Feed your need for speed

By Mir
November 10, 2008
Category Contests

I still remember when my kids got their first Webkinz. That was many years ago, and they’ve spent countless hours online, dressing their critters, setting up their rooms, playing the games available, etc. The thing is, my son sort of lost interest, while my daughter set out to buy her elephant every piece of clothing she could acquire on there.

And that’s part of why I just love these new Tracksters—they’re perfect for car-crazy kids (8 years and up) who are more at home tweaking carburetors than coordinating outfits. You get a cool car that’s about the same scale as a Matchbox car, but it comes with a unique code that allows you to unlock a whole world online. Trick it out, tune it up, and race it, all in amazing 3D graphics. (Tracksters do not work on Macs, though—the gaming components are only currently only PC-compatible.)

Tracksters have a suggested retail price of $15, and each one gives you unlimited access to the online world. And three lucky Want Not readers are going to win Tracksters just for being pretty! And leaving a comment on this post! And getting picked!

Want to win one? Simply leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 to be entered. One comment per person, valid email address required, and just for fun—tell me about your dream car if you feel like it. I’ll use ye olde random number generator and a few test laps to pick three winners.

Ready? Start your engines!


  1. cool. number 1 never gets picked though…

  2. I’d love one.

  3. cool! thanks for the contest.

  4. My nephew would go crazy if he got one of these for Christmas! And my dream car? A GMC Acadia please! 🙂

  5. I would love to win one for my 8 year old son!

  6. Sounds fun

  7. my dream car? A Jag. My husband keeps telling me how unreliable they are. But, duh, dream cars don’t have a reliability factor, right?

  8. Thanks! Count me in on this drawing.

  9. Sounds awesome!

  10. My Dream Car is a 1965 Candy Apple Red Ford Mustang Converable. Please random number generator let it be me.

  11. My son would love this, but is unfortunately too young at 3. My nephew, however . . . . .

    And my favorite car is one that runs without any trouble, lasts nearly forever, and gets good gas mileage.

  12. I thought my son would love his Webkins. But your right. He still has the stuffed animal but he hasn’t logged in to feed it in a couple of months.

    Maybe this is the toy he will actually play with!

    Now I am off to Toys R US to buy him an actual Puffle. Sigh.

  13. Oh wow, you just did some Christmas shopping for me. Cause even if I don’t win, this is a gift my 9yr old didn’t know he wanted. =)

    Any my dream car would probably be a very zippy, sporty, expensive convertible. Because I like that kind of attention.

  14. How fun this would be! Dream car? Mustang convertible, new or a classic ’72 Red Mach 1. Dreamy!!!!

  15. Great prize! My dream car is a limo with a driver so I can just sit back and relax.

  16. My son is so jealous of my daughter’s webkinz world. This would be great for him. My dream car is a black full sized Dodge Ram with gray leather interior.

    Thanks for the wonderful contest.

  17. So cool. Sadly my current dream car is a blue prius, which my co-worker bought for her teenage daughter. But my never have, would be a convertable mercedes.

  18. Thanks Mir. This is cool.

  19. Oh geez…does car-crazy sum it up enough for my child? Sadly, I doubt it. Thanks for the info…I’ll be checking out that site.

  20. me want! my nephew would love this!

  21. We’d love one here!

  22. My son would LOVE this for Christmas! My dream car? a 65 red Mustang Fastback 🙂

  23. OH my – I would definitely win Mom of the Year if you pick me (I will be SURE to include you in my acceptance speech).

  24. I’ll try for this!

  25. My son (turns FIVE TODAY) would love this, since daddy would help him with it. Surprisingly son is almost better at computing than daddy, aside from that pesky not able to read thing.

    Cars are just ways to and from work for me, don’t care what it is really, as long as it’s reliable.

  26. My son needs this! I may even have to buy it myself if ye olde random number generator doesn’t honor me.

  27. My dream car used to be an Alfa Romeo Spider, but nowadays I lean more towards a Volvo SUV. *sigh*

  28. That sounds fun!

  29. That will make a terrific Christmas gift. I sure do hope I win. 🙂 Thanks

  30. Companies who make stuff that won’t run on Macs are NOT pretty. . .

    Count me out — although my son would LOVE these.

