Bored? Lonely? Feeling the urge to sit at your computer, refreshing the screen all day long? You’re in luck—they’re having a Woot-Off today!
When I grow up, I want to write product descriptions for Woot. That is all.
Bored? Lonely? Feeling the urge to sit at your computer, refreshing the screen all day long? You’re in luck—they’re having a Woot-Off today!
When I grow up, I want to write product descriptions for Woot. That is all.
Haha. they do have some good descriptions. I used to want to write for J. Peterman. Those descriptions were always hilarious.
Wait, I know I live under a rock…are those woot-off things only available for one hour? What happened to the kodak printer? Waaaahhhh!!!
Gaack! I thought I’d get something done today, but no! I must refresh constantly to see the next item. Oh pretty Mir, you are a bad influence today.
Thank you for giving me another thing to do that is not work!