Kiss My Face: Peace and (germ-free) serenity

By Mir
December 13, 2010
Category Contests

Where on earth has the day gone?? I swear, it was just morning….

Hey, I have a contest here that’s timely for my House of Flu, I think. The nice folks at Kiss My Face were kind enough to send me a sampling of their new Peace line, with enough product for one for me, one for you. Hooray! It all smells delicious, and makes my constant barking of “Wash your hands!” so much more pleasant for everyone. Well, let’s pretend it does, anyway.

Up for grabs today is the following Kiss My Face Peace Pack:
One lavender mandarin soy candle,
8 ounces of foaming pomegranate acai hand soap,
and a 17-ounce container of grassy mint all-purpose castille soap.

All Kiss My Face products are paraben-free, never tested on animals, all-natural, and contain only the finest bits of ground unicorn. All of that is true except the last bit. (Let’s hope the KMF folks have a sense of humor. It’s been a long week and it’s only Monday.)

Want to win ’em? Of course you do! First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, December 16th, 2010 for a chance to win. Winner to be determined by random number generation and commitment to hugging trees.

Ready? Go!


  1. love smelly nice things

  2. Hoping the RNG goes low! Oh, and I’m going to hug a tree right now!

  3. i’m not usually a smell girl (luckily not usually a smelly girl either) but these sound nice!

  4. These sound wonderful.

  5. Love KMF stuff – I’ve asked Santa to fill my stocking with plenty of their goodies…

  6. Oh, I love Kiss My Face – and I could do with the germ-fighting myself…so far this winter we’ve got one case of mono and two colds.

  7. Love their products! This is great!

  8. These sound yummy. :o)

  9. Count me in! Yay!

  10. I’m all in favor of the unicorn bits! 🙂

  11. Hope the House of Flu because the House of Health… for you and for me! (I hate it when you know it’s going to make it’s rounds but it’s taking it’s sweet ol’ time going from one person to the other… we have been sick since Tuesday at 2am. UGH!)

  12. Ground unicorns make everything better!

  13. I am not beyond hugging trees! hee hee

  14. I am making our family’s switch from all the chemical-y soaps to more natural options, but it is so expensive! This would be a great present to myself this Christmas!

  15. Nice! Something to keep for myself!

  16. Love Kiss My Face! Thanks for the contest!

  17. Sounds like an awesome stocking stuffer!

  18. smells like a sweet contest! Thanks 🙂

  19. These sound lovely! I like nice smelling soaps, but don’t like the chemicals that usually come with the pretty scent.

  20. sound great

  21. Those sound so great! I’d love a chance to win! 🙂

  22. Sounds great!

  23. I hugged a tree AND chatted to my plants this morning. I think that means I win.

  24. Very nice indeed…

  25. Sounds lovely!

  26. Yay contests! And who couldn’t use a little more unicorn in their lives? 🙂

  27. puh-lease!!

  28. You had me at pomegranate Mir! I am a sucker for pomegranate anything!

  29. KMF is one of my go to companies for quality and sustainability.

  30. We call my hubby a tree hugger, does that count? Though it is due to an incident where he refused to jump off a cliff, so…..

  31. After being sick and having a sick LO this weekend, that would be a nice pick me up!

  32. ohh geez, I would really like this one. The 8 month old now takes 30 min naps.

  33. Lovely!

  34. Sounds great – love Kiss my face products!

  35. ooohhh. I want to smell the pomegranate acai soap.

  36. I love good smelling stuff.

  37. Thank you! Thank you!

  38. Mmmmm. Soap.

  39. Pomegranite Acai soap? All the trendy fruits in one place! Think how young our hands will look.

  40. My daughter loves these…I could give them to her for Christmas!

  41. I love their stuff!

  42. Pomegranates, Yum!

  43. Sounds delish!

  44. Sounds awesome! Thanks!

  45. Very nice giveaway!

  46. Ooh! Pretty candles and soaps for flu season. Perfect!

  47. I’ve wanted to try their products!

  48. I need some germ-free serenity!

  49. I looked for ground unicorn at the grocery and they were all out… I know why!

  50. Sounds great! Thanks for the chance.

  51. thanks for the chance to win these…love them

  52. I love that stuff!!!

  53. I love me some bits of ground unicorn….

  54. Sounds heavenly

  55. Ooooh I’d love to try!!

  56. Love Kiss My Face!

  57. Mir, I would love these! 🙂

  58. Loving the paraben free, nice to the earth products that are coming out! Would love to try this. Thanks for the contest Mir!