  31. Anything to get my son away from Webkinz for a few minutes. He’s blowing all of his virtual cash on inflatable palm trees and cake.

  32. I would share with Markie – promise!

  33. Oh this would make a great gift for my computer crazy nephew!

  34. those sound cool

  35. Hi:
    I would love to win one for my 7 year old! I didn’t even realize this toy existed and now he will definitely be getting one for Christmas whether it’s won or not!

    I don’t have a dream car. I love any car that’s paid for and runs perfectly although my minivan fits that bill and I wouldn’t call it my dream car. LOL!


  36. Tracksters sound awesome! I have a little guy who would be ever-so-excited to own one! Thanks for the chance to win one, Mir.

  37. Nice! I’d be up for one of these. Thanks!

  38. My son would be in heaven!

  39. I used to have a boyfriend that had a cherry 1968 Camaro. Boy, I miss that car…

  40. Oh that sounds really cool!!! Even if I don’t win one, Santa might be bringing them so save me a few dollars and PICK ME! 🙂

  41. Those Tracksters sound like lots of fun! As for a car, I’ll take a tricked out Nissan Quest or Honda Odessey.

  42. Me please!!

  43. Forget 8 yr old kids, my hubby wud love it(hes 28)!Men do qualify as kids in this gizmo world eh?

    OH RNG..pick me!!

  44. The boys would love these… My dream car? I have no idea. I can’t envision anything other than the minivan for quite awhile.

  45. Sounds cool for my car/computer obsessed son!

  46. My dream car would be self-cleaning and never break down. Or allow me to lock my keys inside of it.

    And my son would love this. 🙂

  47. Not exactly my dream car, but I do miss my island green (think a jewel-toned jade) Geo Prizm, my first car. No other car I’ve owned has had such a kicky personality. Alas, it was a stick-shift, so I had to trade it in for an automatic when I had children so I could perform the requisite mom task of quieting the baby in the back seat with one hand while still driving with the other.

  48. My husband would *love* this – he’s a total motorhead 🙂

    And if he doesn’t want it, then I know my nephew would.

  49. Ooh, I’m excited! I think my hubby and son would like to do this together.

  50. My dream car would be my 73 AMC hornet that we used to call the Green Bomber. Paid $150 for it and it ran loud but perfect and could go for ever on $.098 worth of gas!!!

  51. varoom! varoom!

  52. I know just the boy for this!

  53. Ooh… my dream car would be one that somehow has room for all of the stuff we seem to “need” in the car. Oh! and it magically stays organized !

  54. My son really needs this. He had a lot of Webkinz, but just doesn’t really care about them since a friend of his made fun of him. He is totally in to cars though. This would be right up his alley. He has a little toy one that he can take apart and put back together. Here’s to hoping that you pick me. My dream car is a mini van that had infinate storage.

  55. pick me! pick me!

  56. wow! either boy would like that!

  57. I have a little boy who would love one of these!

    My dream car is a Jaguar.

  58. Oh my googness my son would love this!

  59. That is so cool! It would make the perfect gift for my nephew who is becoming more difficult to shop for by the day!!!

  60. VROOM VROOM-My dream car is black, self-cleaning, only needs 1 tank of gas a month, and is paid off!! Thanks!

  61. my boys would love it

  62. My little boy would love you forever and perhaps drawing pictures for you. (You know if you need a bribe.)

  63. sign the boys up, please

  64. I wanna trackster…I mean my daughter!

  65. My five-year-old loves watching his sister play Webkinz — I know he’d love one of these!

  66. The Dream:Red Mustang. Sigh-The Reality: 6 year old minivan with dents, scratches, crumbs, dog crate, footballs, baseballs…. Who wouldn’t love this?

  67. Love those!

  68. That would be perfect for my 6’er!

  69. Mini Cooper…guess I’ll have to wait until I am no longer driving bunches of kids around the Mini.

  70. My dreamcar right now is any car in which the windows will open and close! 3 of my windows have fallen open and will only close if I pull them up and wedge something into them! Is that thrifty or cheap? 🙂

  71. Ohhh, my kids would love this!

  72. My dream car would NOT be a minivan. I’m thinking a Jag is my style.

    Thanks for the chance!

