For some reason I’m having difficulty linking to this selection of items directly, but if you don’t mind a little direction, I’ve got a good deal for you. You know how Kohls periodically does specially-priced merchandise for their Kohls Cares fundraisers? Every now and then that stuff goes on sale.
Type dana buchman cares into the search box on Kohls and you’ll find an assortment of Dana Buchman merchandise licensed to Kohls for breast cancer funding/awareness, and it’s all on clearance right now. $4 sunglasses; $2 water bottles; jewelry, and more. It’s a nice way to stock up on good generic gift-y things, if you’re in the market.
Unfortunately, 20% off coupon code SECRET204U cannot be applied to Kohls Cares merchandise for further discount, but you can still use coupon code SHIP4FREE to ship any size order for free.
Thanks, stocking the gift closet for a good cause!
Ugh, I can’t get in! I NEED retail therapy, HELP!
Wow! Awesome. I actually ended up poking around and using the codes on some already heavily discounted tights for next year! Great-quality tights for $3.20 a pair? Sign me up! Thanks, Mir!
why am I the only one who can’t get in? I can get on the Kohl’s site, but when I type in the search it doesn’t load
It worked for me, Thanks!!!
A necklace/bracelet set for both my mom and mother-in-law, shipped for $8. Thanks Mir! Now I can buy a $4 Mother’s Day cards instead of the $.99 ones! 😉