The first Friday of the rest of my life

By Mir
April 18, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Goooooooood morning!

I’m dealing with Birthday Doings here, as mah baybee girl is ten today. (Ten! Whose idea was that??) Once she has been packed off to school with the seven billion cupcakes I baked last night, I’ll be back to detail some deals in the Amazon Friday Sale. But feel free to get started without me.

Okay! I’m back!

This is a fabulous price on the Philips 10.2-inch digital photo frame, and would be a perfect gift for Father’s Day. Or Mother’s Day. In fact, I hope my husband is reading. (Hey, honey? Hint, hint.)

This treadmill has everything I’ve been looking for—good price, free shipping (which is like another couple hundred off), good reviews, it folds up… I just can’t quite see spending a grand on something that will end up covered in laundry. Alas.

I’m something of a champion sleeper, and I do love me a nice cool pillow. Mmmmm.

There is nothing like a set of crisp Egyptian cotton sheets, especially when those sheets are dirt cheap.

If I had anywhere to put it, I’d be all over this pot rack. ($40 and free shipping!)

These Spode canisters are lovely, though I cannot get over the fact that people collect Spode, whereas I just try very hard not to accidentally touch it and send it crashing to the floor.

It may be the digital age, but the traditional graduation gift is still a really nice pen. Just sayin’.

Typically the anti-allergen pillow covers are even more expensive than this. Not that you’ve ever stood in the store wondering which was more important, your son’s health or having food to eat that week. No, no.

This Timex Kids Shake Me watch doesn’t have free shipping, which takes it from a smokin’ deal down to an okay deal, but I just think it’s a very cool idea. What kid doesn’t want to watch the numbers on the watch face scramble? In fact, I sort of want one for me….

I’m off to prepare for tonight’s party, and hopefully you’re off to have a great Friday, yourself. Enjoy!


  1. Happy Birthday to your not-so-little girl! my son is turning 3 today 🙂

  2. Two words that should never be together:

    Sweat Scraper.


    And I hope the birthday girl has a superawesomefantastic special day!

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!

    (Ummm, where are the cupcakes for the rest of us?)

    The Lip Explosion Lip Plumper in Personal Care and Grocery is making me uncomfortable.

  4. What is up with the musical cake knife that will not die?! There’s someone in Amazon’s corporate office regretting the day they ordered their stock of those suckers. 🙂

  5. Yeah, where are the cupcakes?

    Birthdays are such hard work and I’m not totally convinced that they’re worth the effort yet. Still, the kids seem to enjoy it so I suppose I’d better carry on. I’d beat it out of them but that’s probably frowned upon…

  6. My daughter turns 10 today too! I just ordered her a Hannah Montana birthday cake for her party tomorrow. Otherwise, the theme is “tea and chocolate.”

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I exceeded my birthday present budget for her and need to return a few things. Shhh! Don’t tell!

  7. I had a birthday yesterday – but not sharing the number I turned. 😀 Happy birthday, to your daughter!

  8. Happy 10th birthday, baby girl!

  9. Wow. It’s my 10th anniversary today. While you were giving birth I was getting married.

    Small world.

  10. Happy Birthday, Chickie! I intercepted a birthday wish list (passing notes in class, uh-huh) and posted it today. I hope Chickie’s “Wish list” is more creative than this one. 10 is fun.

  11. Happy birthday to your “baybee girl”!

    Pssst, are there any cupcakes left?

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