  73. Wow, my son would absolutely go nuts for this!!

  74. My boys would love this. I’d wrap it up, give it to them for Christmas, and make them share it.

  75. Fun!

  76. Perfect!!! My 8-year-old son has shown no interest at all in Webkins (though I’m not complaining) but I know he would love this!

  77. Ye old random number generator, please pick me!

  78. my dream car has a separate sound-proof compartment for each of my kids. these compartments will also be tinted so they can’t see each other. and possibly padded. stain resistant, waterproof, anti-bacterial would be a plus, but sound-proof would be the deal breaker.

  79. Love this…thanks for letting me know about them.

  80. Oh boy, I could check my nephew off my Christmas list!

  81. I would love this for a gift. I never win, but I can’t help myself and keep trying anyway.

  82. My son would love one of these, hope I win!!!

  83. those sound so cool! my husband would probably like it as much as my 4-yr-old.
    I have no idea what my dream car would be. I did like the pt cruiser while I had it, but like my diesel jetta and its 41 mpg a bit more right now.

  84. I’m pretty. I promise. :o)

    Enter me!! :o)

  85. sounds fun!

  86. My nephew would love these! Awesome! Thanks, Mir!

  87. My grandson would love this. (so would my 35 yr old son!)

  88. My son would love this! My dream car? A minivan of course. No, wait, I already have one of those..

  89. I haven’t seen these yet. They sound great.

  90. My kid would be all over that!

  91. I have 4 boys!!! (and 2 girls):)

  92. Would make a great holiday gift for my neice!! Dream Car??? Oh that’s a tough one….a tie between a Chevy Tahoe and a Toyota 4 Runner. Thanks for the chance!!

  93. Cool!

  94. Awesome!

  95. My dream car right now is a Mazda 6. Red. My son loves ANY car, so i would love to win this contest.

  96. how sad is it that my dream car is a mazda cx9….because it’s a pretty blue and seats 7, and i still can’t figure out how to afford it? you aren’t giving one of those away are you? cuz i’d totally come to georgia and clean your bathrooms to win.

    brady would think this is totally cool. then again, brady likes minivans, so what does he know.

  97. Sounds pretty cool!

  98. My son woudl love this!

  99. OOH, my sons would love this!!

  100. im so excited! the hubby would love this!

  101. Top Gun fans, anyone? “I feel the need – the need for speed!”

    My son (7) would just LOVE to have this!

  102. Ohh, perfect stocking stuffer!

  103. We have four boys, one girl, and countless webkinz. I know just which one would like this though. Thank you for sharing.

  104. enter me! sounds great.

  105. Yah! Pick me!

  106. Cool! My car-crazy boy would love this…

  107. My son would adore this. 🙂

  108. Me please!

  109. my dreamcar is a 10-seater with at least that many cupholders! and, oh yeah, self-cleaning. and a noise-proof driver’s seat. : )

  110. I would secretly go online and make money so my daughter’s webkinz wouldn’t starve. When I would check back the next day, it would still be hungry but have 3 new pairs of shoes. Priorities. I fear for my future grandchildren (but I’m buying stock in Endless).

  111. My son would love this! I’m torn between a Boxster convertible, and a limousine so when my kids bicker I could just push the button and close the privacy glass and drive in peace.

  112. My son like so many other would love this. He plays with his webkins but this would be so much cooler.

  113. Sounds great! I’ll take a BMW suv please 😉

  114. My son would love it!

  115. My dream car : a sports car that makes me feel young, with a 6 speed manual transmission and rear wheel drive, great acceleration, still fits 3 kids in it (now that my state requires boosters up to 9 years old = forced into large boat-of-a-car), included zone of silence for the kids in the back, stain proof, crumb restistent, passenger window with automatic setting for perfect dog height, and the car would somehow distract my husband from complaining that 1. I’m taking the turns so fast I’m wearing the corners off the tires, 2. that I’ve seen Speed Racer too many times 3. grip the door handle and put hand up against the dash while right foot pushed down on imaginary brake. That would be perfect.

