I can’t stop laughing. I don’t know why this strikes me as so hilarious, but it does.
If you live in a climate where your kid is likely to freeze his face off while waiting for the bus in the colder months, obviously you need to pick up this Spiderman face mask at Amazon while it’s just $4.53 (free Prime shipping or Super Saver Shipping eligible). In fact, if you have a lot of kids, please get one for each of them, because I am seriously laughing hysterically over here picturing four or five Spidermen all hanging out, waiting for the bus. Hee.
I am irrationally irritated that it’s too warm here for my kiddo to need one. Maybe stocking-stuffers for our cold-weather family, though….
This is PERFECT for my Kindergartener. Completely ridiculous, and yet perfect at the same time.
We’re in Dallas, so there’s a good chance these won’t be truly used to keep our kids warm, but they will be great stocking stuffers for play!
My 6 year old will love this so, so much.
Perfect stocking stuff for my older two, they’re going to LOVE those this winter. Thanks! 🙂
Bought! For my six-year-old first-grader in northern Illinois.
I remember several boys in my grade school class wearing these. They thought they were pretty cool!.
Halloween costume, anyone? (Up to $8+ now, though. Dadgummit.)