Saturday deals

By Mir
December 27, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Goooood morning! Sorry to be a bit late with this post. I’m still moving kind of slowly. But neither rain nor sleet nor dark of night (nor the all tea-and-toast diet) shall deter me from my appointed bargains!

The clearance is on at Old Navy, with items up to 75% off. I shall try to resist. I shall try to resist. (Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t resist.) (Also: I bought my daughter some skinny jeans from there for Christmas. I did not realize that they were all… ummm… glittery. She now thinks she is Da Bomb. I am not certain I am comfortable with my 10-year-old being Da Bomb.)

Through the end of the year, take 80% off your purchase with coupon code CELEBRATE. That’s $25 of dining for just $2, and while it used to annoy me that most of them exclude weekends, a friend of mine has shown me the light: Having date night on a Wednesday not only makes it easier to find a sitter and less crowded out on the town, it’s a delightful way to break up the week.

Over at ShopPBS, going through this link activates an automatic $10 off of $50+ discount, while this link will take you to all of their clearance.

If you didn’t run out and scoop up the electronics of your dreams the day after Christmas, today is the last day of the Very Merry Christmas Sale over at Best Buy. You know, just in case you want to send me a big flat-screen television or something.

The post-holiday sale is on at Barnes & Noble, and through the weekend you can save 10% on any one item with coupon code P7B4F8B.

While it’s true that few of us here can afford to shop at Nordstrom, if you’re going to do it, the winter savings sale is the time to do it—enjoy 40% off on all sorts of things.

Today (December 27th, 2008) only, everyone can take 15% off their order at Kohls with coupon code JOY15. Shipping is free on orders of $100+, and they have all sorts of things discounted as part of their post-holiday promotion.

Prices have been slashed in the semi-annual sale at DisneyShopping, and you can stack coupon code BONUS20 to save another 20% over the already-reduced price, too.

Take 50% off everything at Coldwater Creek—even Outlet items—with coupon code SAVEBIG! (Thanks, Stacy!)

Has anyone scored any really awesome deals by hitting the actual stores? I don’t usually do that, but I couldn’t have, this year, even if I wanted to, so I’m curious to know if the deals were any good. Please spill if you braved the crowds.


  1. We went out yesterday around 9am to mall #1 to do a return- there were not any people. Then around 5pm we went to mall #2 hoping a certain jacket was reduced in price, a 12 year old with a mission. Still no crowds. The only areas of the stores that seemed to attract the most people were seasonal sections. Dillards has/had all their bed linens reduced by 50% which is still kinda high but if you like some of the brands like Croscill, Candice Olsen, Ralph Lauren, et for bedding then its not too bad of a deal.

    I am a wordy reporter.

  2. We went to Fry’s in Austin around 3:00 yesterday, and it was plenty crowded, but not too bad. Babies R Us was not bad at all, and neither was Kohl’s.

  3. I went to Coldwater Creek yesterday after checking out their online sale that was 50% off everything (even clearance items – through January 5th with Code SAVEBIG). So, I was SHOCKED to get to the store and see that their sale was Up to 50% off on select items. Most items were about 35% off – some weren’t on sale at all. From now on, I show in my PJs.

  4. Braved the stores yesterday. I was very disappointed. I had Christmas money to spend! I got some wrapping paper and gift tags at Target for half off. No biggie. It’s always the same there. The mall was packed but people weren’t buying much. The sales just weren’t that great.

  5. I went to Pottery Barn yesterday to do a return, no luck as said item was out of stock and they offered me $3.97 for my item since it was “final sale” when the gift giver gave it to me… um, no, I’ll keep it with the crack in it. It’s still usable and not very noticable unless you go up close to it. Went into Williams Sonoma for a ricer, which they were out of, then Crate and Barrel where I scored a holiday door mat for next year for $14 (super thick and heavy weaved grass) and 20 holiday-print towels to use for gifts next year for $2 each. Then hit target for storage buckets and snagged some gift tags on the cheap. Groceries and back home. Hope you get your energy back today, Mir!

  6. The stores around here (Target and Walmart) were very crowded yesterday. I did not find too much at Target. Found more (wrapping paper etc) at Walmart. I didn’t feel it was worth going out. We are going to try Barnes and Noble today for calendars and day planners. 🙂

  7. I went to Target yesterday to get some large storage bins to put away my all of my christmas stuff they were on sale for $4.99 I thought that was pretty good. Store was fairly crowded but I only had to wait in line behind one person. In the evening we headed to the mall which was packed, people everywhere. But sales did not seem too great. We bought a few tools from Sears that were on sale but I would not say they were bargins.