  59. This would be great!

  60. would love this!!!

  61. Yes, please. thank you.

  62. I’m a big fan of Kiss My Face…I’d LOVE this.

  63. Yes pick me! I’m raising my hand and swinging it back and forth.

  64. Ooh – yummy! Thanks, Mir!!

  65. Oooo aaahh. Those sound great!

  66. oh, how yummy. I would love to win!

  67. I love yummy smelly soapy things.

  68. Sounds smelly in a good way!

  69. sounds fantastic

  70. Love this!

  71. Ooh, I bet they smell as good as they sound. Thanks!

  72. Nice give away! Tree huggers unite!

  73. LOVE Kiss My Face!!!

  74. We hate germs and can always use more soap 🙂

  75. I would love it!

  76. I love Kiss My Face products, but have only ever used them at other people’s houses- I get intimidated easily by multiple choices of things that smell good and end up going with the same old. This would be a great way to ease into trying something new!

  77. Who doesn’t like something that smells good and gets rid of germs?

  78. Love Kiss My Face stuff!

  79. We have the flu AND strep at our house! I made a holster for my hand sanitizer.

  80. Great products – would love to win these!

  81. Toss a couple of elves with the unicorn in the grinder for a …oh I can’t even move past that image. I do love Kiss My Face products, though.

  82. I would love this!

  83. Oh boy!

  84. I love KMF products!

  85. Ooo..I love Kiss My Face products. They make the best shave cream.

  86. happy! thanks!

  87. I always tell my hubby “Kiss my ..uh…..face!!”

  88. yummy!! Thanks!

  89. we love fancy soap and delicious candles!

  90. everyone here at my office is driving me crazy. I am taking deep breaths, and hoping to win this prize. I really need it.

  91. have been a huge fan of KMF for years! yeah!!

  92. I have been stuck in the house with 3 sick kids….I need to smell pretty 🙂

  93. I love smelly soap and candles, but never buy them for myself.

  94. This sounds awsome!

  95. I wish me a merry Christmas!

  96. Love face kisses!

  97. Love the pomegranite. It smells great!

  98. speaking of unicorns, my son told me he pooped out a unicorn yesterday. he was kind of right.

  99. oooh something for me? yes please

  100. I would be thrilled to use these products!

  101. Please pick me…I need someone to Kiss my Face! 🙂

  102. This sounds wonderful! Please pick me!

  103. This sounds loverly…. 🙂

  104. Sounds perfect for my germ-ridden December.

  105. Delish!

  106. I’m all for anything that will encourage more hand washing. Thanks!

  107. I very much need a kissable face. Thanks!

  108. It’s always a great day for KISS MY FACE!!!!

  109. Dear Random Number Generator,
    You’re looking very pretty today.
    p.s. …pick me please? 🙂

  110. Sounds smelly in a good way.

  111. Wow, that almost sounds edible. Almost. Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!

  112. Love their stuff – and maybe it would improve my love life too!

  113. Love, love, love Kiss My Face 🙂

  114. Oh this sounds wonderful!

  115. I’m in.

  116. Sounds wonderful!

  117. How nice of you! 😉

  118. Me please!

  119. Kiss my face! Oh no, I mean pick me!

  120. Oo, oo, oo! Pick me!

  121. Sounds lovely…

  122. Live

  123. Love their stuff! Pick meeeeeeeeee!

  124. Oooh! Oooh!

  125. Thanks Mir!

  126. Yay, love!

  127. We could use this in our flu house too!!

  128. Love KMF!

  129. Lovely!

  130. They sound so calming. Thanks

  131. Thanks for the chance at another great giveaway! I love KMF stuff!

  132. meee!

  133. Oh, Please pick me!

  134. Pick me!

  135. Oooooh.

  136. 3 colds in 6 weeks….same kid. Yes, some nice handwashing stuff would be very welcome.

