Y’all know I’m a Wii gal, because I am not what you would call a serious gamer. Those serious gamers, though, assure me that Xbox is where it’s at.
So I have something Xbox-y for today’s contest, but if you don’t actually have an Xbox, yet, allow me to point out that Amazon is running a crazy Xbox special right now wherein you get 1600 free Xbox 360 Live Points (no, I don’t have any idea what those are) and $50 off with purchase. Definitely worth checking out if you’ve been considering one—they have several models from which to choose, either with or without a Kinect.
Okay! Assuming you already have an Xbox, or you’re thinking of buying one, today’s item-up-for-grabs is… a card for a 12-month gold subscription to Xbox Live. Why is this good? I have no idea, but several of my Xbox-devoted friends assure me that it really is. Okay, then.
Want to win this here gold card (which is actually green; apparently Xbox isn’t terribly literal with the colors…)? First, go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, May 5th, 2011 for a chance to win. I’ll choose the winner via random number generation and possibly interpretive dance (seeing as how the contest ends on Cinco de Mayo, and all).
Ready? Go!
we use xbox live to watch netflix on our big tv…hope we win 🙂
Really, really want to win this!
I’ve never actually used our XBox, but the husband and kids like it, and they use the XBox Gold membership for…something, so hey, it would be great to win this!
Oh! We are xboxers in my house!
We’re an XBox family – this woud be a big score for us!
I want the Kinect so badly I can taste it. Even though I barely speak video game. This would be a tool in my quest to become an xboxing family.
Awesome, our current subscription is up this month! Coincidence? I think not!
This would win best wife ever! Please, random integer selecter, pick me! 🙂
We love our X box and kinect! We’ve never had Xbox live because I’m too cheap
Winning would solve that!
My husband & son use X-Box Live to play their bang-bang games… would love to not have to pay for it for a year! LOL
This would mean my boys could play together. In their separate rooms. Sick, I know. But less punching!
I NEED this! My husband would love me ever so much more if I can present this to him! Come on RNG!! Pick me!
We watch Netflix over xbox & my boys love it! We’d really like to get another year!
Omg if i were to get this it would be LEGIT!….plzzzzzzzz pick meh uggghh for me and my boy’s of course..
We use the x-box a lot- would love to win!
Would get me HUGE bonus points with my 14 year old son!!
Ooooh! Perfect gift for my brother. His birthday is May 21!
I’m needing one of those for my son’s birthday coming up soon.
My kids would love this . . .since I’m too cheap to pay for it!! Please pick me random number generator!
Yeah i dont really use xbox too much other than zumba and dance central for kinect but i know someone who would absolutely adore me (even more lol) if i won this so CHOOSE ME!!! <3
My hubby would love me. Hmmmm. Fathers day IS coming up!
love it
We need to renew in June so this would be great
oh my gosh. My boys just finally saved up enough of their own money to go in together for an X-Box 360 & we just got in on the Amazon deal you mentioned. An X-Box Live membership would be the icing on the cake. Pick me pretty Mir!
since I got an xbox for Chirstmas, and no I didn’t ask for it nor do we have kids over the age of 5… this could be interesting!
I swear I’m not the same Kacy as the one a couple posts above me! BUT, I have sat out on many of your giveaways so that I could save up all my luck for one like this. My membership just went out a week ago and this would make things a lot cheaper for me. Fingers crossed!
oh my son would be thrilled!!
Thinking of cheating on my Wii anyway…
Love the magic box that keeps two teens and hubby out of my hair for hours…LOL
Of course when I need something done I have to wait and wait……
My hubby would love this! Thanks!
ooh, perfect gift for DH. i swear he spends as much on points as he did for the system.
I love my Xbox. Another year of Gold would be fabulous.
If I play on the Xbox, does that make me a serious gamer? That would be very cool. Also probably news to my husband, the serious gamer.
We need netflix on our other tvs!
Wow! Would love this! Would it be wrong to slip it in with my son’s birthday gifts??? Nah..
Please pick me! We love our XBOX Kinect!
I’d like to say that I’m commenting to maybe win this for my kids, but it will actually be my husband that will use it. Early Father’s Day gift!!
OMG, I would be the best godmother, aunt, babysitter, etc, if I won this.
