I’ll be your Girl Friday

By Mir
July 25, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

(One of these days I’m totally going to rig up an Amazon cheerleader outfit for myself, and I’ll wear it every Friday. I’m only sort of kidding.)

Good morning! It’s my favorite day of the week—the week goes Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, AmazonFridaySale, Saturday. Yes.

Let’s see what goodies they have today….

Oh, look! It’s the perfect gift for that person with uncontrolled OCD: a interchangeable lining cutting board set. Use one color for meats! One for veggies! One for fruits! One for cutting your pills into smaller pieces! (Oh, I kid. But I’m pretty sure that if you clean your cutting board with soap, that’ll get it clean. Just sayin’.)

To be filed under Appliances That Intrigue Me: A toaster oven with two chambers (that’s also a convection oven), this food steamer, and a panini grill. (Knowing me, I’d buy that last one and then the kids would start refusing to eat grilled cheese unless it had wavy lines on it.)

Remember when these egg and muffin stations were $50 and impossible to find? How does $26.99 and eligible for the 4-for-3 promotion sound? (Don’t forget that you can mix and match; you don’t have to get four muffin makers to take advantage of the deal. Though if you really love egg muffins, hey, have at it.)

Hardly dirt cheap, but this is a great deal on a very pretty Spode pitcher. That’d make a lovely wedding gift.


EarthBox! (again)

There’s a bunch of Bentley tea sets in the sale today (check out this pretty wooden chest), and in addition to being on sale they’re still eligible for 50% off on top of that with coupon code TEAGIFT5. These are great for teacher and thank-you gifts throughout the year.

Did you notice who’s front and center in the Friday Five today? It’s Nevermind by Nirvana, doubtless in celebration of cover-baby Spencer Elden’s 18th birthday. Rock on!

Enjoy your day, everyone! TGIF!


  1. We have the panini grill, and the great thing about it is that it is also a countertop grill for meats and veggies. We cook chicken or pork chops in it more often than we make paninis (though I loves me some panini). And it’s pretty easy to clean — very easy to wipe off from panini, a little harder but still fairly easy when it’s covered with marinade from meat. Haven’t done veggies yet.

  2. I’m trying to imagine the Amazon cheerleader outfit. A big $$ on the sweater? A book? the words Friday Sale?

  3. You had me at toaster oven with convection.

    Until I read the multiple reviews about the glass lid exploding. Yikes!

  4. And I still think of Nirvana as “new” music, dang I’m old!

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