Want Not loves The Fish Atlanta!

By Mir
October 29, 2008

Here’s a little shout-out to my local peeps: Tomorrow morning (October 30th, 2008), tune in to hear my chat with Kevin and Taylor of 104.7 The Fish at 8:10. Why? Thrifty Thursday, of course!

We’re talking Christmas shopping, Amazon Prime, the importance of a gift closet, and I swear to you that I told them they were pretty, but for some reason that part got edited out. I wonder why.

Many thanks to the kind folks at The Fish for having me, and I hope some of you will be able to tune in for the segment. (Alternatively, it looks like they offer live streaming on the web site, though I’m having trouble getting it to work at the moment….)


  1. Well hook us up with a recording of it if you can .

  2. How awesome! I listen to the Fish everyday. Unfortunately, I will be listening at 5:30 AM not at 8:00 AM. Hopefully they will replay it another time and I can hear it! Have fun!

  3. 8:10 is 7:10 a.m. my time, and I’m not on the pc at that time, but do tell the peeps at The Fish that I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED them when I lived in the metro! And I catch them online from Kansas when I can – they are in my Christian bookmarks, amen!

  4. How cool! Way to go, Mir! I hope to be able to catch it on the net.

  5. hey! I did get to listen and I loved all the little tips you gave! I never knew about them. Thank you so much for sharing. I love your website to by the way….I’m hooked! Hope you have a great Holiday Season.

    Be Blessed-

  6. Oh, I listen to them when I’m in the car and wouldn’t you know that I tuned in at 8:30 this morning. That’s what I get for not checking here daily. Congratulations!!!

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