Black Friday Week begins at Amazon

By Mir
November 22, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Oh, it’s shaping up to be a really fun week. There’s a whole week of Lightning Deals for Black Friday going on at Amazon, with deals popping up every half hour or so, all day long. It’s like a Woot-Off on steroids, and clearly I am going to get absolutely nothing done this week. Heh.

Note: Amazon has changed the rules for Lightning Deals. You now have 15 minutes to check out with an item before it’s removed from your cart. This is good news for those of us who lamented buyers grabbing up items and ultimately never purchasing them, but bad news for those of us who are indecisive.

Also, don’t forget to check out the regular Gold Box and Lightning Deals—today they’ve got a Flip MinoHD for just $110, among other things.

Let the games begin!


  1. I am bidding and hoping for a DSI XL! Come on Amazon.

  2. Great deal: Dr Quinn, the complete series is on sale for $59.99. I saw it at Target, but Amazon’s deal is $10 less.

    And while I’m chatting… I have to say that you’re the prettiest blogger this week. I will be right here, ready for your help ALLLL week. 😀

  3. YEA! Thanks Mir!

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