The following is a real-life example of my thought process when it comes to looking at sale items for myself. (The way I look at stuff for my kids is different, because for them it’s all about what’s cheap, given that they’ll outgrow it in five minutes, anyway.)
Oooh! Today and tomorrow nearly everything is an extra 20% off at Lucky Brand! I love Lucky! I’ll just… ummm… hey, I can’t actually afford any of that even at 20% off.
Well, at least for the same time period as that sale’s going on, Threadless has just about all of their shirts marked down to just $10 each. That’ll work!
Also, today is the last day to use coupon code SPRINGTIME with PIN 2310 at Lands’ End for $20 off $75+ plus free shipping on any size order. So I’d better check to make sure I don’t need to place an(other) order. Ahem.
That’s pretty much how it goes. By the time I’m done shopping, I’m so busy congratulating myself on not buying the more expensive stuff, I have sort of overlooked the fact that theoretically I could’ve just not shopped and saved all my money. Heh.
Funny, funny Mir. (Absolutely great thought process though)
Ha! Not shopping and saving ALL the money…what a concept!
The not shopping and saving ALL the money thing is my husband’s go-to retort when I start telling him about the fabulous sale I found (on WantNot) on [fill-in wanted-not-needed item here]. I’ll point out how much money we could save and he comes back with “If we don’t buy it, we save even more!”
Sometimes, I don’t understand men.