Get a free song (or three)

By Mir
November 22, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

You know what Monday needs? Good tunes. That’ll perk things up around here, right?

Here’s a little present for you, just because you’re pretty: Go hop on over to Amazon and enter the bonus code as directed. It’ll give you $3 towards the MP3 download of your choice. Then you can get your tunes on!

The code is only good through November 29th, though, so don’t add it to your account and then forget about it. The only thing sadder than unused free money is when your ice cream falls off the cone. (Yes, that sad.)


  1. Thank you! That was fun! I chose right away.

  2. Thank you Mir!

  3. Thanks, Mir!

  4. You’re so pretty! Thanks Mir!

  5. TY! I didn’t use my last code in time. I was so bummed.

  6. Thank you! How cool!

  7. Added code to my account and my college student’s account. We thank you!

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