Is your Wii feeling sad and neglected? Do you need more motivation to get up off your couch? Put these two sad situations together and… you get a great excuse to check out Amazon’s current Ubisoft video game promotion!
Just buy one of the already-marked-down qualifying dance titles (any of the Just Dance titles, or Michael Jackson: The Experience), and choose one of the over 250 other qualifying games to buy at an additional 30% off. Many of the bonus games are already marked down, so you stand to save half off or more, depending on what you choose.
Me, I’m trying not to buy any more games until we finish our Lego Rock Band tour. Because I am totally hooked the kids love it. Ahem.
Just gave Miss 12 Lego Rock Band for Valentine’s Day. Good to know you’re loving it, we haven’t had a chance to try it yet. Can’t wait, though.
not sure where to comment, but just to let you know that the january toilet paper gamble paid off, i bought two packages so i could get free shipping and 96 rolls of tp were delivered to my door today. thank you mir!