Folks ’round here seem to love this stuff so much, even after I’ve posted about it I get a couple of emails a week saying “Hey, did you see that it’s free popcorn time??”
Yep, it’s free popcorn time at Dale & Thomas. So in case you missed it the last time I post, here it is again: For a limited time, you can get two bags of their gourmet popcorn for just the cost of shipping (which is around $6).
For those of you who’ve mentioned that you haven’t gotten your gift card from this deal yet, I suspect it’s because they’ll wait ’til the free popcorn offer has passed to send them out. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of popcorn to go around.
Mmm…thanks Mir! I just received the last deal at my home on October 1. (Super service since they were going to start sending them out that date!!) I have yet to try it, BUT my bathroom just got gutted yesterday…I’m sure I will “need” some chocolate therapy very soon! 🙂
Isiah seems to have more on his plate to deal with than popcorn gift cards these days!
Thank you, pretty Mir, for answering my questions on this! (I didn’t want to clog your e-mail by replying my thannks – I know you get a lot as it is.) Love love LOVE this site.
I ordered some of this popcorn last time for a gift . . . I’m thinking this time, it’s my turn! :>)
Thanks, Mir! I just received our free popcorn yesterday AND I forgot completely about the free gift card that was supposed to be coming. I’ll keep waiting and see how that one goes.
DH is starting to suspect something, Mir. When I got the Dale and Thomas popcorn (good, but not super wonderful) today, he starts asking, “Ok, what website have you found for ‘$6 shipping.’ ”
Not the Talbot’s sale, not the certificate, not the magazines, but the popcorn.
I’m so busted. lol
Thank you, pretty Mir, for sharing all these great deals.
Thank you, pretty Mir, for the reminder. Since I recently discovered your site (and am now addicted!), I’ve gone back through old posts checking for deals that may still be active. A suggestion for improvement would be some way to flag posts that are still valid.
I’ve been ordering these like mad every time the deal comes up…thinking I’d just dump them all in my gift closet. Now I come to notice that the bags are imprinted with “Enjoy your FREE popcorn!” Waaah. I’ll have to eat these ALL myself.
i ordered some and cannot wait till they come! i’m excited. 🙂
Mine arrived yesterday. I opened one today. Mmmm. Gift closet? Maybe next time. Hey, folks, I wouldn’t mind it as a teacher gift, even if it said “free”. We teachers understand frugality.
How big are those bags?
Oh, wait, I see it now. So about 5 cups of popcorn for $6.
HI hi! Commenting again! Because I read my last comment and it came out wrong. I meant it like, “*doing the math in my head*”
Got my freebie – and ate one all by myself. I guess, I might, maybe, share the second. I think the freebie bags are even bigger this time. I heart me some popcorn.
Thank you for this site, pretty Mir!