Big Prize Week: Day 2 (The Biggest Loser Challenge)

By Mir
November 23, 2010
Category Contests

This contest post will stay at the top of the page from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Eastern on November 23rd, 2010. Read on to find out about today’s prize and enter to win!

One prize down, four to go!

Today you can start thinking about how you’re going to resolve to get fit in the new year, and how you’re tired of doing all of the same old exercise routines. Take heart—today’s prize is The Biggest Loser Challenge for the Wii. Bob and Jillian are going to make you work out until you cry, but it’s a good cry. Game can be used with the Wii balance board or not, and also comes with a free one month membership the Biggest Loser Club (a $20 value).

Every contest this week will run for only twelve short hours, so make sure you don’t miss it! Simply go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 p.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 p.m. Pacific) on Tuesday, November 23nd, 2010 to be entered to win. Winner to be determined by random number generation, losers to be soothed by the remaining week’s worth of prizes!

Ready? Go!


  1. Sounds good to me!

  2. Me too!

  3. I’m in!

  4. Want this!

  5. I have been wanting this, my mom has it and loves it! 🙂

  6. Thanks Mir!

  7. I need Bob and Jillian! Please!

  8. This might be just what I need to get back in gear.

  9. Thanks!

  10. I am really going to NEED this after the baby is born at Christmas! Especially since I won’t be able to go to a gym with a newborn!

    PS We did cross the name Jillian off of our list because of her reputation…lol!

  11. I would love this!!! Thanks Mir!

  12. I LOVE Bob and Jillian!! This would be AWESOME!! Thanks, Mir!

  13. yes!

  14. Jillian is evil but persuasive.

  15. I want this!!

  16. count me in

  17. This will be a good game for the Wii that I haven’t bought yet! LOL Plan on picking one up this week/weekend/next week. Saw one at Amazon this morning for 179.99…

  18. Yeah, I need this. *sigh*

  19. I need to lose weight. bring it on.

  20. maybe this will help keep those new years resolutions!

  21. Is 20 the lucky number for this one?

  22. My sister, mom and I would love to do this together!

  23. DH and I have already talked about getting this! How cool to win it from you instead. You are SO pretty!

  24. I need Bob and Jillian to make a house call! Thanks, Mir.

  25. would love to win this

  26. 65# lost on my own in last 6 months on my own….yeah!
    35# more to go with Jillian screaming at me to get it done….double yeah!

  27. Jillian scares me, but I do need this!

  28. I would love this…..

  29. I think I could use this…

  30. I need any encouragement I can get.

  31. I’m in!

  32. I do a Jillian workout every day from the tv. I would LOVE the Wii game!

  33. I need this. Bad.


  34. Definitely need this one.

  35. I so need this!!!

  36. Love it!

  37. I could use this!!!

  38. I’m SO going to need this after the holidays!

  39. I so need this! Great prize again! Thanks

  40. Something I need, but can never get myself to buy. =)

  41. I need this!

  42. really, really want this one.

  43. I’m in for this… haven’t exercise in 5 weeks due to broken toe and ruptured ligaments on the foot (when I mess up, I do it BIG). I’d love to be able to get back into exercising with something like this. Just now able to walk almost normal, not sure I’m ready for the gym just yet.

  44. Love to Lose!

  45. Will need this come January!

  46. Yay for Biggest Loser!

  47. I have a balance board and would like to be the Biggest Loser.

  48. I would love to win this! I would also hate it! 🙂

  49. My name is Heather, and I dearly want to be a Big Loser!

  50. Yeah! Been wanting this!

  51. I saw this game and was severely intimidated by it. I think it would be fun to try though!

  52. Want! 🙂

  53. My husband and I keep looking at this, but are too frugal to actually buy it.

  54. Not that *anyone* in this house could stand to lose any weight…

  55. Sounds great! Happy New Year!

  56. Didn’t even know there was such a game! I would love to win!!! 🙂

  57. pick me! pick me!

  58. Would love to win!

  59. Would love this!

  60. I’m in!

  61. Bob rocks. Thanks.

  62. Count me in as well!

  63. new wii games, yay

  64. I could use this. Thank you!

  65. i want to be the winner of the loser!

  66. Need this!

  67. I could totally use this! THanks, Mir!

  68. Sounds like fun!

  69. Thank you for this chance!

  70. Been looking for a new fitness game, this would be great!

  71. Would definitely love to try this!

  72. I don’t want this, but I’m afraid I need it.

  73. Jillian is EVIL, but I’ve wanted this for awhile

  74. I will need this after the holidays!

  75. sure, why not!

  76. Maybe it will motivate me and my big butt.

  77. Yes please!

  78. I’m a loser, baby! So why don’t you pick me?! LOL:)

  79. I could use this!

  80. if i gave it to my sister as a present, would i be a bitch? i don’t have a wii!