  137. Just what we need in Fluville North!

  138. por favor, senorita mucha bonita

  139. Love that stuff.

  140. Yes, please.

  141. Sounds like a lovely prize pack!

  142. Kiss My Face products are great. Thanks for sharing!

  143. Pretty random number generator, please pick me!

  144. LOVE Kiss My Face, so pick me please!

  145. Would love some “make me feel pretty” goodies

  146. I feel pretty…oh so pretty….

  147. I love to smell good!

  148. Ooooohhhh, a gift for me?!

  149. with the day I’m having, I’m going to start volunteering to be the unicorn-grinder-upper (gnashes teeth).

  150. I hug trees.

  151. Love this stuff!

  152. Ooooooooooooh would be a perfect gift for my daughter!!!

  153. I hug trees! I live in Fluville!

  154. oooh, something to make my bathroom that I just cleaned, from smelling like a Mobil station.

  155. Love, love, love Kiss My Face stuff… This would make me very very happy. Pick me, oh random number generator….

  156. Lucky for me I like to hug trees and eat unicorns. How perfect!

  157. Love this stuff! Please Santa bring me some.

  158. I have to agree with you, Mir. It has been a very long week so far! Thanks for the contest!

  159. Love Lavender and Mint!

  160. Yum yum yum.

  161. Ooh! I loooove Kiss My Face…and I could really use some peace. Fingers crossed!!!

  162. Great prize, thanks Mir!

  163. I love being a female!!!

  164. sounds fun!

  165. Namaste! This would be a perfect gift for one of my friends.

  166. Entering. Now it’s your turn to say “winning!”

  167. ooh! pick me! pick me!

  168. I love Kiss My Face products!

  169. Peace please. 🙂

  170. Love their stuff! Yum!!

  171. wonderful! I’d love to win this.

  172. Yum! Those sound like really nice fragrances. Kiss My Face stuff is good!

  173. Oh pick me! Pick Me!! My kids have BOTH been sick and I need some pampering!!

  174. Looking for some relaxation, even if it comes in a bottle.

  175. Just have to love that name: Kiss my face! This weather makes my face need kisses!

  176. Oh yes please!

  177. Me me me!

  178. Kiss MY face? – I’ll Kiss YOUR face if i win… 😀
    It’s been a long day…Happy Monday, and thanks for the chance!!

  179. Need some kisses!

  180. I have been wanting to try the KMF products!

  181. I love hugging trees! And I even wear Birkenstocks.

  182. yummy!

  183. smell me good if I win!!!

  184. Who doesn’t like peace in their lives? I’m in.

  185. Sounds yummy!!

  186. I could so use a bit of pampering right now. Would it help if I mentioned just how pretty you look today?

  187. We love kmf!

  188. I totally heart trees. And stuff that smells pretty.

  189. i’m just looking for something that won’t make me itch! I used KMF years ago… hmmm, if it’s meant to be you’ll pick me, RNG

  190. awesome — thanks, mir!

  191. I love KMF’s big green bar soap. I need to branch out and try some of their other stuff 🙂

  192. This sounds fantastic!

  193. Shhh, don’t tell . . I have an injured tree in the corner of my yard that I HAVE hugged a few times!

  194. I love Kiss My Face! And I hope all of you feel better soon!

  195. I hugged a tree last night… to keep it from falling down while we tightened large metal screws into its bark. What can I say, Christmas brings out the tree killer in me.

  196. I love ground unicorn!

  197. Would LOVE this set!

  198. Love Kiss My Face products!

  199. Sounds lovely!

  200. yummy sounding- and I’m picky about smells in soaps and candles

  201. Sounds lovely!

  202. Kiss me!!! I mean… pick me! 🙂

  203. You had me at lavendar.

  204. Love it – sounds like it will smell delish!!

  205. Sounds good

  206. After all the shopping I have done for others, I need this!

  207. I would love this!!

  208. Count me in! Would love to try those 🙂

  209. Now I’m all sappy from tree-hugging. But the package looks great!

  210. Would love to try these!

  211. sounds yummy!

  212. Woot! I LOVE KMF!

  213. I would love to try these!

  214. This pack sounds lovely!

  215. MEEEEEEEEEE! Please!

  216. Lucky #215!!!

  217. I sure would like to have this one.

  218. Oh, how I need Kiss My Face Peace for Christmas!

  219. Thank you!

  220. Would love to win these, thanks!

  221. These sound great–thanks Mir!

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