Celebrate Earth Day with free stuff

By Mir
April 19, 2007
Category Hot Hot Hot!

This Sunday, April 22nd, is Earth Day.

I suggest you go plant a tree, or come bail out my basement. Either one.

What? Neither of those appeal to you? Oh, fine. In that case, why don’t you drop by your local Home Depot and pick up a free compact fluorescent bulb, instead. You ingrate.


  1. SWEET Freebie! If you haven’t started switching your lightbulbs over to CFLs, now is a great chance to start! This is one of the absolute easiest ways to start “living green”, as these are huge energy savers. I just used their Home Depot’s handy little calculator to find that changing 10 bulbs from incandescent to CFLs will save $34/year, and save $453 worth of energy over the lifetime of the bulb. These save use 75% less electricity and last 10x longer. AND they even come in a nice soft white shade that’s nothing like the blaring fluorescent you might be imagining. No excuses!

  2. You’re not flooded again are you?????

    Hurry up and move before you drown!

  3. Grab the freebie and then buy enough for the rest of your house. It’s totally worth it. All of our bulbs are those kind. (My husband is the lead in the electrical department at Home Depot. haha)

  4. I will head over to Home Depot and get a new bulb, and then I’ll start spreading home “grown” compost on my garden plot. Ah, the joys of the earth — on Earth Day and every day.

Bargain Hunt





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