There’s still time, just in case

By Mir
December 21, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I find it hard to believe that you haven’t found everything you need (and maybe some other stuff you didn’t know you needed!) at Amazon, but on the off chance that you find that last-minute panic setting in and Amazon isn’t doing it for you, I have good news!

For the next couple of hours (until 1:00 p.m. Eastern), you can still place an order at the Discovery Channel Store and it will arrive in time for Christmas. Better yet, use coupon code SHIPSFREE and you’ll get that super-speedy-shipping for free.

They still have a ton of kids’ toys (creative/education ones, too) marked way down, so they may just save the day if you’ve just realized you’re missing something.


  1. Well Mir I thought I was done Christmas Shopping! I just had to order something for my 1st Grandchild due in April. We found out yesterday that it is a girl! Maybe she will play the flute like her father when she grows up.

  2. Well here’s hoping the UPS man/woman will deliver it since I forgot to tell them the apartment number. (small complex so they really wouldn’t have to look to hard) I at least put my son’t phone number on the order but the likelyhood of them calling seems slim. Since the present is for an unborn baby guess it won’t really matter if it gets there in time for Christmas, just needs to be there before April. HAHAHAHA

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