If you’ve got a Hunger Games fan on your hands, don’t miss the opportunity to get him or her reading even more. (Or… I’ve been sitting here cracking myself at the notion of a Hunger Games birthday party, with books as favors. You know, for the kids who’re still alive at the end. Haha.)
Anyway! Amazon has a few goodies:
The Hunger Games: Official Illustrated Movie Companion for $1.84
The Hunger Games Tribute Guide for $1.30
The World of the Hunger Games (Hardcover) for $3.16
I also feel it is my duty to inform you that while looking around for these deals, I stumbled across a book titled Stars in the Arena: Meet the Hotties of the Hunger Games and then I had to stop and weep for humanity for a few minutes. Thanks for letting me get that out.
We vacationed in North Carolina this summer and got to see some of places where the movie was shot. DuPont State Park was very busy with hikers trying to identify the arena and specific movie scenes. It was cool!
We watched Hunger Games last night with our kids. Two, out of the three, asked if I could get them the book. Then they got mad because my husband paused the movie so he could revive me.
While I thought the movie stunk, my stepson loved it so thanks for letting me get him some Xmas gifts on the cheap! He’s a tough one to shop for so these are great!