  8. Stopped to shop at the outlet mall yesterday during Christmas travel in upstate NY. Signs on items declared great discounts, but original prices seemed higher than usual, so no better bargain than I’ve seen before.

    I’m beginning to wonder if all this reported price slashing is media hype. If you’re a savvy shopper, the deals don’t seem to be much better than you can find through our best source – WantNot!

    Hope you are on the mend, Mir!

  9. we went to Target yesterday and boy was I disappointed. I usually find some great deals after Christmas but there was nothing much-not even great wrapping paper. I have found more selection at their 75% clearance in years past! I can’t believe they actually sold more this year than in the past-maybe they ordered less?

  10. I haven’t had the courage to go out yet, but I ordered area rugs and jeans for Husband on sale from I have gift money and gift cards to spend; maybe next week.

  11. Don’t worry. Just wash the jeans in the washer WITHOUT turning them inside out. Be prepared for your glitter to get on other stuff, but it’ll come off the jeans after a few washes.

  12. I’m trying to get excited about, but I hate using coupons/gift certificates. Anybody have a good way to overcome such a disinclination (other than logic, of course)? I just ordered over $300 worth of certificates though, for ONLY $21!!! so maybe practice makes perfect. I’m about to get a lot of practice!

  13. Courtney, get over it and use the coupons! I have surrendered a few of these and the servers don’t even bat an eye. Nobody acts put out by the certificate, as long as you remember to tip correctly. These are great for some of the local joints we go to often with the kids and spend more than $25. It makes a family night out way more reasonable. embrace the savings :)!

  14. We are BIG “day after Christmas” shoppers. My hubby & I even get up at 4:30am in order to get to the opening of Walmart by 6:00am. We got there 20 minutes before opening. In past years, there would already be a line to the edge of the building by this time. There was only a few other people there. There was no rush for the deals, no lines, nothing. Even Target & KMart were laid back. Odd.

  15. I hit some of the sales today and got some great stuff. I went to Banana Republic and Gap and got some sweet shirts, two dresses and some shoes. All the sale stuff was marked down additionally and the sale prices were already very nice. When I came home I looked up some of the stuff online that I had purchased and the prices at the store were much lower. I will wait a week or so to get my Christmas markdowns so that hopefully I can get them 75 or 90% off 🙂
    Feel better soon…

  16. I hit the mall today and scored deals on work clothes for myself at Penneys, Macys and Talbots. All told I got about $500 worth of clothes for $125, so I’m excited. Yay for newspaper coupons and mailers.

  17. Thank you, Pretty! I just bought over $100 of awesome stuff at Old Navy ($2 over $100—to get free shipping!). I got all kid stuff: 14 long-sleeved shirts, 1 sweater, and 7 pairs of pants. Sweet.

  18. I headed to Macy’s today to spend a gift card and was happily surprised to find that by using a gift card you got the same deal as using your Macy’s credit card (which I don’t have) so the gift card went about 20% farther. I got 2 new pairs of work pants – 60% off + additional discount basically meant I could get two pairs instead of the hoped-for one plus I had $ left over. I used the savings for a new bra. I got the same bra I got a few weeks ago in a new color, buying one 2 weeks ago was $2 cheaper, even with the additional discount. So I guess the deals were there if you looked for them – just depended on what you are buying.

  19. Oh, and my mom and I went to the mall today. The parking was tight, but inside the stores was fine. We didn’t find any Awesome Scores, though. We braved it because I had a “$10 off $10 or more” coupon for The Children’s Place that expired on the 28th, and I don’t like to miss those. (I got two pairs of toddler girl jeans that were already marked down to $7.99 each, so got them $6 total for both pairs.)

  20. I went to some seasonal decor places, like Jo-Ann’s Fabrics, where everything is always on sale. Christmas items were 70% off. Target was busy in the Christmas section, that was it – but only 50% off, so I just picked up some small items. I want to go back for 75% and try to get some larger ticket items.

  21. I hope the tea is chamomille – I forgot to mention that, last time I commented. You should be much better by tomorrow, right?

  22. Get thee to the nearest Harolds and you will find amazing deals! All of their stores are closing and they’ve reduced all the clothing to 70% off. My mom and I scored lots of very nice clothing for great prices! I normally wouldn’t dream of buying clothes there, but at 70% off the prices were quite reasonable!

Bargain Hunt





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