credit cards – scary movie.

  8. My son would LOVE this! Hmmm, maybe he would even spend some of that $ on me for Xmas? yeah right… 🙂

  9. I would give this to my sister-in-law and niece. They’d love it! What a great idea!

  10. Free money…..

  11. My 14 yo says yes please!

  12. We’re in!

  13. I’m in. Although, I suspect my teenager is probably more frugal than I am. Maybe I need the card and he can control the purse strings…

  14. What a great idea.

  15. We’re starting to think about how to teach our 13 yo daughter who doesn’t care about stuff or money how to use it. So, um, yeah. This would be cool.

  16. My 14yr old would enjoy!

  17. My almost 17 year old daughter thinks you are very, VERY pretty!

  18. maybe now my 13 year old will finally understand how a credit card really works!

  19. I have a teen. Oh, do I have a teen.

  20. My son is turning 14 in November… and he’s already started with the constant asking for money! This would be great for us!

  21. Wow, my teen would be thrilled to win!

  22. No way! Too COOL!

  23. I so want this for my nephew.

  24. Stepdaughter would love this!

  25. Count me in – PLEASE!!!!!

  26. Money and food. Isn’t that all the teens dreams. Oh yeah, the boyfriend girlfriend thing too. Glad we aren’t on that last stage yet, but we would love the card.

  27. That would be great for me and my 14 year old!

  28. Sigh. My kids are growing up, and have travel sports obligations that mean I can’t always go with them. We’d love to win this one…

  29. oh, this would be so incredible!

  30. I’ve got two teens here. Either could use it, but I’m thinking that my older one (16) could best use it. Then I could get my Visa back from him that he’s using to purchase gas for his car (and sometimes fast food).

  31. How cool is this! I am a single mom of not one but TWO teens. I want them to learn how to use credit responsibly and not fall for ever schnook who wants to give them a credit card. I like this idea. 🙂

  32. I’m in! Thanks, Mir.

  33. Oh, yes, the teens have hit my household.

  34. This would be perfect for my son. Teens need to learn how to manage everyrhing!

  35. Great Christmas gift surprise. My teen would love it! Thanks, Mir!

  36. Would love this for my nephew’s birthday!

  37. I would love to watch my 14 year old try to decide what to spend this on. Even if the money is still mine, it seems like hers and she’s much more judicious when she thinks it’s her own. There’s probably a fiscal lesson for me in there somewhere, but I’m too busy driving people places to figure it out. Thanks for the chance!

  38. Take my teen, PLEASE!! I wonder what the world record is for eye rolling?

  39. I’d probably be a *cool* mom if I won this for my teen 🙂

  40. The questions is which teen do I pick?? I can hear the drama already!

  41. My daughter would love this for her birthday!

  42. count me in!!!!! I have 2 teens , which to give it tooo, or let them each buy something. cooooooool !!!!!!!!

  43. My daughter says, “Yes, Yes, please!”

  44. This would be great! Thanks Mir!

  45. This sounds like the solution we’ve been looking for. Awesome! *fingers crossed*

  46. this could make me cool for abut 5 seconds

  47. this is *awesome*

  48. This is a great giveaway and a great idea. My teen is always coming to me with his hand out. And now it’s prom season, so I’m sure he will extend it as far as possible. lol And just FYI, the eye rolling doesn’t stop. He’s almost 17 and I think it gets worse every single day. ugh!

  49. How cool!

  50. Worth a shot:)

  51. Either of my teens would love this! Thanks, Mir! 🙂

  52. Frightening how much these young teenagers already know about online purchasing! This would be a great way to get going!

  53. Would love this for my 18 year old son!

  54. Sounds like a great concept! Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. This would be great for my daughter.

  56. My 14 year old son could really use this!!

  57. What a brilliant idea!

  58. This would be an interesting life lesson.

  59. I’d give it to my younger brother! Awesome!

    Thanks, Mir!

  60. I know a 14 yo who would think this was heavens gift to him.

  61. Great gift for a teen.

  62. My 16 year old son Nathaniel could rrrreally use this for gas. TIA random number generator.

  63. I have 2 teens, so if I win this, I will gladly go get a second one so they don’t have to share…like toddlers, they have sharing issues…

  64. This would be a nice win. I would love to see Kristy when she gets it.

  65. i wish , I wish you’d pick me

  66. i have 2 teens and 3 more on the way!!

  67. This is a very interesting idea . . .fingers crossed!

  68. Please! I NEED this….my child 20 dollar’s me to death! 50? Awesome – I wouldn’t be bothered for a couple of days ;>}

  69. My teen would think I was cool if I won it for her!

  70. I have so many teens! Which one would get it???

  71. Intriguing concept

  72. I’m in!

  73. My son age 13 thinks I should buy him a car soon, cuz 16 is right around the corner ya know~! I would love to teach him the ins and outs of saving and spending….cuz I don’t plan on buying him a car for sometime!

  74. I would give it to my 15 year old daughter so she could buy something cool and then give it to me! Just kidding, I’m sure she’ll think of lots of things that she totally wants.

    I have a contest linky on my website if you would like to link up!

  75. Love this contest…my almost 12 year old will love it as well.

  76. sounds great

  77. My 15 year old would think he was the greatest thing since the invention of toilet paper, if he had this in his wallet!!!

  78. Awesomeness!

  79. My 17 year old and I would love to win! It sounds like a great idea.

  80. Good idea and a great gift!

  81. this is a great idea for my teenage son. please don’t laugh if I entered this after the deadline – I have been struggling with a chest cold and not 100 % yet.

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