  81. We definitely need this so we can be as pretty as you Mir!

  82. Nancy K cracked me up! Nothing like a Beck reference! Pick me though 🙂

  83. I don’t want to win this but I sure need to!

  84. Love this week on Want Not!

  85. I will probably need this after the holidays – thanks!

  86. I definitely need this after the holidays!

  87. Oh! me! me! me! me!

  88. This would be great! Thanks!

  89. oooh, count me in.

  90. I need the Biggest Loser – and Jillian to yell at me. Please?

  91. ME! I wanna be a biggest looser winner.

  92. Do not want. NEED.

  93. I could use a good butt kicking…. sign me up!

  94. This is great! Would love to win this.

  95. Oooh, random number generator, please pick me! I’m baking 4 pies tonight–clearly I NEED some Jillian in my life.

  96. I’d love this! 🙂

  97. Wii for Christmas – we could use this!

  98. Jillian scares me, but at least she can’t come through my TV and get to me this way!

  99. You rock as a giver-awayer! You have the best drawings and prizes

  100. I could certainly use this – especially at this time of year!

  101. Sounds fun!

  102. I don’t really need this since I’m super thin. Oh wait, that was in the dream last night wherein Bradley Cooper was asking me to run away with him.

    *Sigh* Pick me

  103. Pick me!

  104. would love it!!

  105. I’m in!

  106. I would love to have this game!

  107. Would love this! Got a Wii this summer and are getting the balance board for Christmas!

  108. I’ll be needing this after the holidays!

  109. This would be great!

  110. Fan-Tas-Tic! How fun, you pretty pretty lady!

  111. Awesome!!! Now, I just need to get one of those fancy red wii’s under the christmas tree.

  112. Count me in!

  113. I FEEL like the biggest loser, because this is my first Christmas post-divorce 🙁

    I would like to WIN the Biggest Loser so I will meet a super hottie to cheer me up 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving, Mir!!

  114. Punishment? Sure, why not?

  115. I could unfortunately use this . lol


  117. My brain is screaming, “PICK ME, PICK ME!” My body is screaming “PLEASE DON’T, PLEASE DON’T!” 🙂

  118. me too.
    um~ yes no yes no yes no

  119. I’d love to win this! Thanks, Mir!

  120. OOOOH that’s a helpful one!

  121. I can definatly stand to lose after the holidays.

  122. NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! I keep telling myself that but it never happens.

  123. Great. Thanks!

  124. Ooohhhh! I need this SSSSSOOOO bad!! Got. To. Lose. Weight!

  125. This would be great!!!!!

  126. I’d be better off a few 10’s of pounds lighter

  127. I love the Biggest Loser!

  128. Yes, please!!!

  129. ooh, i’m a biggest loser fan, and would really enjoy this!

  130. What a great prize for the holidays! Thanks!

  131. love Biggest Loser 🙂 Haven’t tried the game though!

  132. As long as she doesn’t play pretend psychologist on me. I could totally use this as I am a fatty and things are only going to get worse over the holidays.

  133. This should inspire me to get back to sweatin’ to the Wii. I admit to owning Jillian’s 30-day Shred. Ahem, but I’ve only “shredded” myself a few times with it. I’ll also admit to calling her nasty, nasty names during those few work-outs.

  134. I would love this!

  135. I love that show, but Bob and Jillian kind of scare me.

  136. I need this! Okay, I really WANT this. 🙂

  137. Been looking at that title…. Would be great!

  138. Are you saying I’m fat? Oh, yeah, that’s right.

  139. I’m interested to see how this one compares to Wii Active.

  140. Thank you!

  141. My kids have been wanting this…go figure…they love Biggest Loser!

  142. Love that the Wii can have beneficial uses too!

  143. I’d love this!

  144. I’m in!

  145. Could come in handy after holiday indulging!

  146. Pretty please!

  147. This is definitely something that I need. I won’t have an excuse for why I can’t work out, the gym has come to the house.

  148. I would LOVE this!

  149. My wife would love this (and I could sure use it). 😉

  150. Sounds like a challenge…

  151. Ooh, great prize!

  152. can you please pick me…I want to win something!!!! and love biggest loser

  153. I’m in

  154. yes…yes…yes

  155. I am not sure if winning this would be a curse or a blessing.
    I would love to give it as a gift, but I am afraid that would be offensive?

    Thanks Mir!

  156. Sounds great!

  157. Desparately need this!

  158. Ohh, I had been eying this but decided it was too much…

  159. Jillian scares me, but my fat butt and thighs scare me more.

  160. Awesome! Thanks!

  161. I wish I didn’t need this. But, I do.

  162. If I win, I’ll buy a Wii (looking for a justification…this definitely works…lol) 🙂

  163. I will so need this after the holidays.

  164. I and my annual holiday weight gain would appreciate this.

  165. My thighs need this. I need this.

  166. You have no idea how badly I want to win this! Thanks for the chance!

  167. Boy could I use this!!

  168. count me in!