  116. Count me in!!! Dream car? um…I don’t have one at the moment, I am happy with my mini van.

  117. hmm . . . my dream car — besides one of these little prizes — would get me laughed to scorn, since it would be a big old Toyota Sienna. Can you tell that I am tired of trying to buckle three car seats in the back of a Carolla?

  118. My niece is starting to lose interest in Webkinz, maybe this could take its place. As far as my dream car, any car without a screaming 18 month old in the backseat LOL!

  119. The Tracksters sound like fun! I have no doubt my boy would enjoy one.

    Gosh, I have to think about my dream car. My priorities have changed so much post-kids. I guess I’d say a Saab 9-5 aero wagon. Practical, roomy, yet sporty and with lots of power. Yeah, that would do.

  120. this sounds great!!!!!! my dream car comes without a payment and free gas!

  121. This is cool!
    My dream car is a Carmen Ghia- but I’d need to equip it with AC for the hot North Carolina summers. Oh, and room for three carseats . I fear I am chained to a minivan for life

  122. love all these fun contests!!! This sounds so neat!!!

  123. I think both boys would LURVE these! My dream car, well, there are two. A 73 VW convertable in burnt orange, and a 64 mustang convertable.

  124. I’d love to win one!

  125. Me! Me! Me!
    Pretty Please 🙂

  126. my boys obsess about cars – this would be a great gift for any of them, especially the 9 yr. old.

    My dream car is the one that runs on water – separates the hydrogen and oxygen to burn the hydrogen. The exhaust is beneficial…still in development in Europe though. I recently read an article about a molded plastic single-seater working prototype that gets around 370mpg. I could settle for that one if I had to.

  127. my son would love one

  128. I’m crossing my fingers for this one!

  129. oh my goodness! my boys would totally love love love this!

  130. My 7 year old son would love this! Thank you!

  131. I’d love one! Thanks!

  132. Would love one Thanks!

  133. I’m pretty happy with my Entourage… perfect family car, drives like a dream. But if it were just for me…. I always wanted a Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. I’ll take it in the Maizen Pearl Blue please… with all the cool options.

  134. Pick me…please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. Although not my dream car…I’m content with my chevy lumina ltz! It’s 10 years old but has lower miles!! I love the leather seats and the steering wheel controls for the radio/cd player volume,etc. Anyway, pick me!

  136. dream car…..66 Mustang…red please.
    pick me, pick me

  137. Me please! (Like we need another toy to collect…)

    My dream car is one that cleans itself. 🙂

  138. my nephew would love this!!!1

  139. My nephew would think this was cool.

  140. Yes, I think my nephew would like this. Thanks for the heads-up!

  141. Thanks Mir!

  142. Very cool! Count me in!

  143. Okay, I have a 5 year old girl who wants to be a jedi, BUT, I do have nephews who would love one of these!

  144. Would love one of these. And my dream car?? Anything without fish crackers and milk stains all over the floor!

  145. sounds fun, thanks!

  146. These are on the TOP of my nephews Xmas list! I would love to win one for him!

  147. I have never heard of these . . . but I’m sure the boys would love them!

  148. Sounds very cool!

  149. Wow! My nephew would just flip for one of these. What a perfect Christmas present. Oh, I’d be the best Aunt ever…

  150. This would be great for my neighbors kid. Yes, please! My dream car, um well, I’ve been having nightmares about purchasing our first minivan. Does that count? We’re expecting our third baby in the coming months and my oh my, the things that are going to change.

  151. I’m another one with a nephew who would love this. No dream car for me…

  152. I’d love one

  153. My son would get a kick out of this, for sure. *My* dream car would be the one I currently have – an old Mazda MPV – with one of those soundproof partitions installed between the front and back seats.

  154. Oooh, I have an EIGHT year old that would LOVE those!! 🙂 Thanks!

  155. Those sound cool – especially for boys who aren’t into stuffies.

  156. Oh, Mir, you are so pretty. And your pants fit you so nicely too!

    I’d love to win one of these for my 9 year old!

