Did you know that 3.14 written backwards in just the right font spells PIE? Because today’s shirt.woot has had me giggling for the last three minutes, no lie.
Did you know that I am raising little math nerdlings? Do you have any idea how much they are going to love this? Pi Day (March 14th) is coming up, people. And I am totally going to make my daughter wear hers to nerd camp this summer.
(“This one time? At nerd camp?”)
O.M.G. & G.M.O.
I want one!
Hmmm, numbers aren’t words even if they spell something out, right. ’cause we have a house rule against clothes with words on them and I abstain to set a good example. But I love this shirt! I’m such a geek!
My engineering student son who scored an 800 on his math SAT (sorry I have to brag!) is getting one for his birthday in March.
One for DH, who likes to relax with a good calculus book. Thanks!
Probably will come back to bite me, but picked one up for my nerdling who uses the word “Pie” way too many times. 🙂
Damn east coast people.
My baby is due March 14th. I wonder if I should reconsider her name? LOL!