Hey, Friday

By Mir
November 7, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Well I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling like this is the end of a verrrrrry long week. (A good week, but a long one.) A little bit of retail therapy will wind things up nicely, I think.

Let’s see what the Amazon Friday Sale has in store for us today!

I don’t know if this is going to be a new Friday Sale tradition, or what, but I am digging the proliferation of over-the-top party sandals. Because you never know when you’ll need some fuchsia snakeskin shoes, people. (But at $34.49 for Charles David, I’m not arguing.)

There are some great digital picture frame options in the electronics section—your best quality-to-savings ratios are going to be with either the Philips 7-inch metal frame ($89.99) or the Philips 10.2-inch white frame ($139.99). Remember: You can certainly get cheaper frames, but the quality does suffer on the lower end. Philips is generally considered the top-of-the-line in this technology.

It’s that time of year again—time to break out the cheap flannel sheets!

I love the idea of a pair of storage ottomans like this, for just under $50. One for each kid! I mean, one to put each kid in. Erm, I mean, one for each kid to put their stuff in. Maybe.

This is a great price on a 3-cup Cuisinart processor ($44.99 shipped), and is a good choice if you want the smaller model. (If you have more than a couple of people, I’d suggest holding out for the larger one.)

Real silverware, just kid-sized! That one’s a great baby gift, by the way… and at $10.99 you really can’t go wrong. If you have a bunch of baby showers coming up, buy a few and tuck ’em away.

Amazon is launching a new feature today, too, which is the 4-Day Baby Super Sale, in case you need other baby items. Those deals will be around all weekend, of course.

And something extra super wonderful has happened in the Amazon Friday Five, today. One of the five available albums is the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog! I don’t think I’d be going too far out on a limb if I called that a rather awesometastic way to end the week. (That is totally a word. Is too.)

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. Just picked up the Onieda set (3 of ’em) for Grasshopper. He (and I) are so sick of his plastic silverware that doesn’t actually stab anything well enough to pick it up! We have ONE fork, currently, that does the job & I’m sick of washing it after every meal. Thanks Mir!

  2. “You have a Ph.D. in Bargain-ness.”

  3. Getting the Dr Horrible soundtrack for such a great price is the perfect way to start a Friday. Definitely awesometastic!

  4. I’m picking up the $50 12 qt stock pot!!! Um, I priced it out at Target — the cheap one was $39 — and this one isn’t the cheap one.

    (Thank you, Mir)

  5. Awesometastic is a much better way to end the week than how I started it, which I dubbed craptastic! 🙂

  6. 4-Day Super Sale on Babies! OK, maybe not. Now Dr. Horrible is another matter entirely. 🙂

  7. I don’t know if I can bring myself to betray Steve (Jobs)…can Jeff (Bezos) keep a secret? I’ve never bought music anywhere but iTunes. Will buying from Amazon make my iPhone blow up? 😉

  8. I can’t believe you didn’t mention the Swarovski Crystal studded Hairdryer that comes with its own carrying case 🙂

  9. Y’know, if you have your iTunes set on shuffle, the occasional song from Dr. Horrible popping up is hysterical!

  10. Thank you, Mir!!
    can I keep an Amazon mp3 in my iTunes?
    very excited about these ottomans!

  11. Stephanie, there’s no cause for fear. The Amazon downloader works perfectly with iTunes. Frankly, I think Amazon’s MP3 store is better than iTunes, and I was a skeptic at first. I’ve got a $15 credit at iTunes now…I’m not sure when I’ll use it.

  12. Mir, you are a lifesaver. I was trying to order flannel sheets from a store that rhymes with Tar-jay, and they were going to charge me $35 dollars in shipping and $10 in taxes. All for $25 dollars worth of sheets.

    I just ordered two sets of sheets and got the shipping for FREE.


Bargain Hunt





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