    (Does the flattery help at all? No, probably not.)

  157. Thanks for opening up a whole new world for us…perfect for my nephew!

  158. Would love one here.

  159. Are you kidding me?!? We loe Webkinz, and my boys would flip over CARS! Cool!

  160. My Husband and Son would love this! I doubt I’ll win so thanks for the heads up on them. Dream car- GTO Judge!

  161. My dream car — a Corvette. I don’t think it even matters what year. Just a nice sleek one.

  162. Enter me please!

  163. try agian. i never win anything

  164. Please…anything to get me out of Webkinz World!

    My dream car is anything convertible. I WILL get a convertible when my boys go to college…I will, I will, I will.

  165. Pick me!

  166. Thanks! I have my kids’ birthdays coming up and they would love this.

  167. Sounds PERFECT for my son!

    Right now, my dream car is a minivan. *sigh* A Toyota Sienna, to be exact. Not as sexy as I’d like, but I have three kids that bicker nonstop. I’m tired of taking two cars anytime we want to go do something as a family.

  168. Cool. Very, very cool. Two boys here and they will share!

  169. My 6 year old son would love this (of course my husband and I would never get online again ).

    I think I had my dream car, my 1995 Ford Escort – Sunrise Canyon Red (looked like dark fuscia pink though). It was just me…now I have to settle for putting pink steering wheel covers on a dull, gray Cavalier 🙂

  170. My boys,9 and 5, would flip their lids! My dream car? Let’s see…one without ketchup and cola stains on the interior lining, no gum on the floorboards, the windows would not look like someone had been licking them. You could not live out of the dream car if you had to (unlike a certain vehicle that my husband says there is so much crap in that we could totally survive for days just on what’s already in the van). Ahhh, a girl can dream, can’t she?

  171. Count me in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  172. This would be a perfect present for my little cousins!

  173. Sounds great, my nephew would probably have a lot of fun with this.

  174. hmmm. Dream car? How about a 6 passenger sportscar with a bullt in cooler? That’d be sweet.

  175. My son would flip for one of these. His sister is a webkinz junkie and he tries hard to be too but this sounds much more his speed.

  176. Sounds cool!

  177. My dream car…doesn’t have one of those pesky check engine lights, has windshield wipers that never need replacing,has hazard lights that doesn’t kill the battery after 2 lousy minutes, and has a CLEARLY marked spot for putting water in the radiator (yep I poured water directly into the engine).

  178. My dream care would be RED and HOT!!!

  179. This would be perfect for my son! Thanks for the tip!

  180. sounds great for my boy!

  181. Dream car? Never breaks down or needs refueling – I guess these cars qualify.

  182. Sweet!!!

  183. Fun! We could find a Pc somewhere! My geeky dream would be to have a new super loaded mini-van. Did I say that out loud?

  184. Cool! Forever young……red with fire breathing stripes across the hood! Pick me please….

  185. A great gift for my niece! Pick me!

  186. My 4 yr old son would think you were the prettiest and most wonderfulest blogger in the whole inner-webs if he got one of these in the mail!

  187. My boy would get a kick outta this…

  188. I have a nephew that this would be great for – especially since before now I had no idea what to get him. Thanks Mir!

  189. This is the one I really want to win.

  190. For the kid who just asked for a subscription to Motor Trend?? Oh yeah!

  191. just a minivan

  192. I have a need for speed!

  193. Would be the most perfect gift for my son!

  194. You’re a giver, Mir. A giver. As for the car question, my husband sold his dream car to help out with finances so I’d love to replace it for him someday. It was a 1997 BMW M3, SO pretty… SO sad.

  195. I really really want this one. my son would so love it!

  196. My son would love these. He too has lost interest in Webkinz, but he loves cars & trucks.

    My dream car – a BMW convertible.

  197. I have a boyfriend… I mean, nephew that would love this. 🙂

  198. Those are very cool! My girls all have webkinz but I think Mr. Bill would love one of these more.

    And my dream car? A vw bug. I know… don’t say it.

