Have a kid dying to get the latest Lego Star Wars game? Let me help! (I’m a sucker for a kid who loves Star Wars. Or Lego. Or basically for any kid who smiles at me. It’s a weakness.)
Right now choose any platform version of Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars at Amazon, and you’ll receive a $10 promotion certificate with your order to use on a future video game purchase. The savings will make you happy, and the fact that you’ll be back to buy another game later probably makes your kid happy.
Plus, those Lego games are pretty fun. It turns out that I am pretty awesome at fighting even when I only have one leg, and how else could I have figure that out?
My son got the full saga version for Christmas as was literally obsessed for at least a month and still comes back to it…. he is four… so anyone can play, I’d say.
Drats. Bought this yesterday for my son’s birthday…one month late. He was a very patient boy. I don’t think I could have made him wait another few days!