You’ve got the cutest little BabyLegs

By Mir
November 28, 2010

I have completely and utterly fallen in love with BabyLegs, well after they would’ve been useful for my own children. They’re adorable! They’re versatile! They’re the perfect baby gift, because they work for years and years, and are a quick fix for chilly legs or arms.

Go visit BabyLegs right now and search on CM. That will bring you to a page of Cyber Monday bundles (get in early, before tomorrow’s frenzy)—each has three pairs for just $10. Shipping should be free, too.

Pick ’em up now, for the gift closet, and look like a big spender later. I won’t tell anyone you got them on sale.


  1. I’m so excited but it won’t let me buy them! I’ll check back first thing tomorrow.

  2. Sorry- false alarm. I got an error message but they still added to my cart.

  3. So awesome – I’ve been wanting these but couldn’t pull the trigger. $10 for 3 and free shipping? SOLD!

  4. I’ll try again tomorrow.

  5. Ooh, it just worked for me. I got two bundles, $10 each, and free shipping. Thanks!

  6. Thank you!! Perfect timing. They are already starting to sell out…!

  7. Gaaaaah! The solid color ones are already sold out. That’ll teach me to have my morning coffee before checking Want Not.

  8. I was so excited when this deal came out, I jumped on it last night. My 4 year-old is into wearing these as arm warmers right now so she can still wear her favorite t-shirts. This is an incredible price!

  9. Love ’em, got ’em for my great niece!!

  10. Oh, Mir, you are pretty and wise. Thank you for this one!

  11. I had some babylegs in my cart at another website, where it cost more for fewer. Now I have stocking stuffers for my son and niece.

  12. I bought these for my granddaughter. My daughter and I had been keeping our eye out on them for a while, but they were just too expensive. Thank you for the heads up. It would have made us crazy if we had missed this! After all there is nothing cuter than fat, chubby thighs in Baby Legs.

Bargain Hunt





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