  199. vroom vroom

  200. Yay…I hope I’m pretty!

  201. My 9 yo would love this!

    My dream car would be a 6 or 7 seater small car (ie magically bigger inside than out) that took absolutely no maintenance! Dream on, right…

  202. Very cool.

  203. Oh! Pick me!

  204. my dream car is one that runs without gas!

  205. My daughter has a need for speed;off-road and on the computer is definitely the way to go!

  206. I know a little someone who would go crazy for this! And he would think I’m the best aunt in the world. (Nevermind that I’m his only aunt.)

  207. My grandson who is 8 and a car NUT would love this. Thanks.

  208. Thanks, Mir!

  209. Cool! I would love to get my 8 year old off of club penguin for a while!

  210. My two boys will fight over it, but I’ll try anyway!

  211. I have 3 boys & I’m always on the lookout for something new they might like that won’t clutter up the house! My dream car is an Aston Martin Vanquish! That is one awesome car!

  212. OH MY GOSH! My son would be all over this!

  213. I got a Shining Star bear for my 6 yr old son. He went on line, name him “Jerrold” (yep, his spelling, with the “J”!) and never went back on again. This car would be perfect!

  214. I have an 8 year old who would love this!

  215. Please give me something to replace the Star Wars and Legos!!!

  216. that sounds awesome!

  217. Wow, what a perfect idea for my 8 year old son!

  218. Sounds great!

  219. ooo my hubbys brother would love this!! Thanks Mir

  220. OOOH, my boys would LOVE LOVE LOVE these!

  221. Sounds very cool! Thanks for another great contest!

  222. My son would LOVE this!

  223. oh goodie!!

  224. Wow, I never heard of these! My son would love it!

  225. That looks pretty cool, never heard of it before today. My nephew Nolan would love it!!!! My dream car…….hmmmmmmm…anything with leather interior-the fabric seats are getting old

  226. This would make a great gift for my nephew. I think my dream car is anything that looks fast instead of family.

  227. This would make a great christmas gift for my little cousin!! Thanks!!

  228. This is so cool my husband will want to play too. (smile)

  229. This will be the perfect Christmas gift for my nephew! good luck to me.

  230. My dream car is one that runs on water and can hold the whole family without anyone getting kicked in the back! But I’ll settle for a Trackster for the #1 grandson.

  231. Please, please pick me pretty Mir….

  232. Thanks Mir!

  233. Trackster! What a great idea. I have a 5yo who is vehicle-obsessed and would love this.

  234. My nephew would love these. 🙂

  235. Thanks, Mir!

  236. I have tons of nephews to buy gifts for this Christmas! Please pick me! I love this!

  237. My boys would love these!!! Pick me, pretty Mir!

  238. Cool! I have a car-loving daughter.

  239. oh, how cool would that be?!

  240. This would be perfect for my nephew – I don’t know what to get him!

  241. this sounds so cool!

  242. Oooo. So cool!

    Btw: I like the BMW Mini.

  243. My son races on a dirt track and would LOVE this game!!

  244. This sounds right up my son’s alley! Talk about a cool stocking stuffer… Thanks for the chance Mir!

  245. Ahh I’ve heard about these,I know my sons would be in heaven with this toy!

  246. I want one!!!

  247. I need this for my grandson.

  248. I have a hard-to-buy-for nephew that would prpbably love this 🙂

  249. I have not heard of this, but it sounds great.

  250. thanks!

  251. I’ve never heard of this but it’s definitely something my son would love!

  252. Bought and paid for is my dream car. 🙂

  253. Oooh…this one sounds like some good Daddy/Adam bonding time! Yeah! Just for kicks, I already had my dream car but it was lost in an accident. You guys are gonna laugh, but it was a 98 Acura 2.5TL…oh my…it was lovely. I will get another one — someday!!

  254. Cool! Maybe today is my lucky day!

  255. zoom, zoom. My son wold love one. Thank you!

  256. My 4 yr old son takes care of my daughters webkinz while she is at school. He actually takes better care of it than she does, when I asked him if he would like one of his own he sternly tells me that they are girl toys. The only problem is they don’t have the same taste in clothes! He would really really love this for christmas, which is also his birthday and yes I can provide documentaion to prove this is not a sympathy tactic!

