(Yeah, it doesn’t sound as good as “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” I know. Just try to go with it.)
Right now JC Penney is offering 60% off coats for the whole family, plus savings on boots and other cold-weather accessories, as well. Coupon code 4RELVES is still working for 20% off your order, so between the two, you could scoop up a really great deal.
We are heading north for the holidays this year, and given that it’s currently 29 degrees here in Georgia, I’m thinking it may be time for me to cave and buy a proper winter coat. Sigh.
JCP is the best
Woot – thanks, Mir! You’re ever so pretty. Just nabbed warmer curtains for my living room and your code was the highlight. OK, seeing close to $200 savings on a $50 order was good, too.
Yay! I got a coat! (Since the one that arrived today from Piperlime is not by any stretch of the imagination a size L. Maybe for the elves who work there it is. Grrrr…returns.) Still, altogether, JCP tells me I saved $170 on my new coat. Hope it gets here before I freeze.