  169. Fun?!

  170. well, I don’t necessarily WANT this, but I sure do NEED it!

  171. I really need this!! Thanks so much.

  172. I’ll be trying to take the baby weight off after the new year so this would be helpful!

  173. but will they work me so hard that i’ll puke???? 🙂

  174. My son has been trying to lose weight and loves his wii!! This would be great!

  175. love it! yay for new year’s resolutions 🙂

  176. I could really use this as the weather gets colder and my walks are becoming less frequent…

  177. Yes please.

  178. Oh man, I need this (unfortunately)!

  179. My daughter has some weight to lose from giving me my beautiful grandson and grandma could sure use some help losing those extra pounds! What a great way to do it and we don’t even need a babysitter!

  180. I could sure stand to lose largely!

  181. I could definitely use this one! Thanks Mir!

  182. I would love this game!

  183. Ooohhh, I need to be a loser!!! Or, um, something about how I want/need this to get my butt off the couch and lose weight already. Pick me!

  184. I would love this game.

  185. I really need this one! It would be a “gift to myself.”

  186. I had my annual physical today, and let’s just say that I really need this prize…
    Thanks, pretty one, for running such a fun week of contests.

  187. Thank you!

  188. I love the shred so so much so I know that I would love this. thanks!

  189. Today is my birthday and it would be a great day to win! Thanks.

  190. Yes please!

  191. maybe this would make me use my wii again?

  192. Oooh, yay! My mom loves the Biggest Loser and her Wii. It would make a great Christmas present.

  193. I would love it. Yet wouldn’t. But SHOULD. YOU KNOW what I mean!!!

  194. I already know I will need all the help I can get 🙂

  195. Woot! I’m in!

  196. I’ve been wondering about this one.

  197. Maybe I could finally lose this 10 pounds..

  198. This would be awesome!!

  199. I think this would motivate a certain person living in our home right now. Though, if I won, I’d have to get a Wii. Any chance of that being thrown in as well?

  200. Ohhhh, that’s what I need! 😉

  201. I need Bob and Jillian!

  202. That would be great!

  203. What a great giveaway, love it!

  204. I’m ready!

  205. I have always wanted to be a big loser! 🙂 Hope I win.

  206. Ooh! I could give this to my husband, and it wouldn’t count towards our spending limit. That would be awesome 🙂

  207. Thanks Mir! This is awesome for winter exercise routine.

  208. I’d like to be a Big Loser! Thanks for the contest.

  209. If I don’t win this I’m asking Santa for it for Christmas.

  210. I wasn’t going to sign up for this contest… and then I thought that “that” was the ultimate in laziness, and I really should take advantage of the offer.

  211. wii like it!

  212. I don’t have a Wii but my sister, a huge Jillian Michaels fan does – she’d love this!

  213. My husband and I are wavering between the Wii Fit and this. Winning would kinda settle it! lol

  214. I wasn’t going to enter this- but my thighs asked me to.

  215. I could definitely use this one!

  216. Pick me!

  217. its like being on the ellen show and getting a prize a day!

  218. I hope I win!

  219. Oh yeah!

  220. Looks great!

  221. I REALLY want to be a loser! Pick me, oh mighty random number generator 🙂

  222. please!!

  223. Would love to win this!

  224. Oooh! Santa would love to bring me that! Thanks! 🙂

  225. We are going to get Jackson a Wii for Christmas. I’d love to have a game for me too! 🙂

  226. This would be great, and I wouldn’t even mind being called a loser!

  227. Thanks for such great contests!

  228. Really need this!

  229. I think I already need this and the holidays are just beginning! Thanks!!

  230. I need to get a job on the New Year’s Resolution. WOW this would come in handy.

  231. Perfect timing!

  232. pick me

  233. I’d love this. Thanks!

  234. I could really use this!

  235. Well, seeing as how my New Year’s Resolution this year will be to start an exercise program….

  236. Would love to win!

  237. Just what I need to get back on track! 🙂

  238. Merry Christmas to me!

  239. This would be a nice after-Christmas exercise boost!

  240. Just what the doctor ordered!

  241. Can’t win if you don’t play !!!!

    Thanks mir

  242. Ooo sounds fun 😉

  243. I would like to say I keep up the good reputation of women named Jillian! I’d love to have Ms. Michaels kick my butt on the Wii though!

  244. New Year’s Resolution helper!

  245. I really need this to kick me into shape. Sigh.

  246. I am diabetic so this would be a great way to exercise and lose the weight!

  247. Count me in

  248. First contest on line I ever entered. Hope first time is charm!

  249. I will definitely need this to help me recover from Thanksgiving! Thanks for the great contests…

  250. Great gift.

  251. I have always aspired to be the biggest loser!

  252. I really need something to get me motivated and this sounds great !! count me in please !

  253. need a fun reason to start exercising!

  254. YEAY!
    I’m in!

  255. Would love to play this!!

  256. What a great prize!

  257. Pick me!

  258. Oh I need this!

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