And it’s not even Thursday

By Mir
February 18, 2009
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Bored? Lonely? Feeling the urge to sit at your computer, refreshing the screen all day long? You’re in luck—they’re having a Woot-Off today!

When I grow up, I want to write product descriptions for Woot. That is all.


  1. Haha. they do have some good descriptions. I used to want to write for J. Peterman. Those descriptions were always hilarious.

  2. Wait, I know I live under a rock…are those woot-off things only available for one hour? What happened to the kodak printer? Waaaahhhh!!!

  3. Gaack! I thought I’d get something done today, but no! I must refresh constantly to see the next item. Oh pretty Mir, you are a bad influence today.

  4. Thank you for giving me another thing to do that is not work!

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