If you missed the recent Home.Woot deal on Lock & Lock containers, don’t fret! Scoot on over to Sellout.Woot today to scoop up a 32-piece of my favorite food storage containers for just $15 + $5 shipping.
This set even has red lids. Festive!
Is it weird to get so excited over lunchbox-friendly containers? Probably. But I’m okay with that.
Yay! Bought it! My son has a great Laptop Lunchbox this year, but we can tell his appetite is starting to outrun the lunchbox’s capacity, so we’ll use these next year!
Yeah! Going to purge my cabinet of lidless, mismatched yogurt containers and crazy-old Tupperware. Thanks!
But Mir, did you miss the BACON flavored croutons @ thinkgeek.com? Thought of you as soon as I saw it!
Yay! I threw away all of my old Rubbermaid stuff and bought the Lock & Lock set. 🙂 I missed the last deal on these and was hoping for another soon.