Through St. Patrick’s Day (that’s tomorrow, just in case you’re not keeping track), all Entertainment Books are just $17 apiece with free shipping.
Now, the regular price is $35-$40, which you could easily make back with just a few coupon usages (and if you’ve never had one of these books, they have coupons for everything, including things like half-off lodging, which makes the savings add up quickly). But at just $17 a pop? Well that’s kind of crazy.
I was just chatting with someone about planning a Disney trip. For $17, I’m thinking that Orlando book is sounding like a good vacation investment….
These things pay for themselves so quickly. I was given one by a friend this year, but I easily could have justified buying my own with the coupon savings. And I *only* use coupons on things I am already going to buy. If you live in Atlanta, there are BOGO coupons for Tin Drum and Evos. There’s also a $10 off $50 at World Market, and a $7 off a purchase at if you register your book online. There are also tons of cheap haircut place coupons, perfect for my boyfriend.
I only wish there were more coupons for ‘local’ stores versus big chains.
I always wish the coupons were for stuff that’s actually close to me, not 30 miles away . .