Cinco de Mayo is Cinco de Mommy in our house!
Love xbox!
I don’t understand either, but the Firefighter husband would love it! Pick me = )
We lurve our Xbox and Xbox live. Yum!
I’d love to give this to my son (who lost the membership activation card he received for Christmas).
Thanks, Mir!
Would love to win this, the boys just got an xbox.
would love to win this, just about to buy for my son.
Our subscription is about to run out. We could definitely use this.
On Cuatro de Mayo my baby turns 11 and he would flip out for a xbox gold membership. He would probably even clean his room; I am not joking!
woo hoo! Thanks!
Love the xbox and would love to win this!
My husband has an xbox and I’m sure he would love this, though I have no idea what it is either! All I use the xbox for is netflix.
I would be the coolest wife if I won this for my husband!
My husband would think that I’m an awesome wife if I gave this to him for Father’s Day, hint hint.
Oh my gosh my husband would love this. Hope I win so I can surprise him with it!
Please choose me! Thanks!
I would love it so we could watch our netflix on the xbox!
My son would soooo love this.
I do! I do!!
Great prize!
Love it! 🙂
What the *&^* is an xbox? I kid, I kid, random number-getter-thingy
Box away!
We would love this!
My son would forever be in your debt
This would be wonderful addition to our xbox right in time for summer vacation! My boys would really enjoy being able to go live with their friends. Thanks the great giveaway.
My family would squee with delight. All of them!
Ours is just about to run out! Would love for my son and all his friend.
Oh we just got an XBox for Xmas and we love it! Please oh random generator pick me!
My husband would love this! Thanks Mir!
I have a nephew with a birthday coming up…. this would be so cool!
That would be wonderful!
We are X-Box-ers in our house and I have a 10 year old and he loves to play on Xbox Live!!
X-box among others in our house.
Xbox is amassing and probably has the best games on the market fallowed up by PS3. I have played both consoles and love Xbox, but it sucks having to pay for Xbox live every month because i am a broke college student. buy one if you haven’t, don”t get kenect it gets old fast and dose not have a lot of titles out. it was just made to compete with Wii for the motion gaming market.
Yeah! I love your giveaways. Both my boys play XBox..
My oldest has been bugging me for this!
Between 3 nephews, we have several game systems. X-box is good.
Yes please
SO need this for my son!
I would love to win this! Thanks for being so awesome Mir!
Pick me!
Ooh! Perfect for my hubs for Father’s Day!
my husband would love me forever!! 🙂
we just got an xbox and would love this!
I really really really need to win this one! I have a serious gamer (19 yr old son) that is about ready to purchase another one of these. If I could give it to him a few months early for a birthday gift, HE WOULD THINK THAT I WAS THE BEST MOM EVER!
Enough said.
I’m in!
So excited to see an Xbox contest. You’re usually all about the Wii. This would be awesome to win!
Poor deprived middle child would love for me to win this…
Would Love love LOVE to get this! I’d be a hero! lol
My kids would be thrilled to get this…they play X-Box Live all the time with their friends. At least I don’t have to feed half the neighborhood when they are all at their own homes, but playing together “virtually”. 🙂
Oh I hope i hope i hope i hope i hope!!!!!
This would save me $132 in the course of a year which means I can buy shoes!!!!
Ooooh. We’d love more gaming opportunities…..
My husband and kids would LOVE this! (Have I told you lately that you’re pretty, o random number generator?) And you, too, Mir!
My husband would be so happy!
My son would worship the ground I walk on if I won this for him!
Ok, maybe it would only give me about 2 hours of no eye-rolling but hey, I’ll take it!
P.S You’re pretty 🙂
This would be great!
Please? The wean would love it 🙂
Great! Really hope I win this one–for my son!
We’ve got all of the consoles, but the Xbox is king in our house.
My husband would love to have this! What a great wife I would be if I won.
Ooh, that would make me soooooo popular at my house!
My son has a birthday coming up…
I love the xbox
This would make a cool father’s day gift!
We watch Netflix and Hulu on our xbox! I would love a free year of xbox live!
My husband would love this! He loves his Xbox!
I gotta get in on this one!!!,
XBox, Yes!
Thanks for the opportunity!