  257. pick me – please!

  258. thanks for the chance…my dream car, one without kids for at least an hour

  259. Great website – pick me please!

  260. This would make me the best aunt ever….please take THAT into consideration.

  261. My son would love this!

  262. Thanks for the idea for my nephew for Christmas. Would love to win one!

  263. I have a nephew who would think this is the coolest thing every – which of course would make me the coolest aunt ever if I gave it to him 🙂

  264. Mustang, definitely. Or a ’65 Corvette. Neither of which will I ever have, I’m sure.

  265. I’m reved up for this one.

  266. Fabulous! I’d love to get this for my friend’s little boy! He loves stuff like this.

  267. My webkinz loving and car loving son would LOVE this!

  268. My boys would LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I was looking at them recently, and it would be great to win one so I only have to buy one instead of two 🙂 Thanks for hosting all your great giveaways!

  269. My Little Guy would LOVE it!
    Perfect for that stocking stuffer!!
    Thanks so much!

  270. Let’s try that again in the right place. My son feels the need for speed!

  271. My 10yo son would freak over this! 🙂

  272. Oooh pick me!

  273. This would be a good xmas gift.

  274. I have a need for speed.

  275. This looks like a great gift for one of my boys.

  276. See, now, I saw Webkinz in the opening sentence and began to weep hysterically and didn’t even realize there was a NON-WEBKINZ contest to be had. I am SO in.

  277. Count me in!

  278. Count me in!

  279. Oh yes! This would be great!

  280. Oooh ooh oooh! Thanks, Mir!

  281. woo hoo!

  282. Wow Hope I win

  283. I can’t stay awake late enough for the news but I get 11 Alive’s daily news email and discovered your blog. Now I’m ADDICTED! LOVE IT!

  284. Dream car… Something that rarely ever needs maintenance, and only when it would be convenient for me to have the car in the shop. And gets great gas mileage, seats five comfortably and looks absolutely nothing like a mom-mobile. Hehe 🙂

  285. I’d love a Suburban. I know it’s not PC, but we have six kids, so we’ve given that up long ago. And to have an extra seat and some cargo space would be SO nice.

  286. My boys would love one! 🙂

  287. See! I do enter!

  288. I totally know a boy who needs this!

  289. Oh my 8yo would love this. He is still wrapped up in the matchbox world but is very into computers too! Please pick me, pretty please? 🙂

  290. My son would LOVE this!

  291. Oh how cool! Please pick me!

  292. Enter me in the contest, please. Thanks!

  293. My son would love this!

  294. Oh I am glad you reminded me!


  295. Very cool! My dream car would be a Smart Car! 🙂

  296. I have an 8 year old cousin that I have no idea what to get for him. Please pick me!

  297. sad to say that my dream car is an hybrid minivan!! Pretty pathetic!

  298. Grandson Andrew would love this!

    Happy to report I have my dream car. A Honda…and it starts every time!

  299. oh, how cool is that!

  300. I would love to have one! My favorite care is the Mustang Cobra.

  301. I guess I already own my dream car–it starts everytime, gets great fuel mileage and is paid for–but when did I become such an old, fuddy duddy!?

  302. Yeah!!!

  303. Looks like it has good desk toy potential…

  304. i know someone who would like this!

  305. My boys would love this! I have not heard of them until now. I will definitely check it out for Christmas!!

  306. perfect for my eight year old nephew…and his 38 year old dad. 🙂

  307. My little brother would love one of those!

  308. Start your engines…………..

  309. I’ve got some nephews that could rock this, I’m certain… 🙂

  310. Come on, #311! 🙂

  311. Thanks for the chance to win. With all boys at our house, it would have a great home!

  312. I would love one of these for my 8 year old superhero in training 🙂

  313. Hey, my grand-children call me Gran-Gran and my husband Pop-Pop. (you know, a good box of cereal!) But I would really be Gran-Gran if I could come up with this little Gem for Christmas! My dream car? one that is New and paid for!

Bargain Hunt





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