Star Wars lovers, heads up

By Mir
December 8, 2010

You are keeping an eye on all of these Holiday Lightning Deals at Amazon, right? Not only are they sneaking all sorts of things in there periodically that are truly good deals (but be careful, because some of them really aren’t a better price than usual), but clearly Amazon is hoping that I never, ever get up from this chair. It is mostly working.

Anyway, if you’re still surfing around tonight, they’ve got the giant Millenium Falcon coming up in a little bit (around 7:00 p.m. Eastern). Remember that yesterday they marked it down to $130 to pricematch Target, and now there’s the possibility of the price dropping even lower.

Just in case you need a 2-and-a-half-foot-long starship.


  1. $99! I don’t want that jerk, Santa to get the credit for this one, though. He gets all the glory and I’m stuck with the gifts of socks and handsome sweaters.

  2. once again, you are the pretty rock star! Thank you!

  3. Geeze! More and more and more great deals!

  4. OMG – who DOESN’T need a giant Millenium Falcon? I want this for myself!!!

  5. No Star Wars stuff for us. But I did swoop up that Arrested Development full series for 27.99. Although I prefer all tv and movies on ITunes so I can watch on my iPhone at the gym, this was too good a deal to pass up.

  6. Well geez. We already have our own Millenium Falcon. Poop.

Bargain Hunt





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