Ready to hit the sales for your family’s favorite clothing deals? Here you go:
Old Navy has taken up to 50% off just about everything, automatically, and then you can use coupon code GRAVY for an additional 15% off (some restrictions apply, like it doesn’t work on Everyday Values). They’ve got their typical fleece-o-rama happening today, and this is my go-to store for cozy cold weather accessories.
Gap is giving you 50% off with coupon code BLKFRIDAY.
Banana Republic is offering either 50% off one full-price item with coupon code BRFIFTY or 40% off your entire purchase with code BRFORTY.
Remember that all those sites share a basket and you get free shipping on $50+, or add anything at all from Piperlime and you’ll get free shipping on any order. Plus, today you can use coupon code IHEARTNYC for 25% off there, too.
Finally, the last store in their family is Athleta, where code FIT20 takes 20% off your purchase.
(I like to take this day as an opportunity to get my kids some cheap stuff at Old Navy and then pick up something I really want from Athleta, but that’s just me.)